Russia Mbts completely destroyed by anything else

Its 3 gen

This should probably explain everything


That’s technically what happened here, the lower the kdr the more people can shit on them lol, like the bottom of the food chain where everybody can bully them and eat them. Then you have these apex predators like Necron and ARK_BOI who has >6.0 which is well exceeded the norms where they are completely immune to stat attack lol

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My bad, the point is that all others only have gen1 gunner thermals though.


All the Leo’s that you want to be on 11.3 are better then t80u and b3 by a mile

What makes the russian top tier line up so strong is it’s versaitility, you have something for every scenario.
The tanks itself are pretty balanced. You need to be somewhere fast ? BVM
you need some armor ? T90M
Scouting ? Sprut
Ran out of SP ? blyatsir
Then go in mi28/k52 or a plane

I don’t want them to move down. We have enough compression as it is, but if the 2A5 is 11.7, the 2A6 and PSO should be 12.0 and the 2A7V should be 12.3.

They are not on the same performance level, but share the same BR due to Gaijin’s reluctance to expand the BRs.

Well my experience playing Russia is they either stomb the enemy team so it’s hard to do anything
Or the game is over in a Matter of minutes because everyone overextended into the enemy spawn
And I get pushed by atlest 3 Enemy Tanks at once

The other thing is Russia is also a popular Starter nations so the players are bad
But still less bad than Abrams players which are the worst at top tier

I am coming to a T intersection and there is alot of gun and machine gun fire from the Right
And what does the Abrams player in Front of me do?
He turns LEFT without a care in the World and gets instantly deleted
Severe Facepalm headache

well im enjoying playing the 10.0 line up. sometimes the damage done to the enemy is almost non existent but i think thats a me issue with shot placement tbh. over all no real complaints except reverse speed… was reversing and a turtle passed me and had coffee and fresh baked donuts waiting for me when i got done reversing.

Israel, France, and until recently but not anymore Italy would like to have a word with you.

Only faster than the T-90M, and not by much; the gun is not missing much pen between the two; reload rate is not that big of a factor and you need Ace to have the 5 second reload; the reverse is not that big a deal; and all of the 11.3 and 11.7 Abrams are worse than all the current Russian 11.7 MBTs.

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yes it is

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lies, t80’s and t-90’s are overpowered.

meanwhile, the t1e1 laughs at the Russian MBT’s reverse speed

I mean idk maybe you are delusional, but even without a ace crew you get 5.5 sec reload which is 1 second faster then anything soviets has, so if he doesnt 1 shot you and cannot hide (since 4km reverse speed) he can J out since you reload faster unless you knocked out loader, max speed on abrams is 6 km faster then bvm, faster acciliration without mine protection, you have gotta be on another level of delusion to think that abrams is worse

So true, worst top tier shell, worst reload, worst reverse, terrible mobility on half of them average armour on half of them, yet they are op , so true king !

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LOL!! game suddenly became too hard for Russia when enemy has some level of frontal armor
doesn’t it?

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It takes several shots to kill them, yet the abrams get destroyed by a single hit from them, but they do have a bad reverse speed, ill admit that, btw check the x-ray view, and I’m sure you will see a buttload of internal armor.

faster acceleration only when its spaded

Skill issue, ltp

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