Russian autoloaders need to be changed

Give them the 6-6.5 second reloads, I do not care.

But this stupid autoloader eating rounds every game needs to stop.

Tonight’s game when I play against Russia it has been absurd how many games this has happened.

The straw was this most recent game where 2 tanks in one game had this happen, and one took 3 shots in the exact same place before detonating.

What could possibly have been different from the first to 3rd shot if I didn’t move the gun. Hit the carousel 3 times but only the 3rd blew it up?

This shit needs fixing. Autoloader module was a buff for Russia because all it means is if your autoloader went out, then your ammo didn’t explode which would have happened before.

China isn’t a recipient of this treatment, I can’t recall a single instance of this. You shoot a Chinese tank in the ammo they go boom, but Russia is a daily if not almost per game or every other game occurrence.


And Russian main said there are no handheld for them
And keep blaming Leopard
This is new one.


All I can say is I have a different experience facing Russian vehicles at top tier. Maybe it’s a ping issue with whatever server you play on, idk. But I genuinely do not get weird spalling bugs very often and especially not at a rate higher than other tanks.

I did get one tonight against a T-72B where the round passed through the autoloader and hit the engine somehow. Very frustrating but I’ve had worse BS happen on non Russian tanks.


Same. I have not noticed any difference from before and after the models.


My ping is 60, this has been an occurrence all over the world. I know I’ve had this conversation on the forum multiple times but what used to be an infrequent and annoying occurrence is not becoming a frequent and repetitive thing lately. 3 times in one game across 2 different tanks is just a bit much.

I just don’t see why it only happens to Russia. I really can’t recall a time when it has happened to a Chinese tank. Especially not enough to carry this opinion like I do on Russian ones.

I will be that Russian main.



fair enough lol

I’m gonna be the guy ARK just described and say “Aim better!” but heres advice:
On the T-80 Series, If I’m not mistaken the autoloader has one round right below the barrel at all times, always shoot around there.
On the T-72 Series (and including T-90s) Aim low, they have a stacked autoloader as opposed to the 80’s vertical.
This isn’t coming from a Russian main, but I have considerable time (80 matches) in the Swedish T-80U and a good bit more facing down T-72s and T-80s
Easiest way to differentiate T-80/72 if you can’t: T-72s are shorter and most T-80s have either a large spotlight or a large blank spot on the Right side of their turret (Left when staring at eachother)

Alternatively: headon aim for the left side of the LFP, in a side view shoot towards the driver. 9 times out of 10 you will destroy his fuel tanks, killing him


I wish this was an ‘add spall liners to Chinese top-tier tanks’ topic, because I’d be fully onboard.

This is quite key. People always going for the mid-vehicle shot directly towards the autoloader or what they think is the autoloader, but I if you aim forward more towards the driver you’ll have a better time.


It makes sense, that is where the first rounds in the autoloader are kept and it puts the round between all the crew.

Also, for tanks with Relikt bags, aim at the black tarp thing below the ERA panels if you fell like you’re having trouble penning the Relikt itself.


From the side aim between last and 2nd last bag. This is where centre of autoloader is.
I noticed when watching BPA_Jon he aims exactly around that area when shooting from side. This is also where both crew are lined up.

Nah, it’s probably gonna be correct in 2-3 years since the Russians caputured Leaopard 2A6 with it’s ammo and it’s a certan fact there gonna find how to use the insensitive properlants

Well it’s not correct now, and auto loaders dont absorb rounds lol.

funny that THAT cope was invent by Geman main. In the time that both Germany and Italy with the CL3143. Were lolpen everything. And Ru-tanks only have mango as main ammo.

While the Ammo not exploding on Russian tanks does happen, it is quite rare. It’s only happened to me maybe once or twice.

This is completely false though.

It is not quite rare lol it’s a daily occurrence. Twice in one game with 2 different tanks? Lol

… rare, sure thing.

What exactly do you call armor for your ammo btw, a nerf? Got it.

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Only Ariete had it in the past, because it was treated as glass cannon, which could be lolpenned by basically everything on the tier, it had and has poorly modelled armor including WAR kit, intended specifically to protect against KE shells, though in the game it makes it worse than Kontankt-1.

The armor was there before. The difference is that now you can lose the ability to reload.


I should have explain it better. At that time Germany got DM53 on L44 cannons. And like you said Italy was the one using CL.

For my its funny that German main seethe about the whole “aim better”. Right now its like retribution. Also since the creation of the game they are being Handheld. And justify it with thing like “German player are just better”.

Russian Bias confirmed. Autoloader DOES NOT DETONATE, NOR DOES THE FUEL TANKS.