Russian bias, fact or fiction

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First clip I would argue it would be skill issue ? I’m not sure

But in the second clip , it seems a fragment of the dart hits the enemy tank and not the dart it self . I might be wrong though

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Hits the ammo rack, should blow up 🤔

I think you are right

Same question here,

Is gravity real or scientist are makeing fun with us?

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Just bad game mechanics

Imagine playing an FPS with a bolt-action sniper, you hit the enemy and it kills them 9/10 times but every other time it doesn’t and you get killed instead.
That’s WT.


I try my best to see if any ammo are hit . But no matter how slow or my pause game is , I’m seeing the carousel get hit . He might was lucky and didn’t hit any ammo while the carousel got hit ? I don’t know .

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Welcome to toptier)


First video- High angle, should’ve ricocheted TBH which means you had extremely low penetration after it went through.
Second shot was more of the same?

Second video- You hit roof armor, this occurs with all tanks in War Thunder, Tiger 1 and 2 are the easiest to miss the side armor and hit roof armor instead.

No bias; improve your shot placement in the future.

Armor isn’t a bad game mechanic…

Doesn’t occur in War Thunder, shots are deterministic.

The other day I shot a T-90M and did no damage with a side shot. Luckily, all he killed was my horizontal drive so i rotated the hull and shot him lol

In the first clip you can clearly see that the T90M was rather low on ammunition and only had the bottom of autoloader filled, and you only hit some shells with shrapnel, main round went above the rounds, hence only destroying the module. Possible that without the autoloader module more shrapnel would hit ammo causing it’s explosion, or that it still wouldn’t blow up, leaving the T90M fully operational pretty much.
Second clip is an unlucky shot, but it happens with all tanks regardless of nation, it more depends on armor layout (For example, a certain spot on the side of type90 also has that “feature”)
And no offence, but in both clips you’re playing the top dogs of ground battles, superior to russian MBTs, where only BVM is comparable.

Surely nothing strange ever happens with volumetric…

Alvis in any thread that criticizes War Thunder:
The game is perfectly balanced, there is no bias, everything is perfect and Gaijin can do nothing wrong.


I think 9/10 is being quite generous

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Complaining about russian bias while you are using leopards wont help your case much

Your words not mine.

Also that video isn’t volumetric, that video is damage screen/fragmentation issue from that specific shot that’d happen that way again.

Your post is protecting War Thunder by attacking the character of its critics.

There’s a 100% chance of ricochet at angles above a certain amount.
As for your questions, I don’t have the answers to all of them, neither do you.
All I know is rounds in War Thunder correctly ricochet when they hit roofs, which is why all my rounds that have ricocheted were my fault for aiming improperly.

Ammo explodes 100% of the time since the bug was fixed; a bug I personally never faced in random battles but saw evidence of from peoples’ video recordings.

Stop having posts with insults in them.
I get you see me criticizing War Thunder constantly, and there’s no need to claim it’s defending the game or bring it up.

That’s black ammo. That doesn’t change the fact that damaged ammo blows up whenever it feels like it.

And there are ricochet chances below 100%, which means it’s just luck.

Then stop defending WT by saying things that are not true.

And it’s not like it’s easy to make that kind of mistake. It’s just hilarious making a statement like that when the first thing you can do after opening WT is go to protection analysis and see how shells deal damage.

If it only was like that.

Then what is that? →

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I could be wrong though. Maybe they now only blow up when black. Explaining why Tiger II Hs don’t blow up reliably when penetrating their turret.
But then again, the damage from a shell is so random, that it’s basically a random occurange again, whether one round causes an ammo explosion or not.

The damage from the round itself from my experience is absolute.
On top of that, rounds being deterministic means they use a table.
The only thing I don’t know what happens is on the edge of penning; I don’t know what the game does and I haven’t heard a dataminer explain it.

All I know is if I ain’t penning it by a notable amount then any bounce means I was off my aim.
I hit roof armor, a part of the turret with double-stacked armor, etc.

I’ve had no nonsense bounces because the places I am are standard: UFP, LFP, ilder, side, turret, breach on tanks with a weak breach.
I don’t go for weird shots.

Now, you can use this statement of my preferences, experience, and knowledge any way you want.
You can use this to demand better of the game, or use it for yourself, or both.

Statements of fact, experience, and general preference aren’t defense or critique of the software in this case.