What bugs are there in the T series that affects game play? A slow reverse speed is how the tank was designed, not a bug.
Given the current state of US player in general. The chance of they not crying about even more stuff is not high , probably as high as the chance of getting 279 or IS-7 from one of those gambling boxes gaijin release every season
I’m speaking only about bugs, not grievances. They cry because playing as US is not entertaining
They just fixed how darts operate so, no. Also spruce for the missing armor? (I’m glad you don’t believe anything other than SepV3 has spall liners)

What bugs are there in the T
Shells not explosion after being hit (apply to all tank in the game)
Armor not consistent all across the board (apply to all tank in the game)
Volumetric (apply to all tank in the game)
Fuel tank/track eating shell (apply to all tank in the game)
Ghost shell (apply to all tank in the game)
They don’t and I don’t think anything other than sep v3 and newer has DU in the hull either (that’s why I’ve advocated for NOT having the v3 in game)
Also spruce for the missing armor?
Model in game the Abrams is missing an additional cover behind the NERA sandwich plates First picture has the NERA backplate installed (NERA backplate seems to be 1.5" as that matches the upper turret plate in thickness) [1359030408_rgnlfeniaiy] Second photo does not have the NERA backplate but there is an additional plate here [52828ac4ecad04ad639f9e8d] As modeled in game [missing armor3] [missing armor] [missing armor2] Taking a wild guess here but the Nera back plate might be made t…
Also not to mention the detail model of Auto Loader was a mistake. While it is easier to disable a T series , the chance of those thing eating a whole shell is high. Gotta thank the community for this
I don’t know enough to say you’re not correct but most of those as you said are in relation to all tanks. Is the autoloader a problem even with partial ammo?

the autoloader a problem even with partial ammo?
Yes , the thing with the ammo not explode after being hit is the most noticeable on T series since you will be hitting their ammo 90% of the time. And they aren’t always kill the tank upon being hit and with Auto loader being modeled even more details now it can stop a shell and eat all the spalls , meaning full rack or not it doesn’t matter since the auto loader essentially kill the shell upon being hit. And the problem of shell not explode after being hit is a tale old as time considering the inconsistency of a lot of thing in the game.
I love a pebble destroying my whole auto loader.
The auto loader should be able to eat a decent bit.
They wont, Usa players are sadly the most vocal and the worst players in the game by far, as a nation with the best top tier by far to the point top tier air is Usa vs Usa and 3rd best top tier tanks, as well as a pretty good spaa and very good helis, they cry the most which is crazy
If it’s anything like a CNC machine carousel then I can see why it should break very easily. I imagine it is on a bearing with a motor at the center. If something wedges or deforms the metal it would be a problem.
Think of all the components needed to operate that. Hydraulics, computers, motors, sensors, etc. So much to go wrong
Again. Bro. Not once have I even remotely suggested in this thread that 90M / 80BVM don’t have other flaws relative to their peers at top tier.
My whole entire original comment that people keep quoting was focused solely and entirely on the subject of surviveability, I then respond to these, and then other people keep quote those responses with the ‘what about these other weaknesses’ stuff.
I don’t disagree with what you said, I’ve never suggested the opposite of what you said. I’m only in this thread to make the point that the Relikt bois are tough nuts to crack - more so than just about anything other than a 2A7 / 122.
They ruined my Sweden line up by dragging me down
For all i care gaijin should put all the US on the same team all of them so they can lose all they like without dragging other down plus nobody want them as teammate anyways.
I mean when half of them are playing the Clickbait and thus thinking they are invincible because they have a 80 dollar tank and Usa has the most military budget so its tanks are the best its pretty much over for your team if you have them, unless one of the finds the “spawn f15e” button and enemy doesnt have a pansir, then the game is over for the enemy

Abram still superior in term of gun handling and reload rate, higher pen dart is a big plus.
Why is the higher pen dart such a plus?
A 629mm dart can’t pen 720mm KE
But a 580mm dart can pen 370mm KE
The Abrams may have a higher pen than T-80BVM/90M, but it can’t pen either any more than it could with M829. Meanwhile, the Russian tanks slice through the Abrams’ non-existent armor like a hot knife through butter.
Also, why “better gun handling”? It only has better depression- the traverse speeds are superior in the Russian tanks (40°/s horizontal and vertical vs 40/20).

They got better mobility and gun handling iirc.
Not better gun handling- worse. Slower horizontal and vertical traverse speeds (40/40 vs 38/15).
People still claim the “gun handling” thing from the T-64 days… now Russian tanks literally have the best gun handling except for the depression.
Many tanks have 30/10, 35/20, 35/30 speeds while Russian tanks are some of the very few with 40/40 speeds, the highest possible among Top Tier MBTs…

But the 2A5/A6 got better mobility, gun handling and highest pen shell across the board
Same as with the Abrams; higher pen doesn’t make a difference against tanks with 720mm KE armors and same “gun handling” except for depression. They also got embarrassingly bad thermals because they are modelled as “1st Gen” even though their resolution should be closer to 2nd Gen.
Problem is, if they fix it, usa players will cry more.
Because it’s armor will not be any better
No one expects the turret ring to eat APFSDS shots- we merely expect it not to be a weakspot to 30mm autocanons, and it should also not be a weakspot for shells bouncing off the UFP (which should not even happen on the first place).

Given the current state of US player in general. The chance of they not crying about even more stuff is not high
Why is it that people ramble about “how badly ‘U.S players cry” on a thread literally called “Russian tanks suffer”…? This obsession over “U.S players” really is sickening. Always making everything about “au.S mains” because we dare point out legitimate concerns. (Also apparently every single person who dares to do so is a “U.S main” even if we play 8 nations).
Bmp can’t?
So lets go over this. This is the angle that it uses when vertical angle is turned off. This is NOT a realistic depiction of shooting in the game in post scenario unless you are playing idk, an HSTVL. A more accurate test would be with higher angle that makes sense for an engagement.
Which is this on a more even level as the last time I checked, a t80 is no 3 feet tall. Now to be fair I will take the same approach for both the t90M and BVM
Now if you look REALLLLLLY closely. There is much more penable area on the Abrams given an actual scenario. Please bother to understand the game and how the protection analysis works before making claims using it.
bonus image <3
I don’t know if the BMP3 can
I mean its funny to me how you show abrams upper frnt plate as pennable, meanwhile that can never happen because its a ricochet 100 percent of thee time