Russian bias, fact or fiction

No it’s not. It’s the case with all ammo because they produce random fragments and/or random spalling.


At best you get an approximation, where you can say: This shot will 100% kill the engine and the gunner but has a 50% chance to kill the driver and the loader.

Fragments aren’t the round itself, and spalling is armor pieces.
Which is why I specified the the round itself in every post I’ve ever made.

Yeah, so basically talking about something that doesn’t matter.

Honestly I have never really noticed that Russian tanks have any kind of advantage over the others.
For most BR lineups there are tech trees that perform better than the others, but 0.3 higher or lower and it’s another nation with the best vehicles.

British and French negative bias, on the other hand, is alive and well. There is a clear trend in that they often have vehicles with higher BR than they justify. Probably because these are tech trees that are rarely chosen by beginners and mostly used by players significantly better than average.


I feel like USA is eazy mode, i have the best time on usa br10.0 (air arcade)