Russian autoloaders need to be changed

Russian Bias confirmed. Autoloader DOES NOT DETONATE, NOR DOES THE FUEL TANKS.

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Autoloader acting as spall liner is crazy thing to happen, also can we get something to pen Kontakt from the front atleast and maybe Relikt too??

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No. You don’t need better rounds.

Why? Would it cause some people to cry because their holy armor is now getting penned easily like every tank in this game?

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Not relevant to the thread and terrible sarcasm and bait.

Autoloaders absorbing entire darts, especially multiple times in a row is BS. Acting as if it’s unreasonable to expect a thin sheet of metal to not absorb a round isn’t an unreasonable request.

Or should CV90’s absorb M829a2 as well? Same premise.

Edit: wait were you being serious dude? The responses after seem like you were being serious.

Get off the bongs, Leopard 2s are the top-dogs in ground.

I meant what i said, also it’s relevent.

T80s come second of course, also A3 is needed to deal with non-relikt tanks.

There is no relevance to asking for rounds to pen relikt and kontakt when I’m pointing out that thin metal autoloaders shouldn’t absorb top tier darts.

The only BS of Russian tanks is this aspect. Otherwise they have pretty good mitigating factors and it’s decently balanced. Even a t90m is quite balanced.

Only leo2a7s and Strv’s are completely unbalanced in this game.

Not to mention - penning the T80 and T90 is not the actual issue here. Topic is about post-pen damage.

That’s what i said, it shouldn’t happen at all, i guess i was intentional since they were easily killed in a single shot.

I guess if every other tank gets modelled correctly they wouldn’t be so powerful.

On the contrary, Britain and China are in need of more powerful munitions. Other MBTs are missing this or that, or require improvements in their engines and other specs (since they have not been implemented true to design). Be careful what you wish for.

What? If they get modeled correctly they would get more than powerful ammunition, armor buff…etc

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Don’t worry, I’m following the old adage now.

“If you can’t beat em, join em.”

So expect Strv’s and Leo’s to start getting nerfed in the next month or two, because once I get top tier they’ll nerf the advantages or level the playing field for the other nations and the point of me grinding them will have been for naught.

You’re welcome everyone.

Ammo had it’s weird moments even before autoloader module was introduced. Nowadays they won’t be able to reload until it’s repaired so it’s definitely a nerf to all of them.

Do you have issues with PL ?
I’ve grinded through like 1m RP seeing various T-series tanks and haven’t seen it happening all that often. Most egregious example was a T-72A eating two shells from two different engagements. I’ve actually had more issues with AMXs’ fuel tanks sending shells to the void.

Ammo bugs happen throughout the tiers and definitely aren’t just a USSR thing.

Even leopard 2A7 now are not model correctly missing huge value of armor and DM53 also not models correctly too
And seem people don’t want that here lol

Haven’t really had this issue much, nor have i experienced too much “fuel tanks” exploded when playing T series tanks myself, sure the Autoloader might eat a round but fuel tank explosions compensate a little for that, i do believe the fuel explosion mechanic does need some reworking tho, its a little too consistent killing.

I’ve been in the game for only going on about 2 years now I think or something. In that time, there was a bug where black ammo wouldn’t detonate, once they fixed that, my ammo not exploding problems went away. That was until the added the autoloader module and now where back to ammo not detonating. Even with multiple shots sometimes. It’s is simultaneously a nerf and a buff, a net zero addition if it stops working, but stopped working because it’s absorbing the dart to protect the ammo. Not being able to reload because it’s absorbed the dart is a buff, and you get a chance to drive off, fix and continue on. If you had a dart loaded when you were shot then you’re in a fine position to return for with ease. The nerf is if you’re trading and can see each other after already firing your shot. That’s my opinion anyways.

It saves me when I play USSR too, but I think it’s a BS mechanic either way, albeit much more appreciative when I’m the recipient of it lol

It is not a rare occurrence, it’s a daily thing with the most egregious examples being like I said. Where twice in one game I had a BVR eat 2 direct carousel shots with the 3rd blowing it up. Then rolling up on a t72 and doing the same and it not dying either. This is only something that happens with t series for me. Every other tank goes boom, and with Russia having the most t series by far, and at top tier where I play. It’s why I point to them.

I’m not sure what PL means so I can’t respond to that, but will respond to the second part that this is a daily occurrence for me. It is not rare, and both server and hit replays show it going exactly where the desired shot is supposed to go. It just doesn’t blow up, and I’m playing with 60 ping.

Where I shoot doesn’t normally hit fuel tanks, but again with t series it’s like 50/50 for me the odd times I don’t place the shot well and it’s a bit too far forward fuel tank eats it half and the other time it’s a kill shot by accident and fuel tank hands me the kill. I don’t have this problem with other nations to the point I can remember it. Just t series, and believe I’d love to point out more BS about Leo’s because I hate how OP they are and are allowed to exist with tanks objectively worse but are at the same BR. This isn’t a vendetta against USSR, I play them. My biggest problem is with how OP Leo’s are, t series and Russian ground is not OP.

I don’t play other tiers, 10.0 is the lowest I go and that only when grinding so I can’t/won’t speak on the rest, but at the tiers I play it’s a problematic(beneficial when I play them) aspect I only see with t series and not Chinese tanks that have the same carousel ammo array.

Sorry for the wall.

The fuel tanks are 50/50 for me but I don’t hit them enough to matter. If I’m hitting them it was normally a misplaced shot. As such, RNG is expected on my behalf for whether it works or not and not nearly as frustrating.

Catching a t series on a flank, repeatedly placing the perfect middle shot on a tank and it not dying however, is.

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Do you have a changelog where that bug was fixed ?
Ammo going black and not exploding is definitely not fixed, as I had a M48’s round disappear just a few days ago.

I also noticed that those things happen in “batches”.
For example, you get nothing in 20 engagements then in a single game you get screwed 2-3 times and then you continue to get nothing in the next 20.

Packet loss.

I’ve seen Chinese tanks eat shots like that as well, but you’ll obviously meet much less of them for obvious reasons.

In the recent months I’ve killed pretty much every T-series variant dozens of times and as I said, that T-72A incident was the most egregious one.