Russian Bias in 2024?

Shouldn’t be shooting anyone center mass at top tier regardless of round.

Always better to hit a weak point.

The first time in nearly a decade, yes.

1 year but okay. I suppose that could be a decade in video game time.

Does the Improved Chappie really count…

until that bug broke it, yes. I really enjoyed it at least.

Russian bias. I killed the Abrams loader crew and he still fired faster than me.

Checked it. 100% chaff. You right after you fired, he notched and spammed chaff.

Played everything. Type 10s, Type 90s, Leclercs, all are speed demons with machine-guns for 120s. Their greatest asset is their mobility (which is still gipped because their transmissions are not coded properly for the amount of acceleration they can produce), their small size, their gun handling, and their rounds, while not having the highest penetration, will still have enough penetration to harm the hulls of everything you encounter, short of some Chinese and Russian tanks.

That’s what everyone has been screaming at Gaijin for them to do, and they don’t do it. They acknowledged the turret ring issue on the M1A1 model now closing in on 5 months ago.

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No. You don’t. Only base sabots or HEAT gets stopped.

Upgraded sabots go right through.

Also, hydraulic system knocks out turret ring as if turret ring was shot. That doesn’t happen to you all in Leclercs.

How many times do I fire at a Swedish light tank and watch the shell APHE pass through from 30 meters? The whole soft skin thing has become a joke of late,no idea why.OK ,I get it we must use HE but come on. How many times can you bounce a shell of a Sherman MG port or an M10 mantlet ? I do laugh at the KV1 and T34 sometimes when they bounce four shots in a row but its not just the Russians if you play every nation as I do.
Maybe I was wrong to have voted against the new ballistics changes that were suggested.Either some vehicles have been buffed or I was blind to how bad APHE is now days.
I have said so many times that this game is in such a constant state of flux that it’s hard have any no confidence in it any more.You can play it on a Monday and be convinced something has changed on a Tuesday and it may well have done.No wonder we are riddled with conspiracy theories,which are either true or not.

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The last time the US got two (or more) SPAA in an update: Update 1.45 “Steel Generals,” released December 16, 2014.

The current date: October 1, 2024.

We’re literally just months from a decade between adding two US SPAA at once.

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that does not mean russian bias though does it. and yeah the abrams is fast as hell as well, with a 5 second reload to boot, 68 kmph, 2 slower than type 10, exluding reverse and 4 slower than leclerc, not like in comparisson to the chally 2s xd.

nah they just blow up as soon as the fuel goes off or aim to the right and wipe half the crew and take it out . the abrams has more frontal hull armour than the leclerc, i hate to break it to you. m829 standard APFSDS goes clean through the UFP of the leclerc :(
issue iwth abrams is but it can bounce off the UFP and go into the turret ring xD

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he means its been a year since the US got an spaa

Honestly I’ve only died to fuel explosions about 10 or 15 battles in Leclercs. Which I agree is questionable.

Do I want the Leclercs’ armor in turrets upgraded? Yes.

Will Gaijin? Probably not. Because classified. So they’re stuck in the matrix with Abrams and their RHA is given based on the Swedish trials.

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I thought we were talking about spaa being added. 2 in one update is a weird metric to go by.

I just wish we got more spaa in all of the nations. A dedicated spaa update would be great.

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Gotta love that nonsense everything is based off these Swedish trials.

I mean look at challanger 2, its widely considered as one of if not the most well defended mbt of its kind.

In game its mobility is hampered so bad it just loses all its speed when you turn slightly…

Its armour is essnetially useless, even had 2s38s.go through it somehow.

And its round is one of the worst at top tier.

Yah id like to see things made more realistic, however not to the point only 2 vehilces are made viable.

As it sits right now, most tanks that arent extemely mobile or have extemely good reloads are out of luck, the challanger 2 reload is at least fantastically good for a little bit.

Abrams is consistently faster though.

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K. The same can be said for every tech tree.
USA is getting new SPAA next major update regardless.

Russian bias so fricking big now. Evey noob out there playing russia instead of germany. Even, every tanks and planes best of their brs, still losing like crazy. So russia is the new germany now.