Russia borderline unplayable now

Contact the Russian Ministry Of Defense and tell them to move from the old soviet auto loader to an actual person loading the shells and move to Western technologie maybe that’s gonna fix the issue.

Theres no way these russian mains are complaining again i just played top tier russia won pretty much all the games and came top if you want to feel true suffering when it comes to speed and firepower go play Britain.


Welcome to literally every other nation.

Especially Britain with our barely 10.7 worthy MBTs at 11.7


Oh wait-

They cant afford it.



Shit going downhill untill it becomes 0.0000000000001

Uh no. The majority of Soviet/russian tanks autoloaders are hard to disable without hitting any ammo or both turret crew. This is a soft fix to autoloaders eating spall and ammo not exploding.

Just play to not get hit or shot at that’s what I do in the BVM.

I mean, you dont have a single USSR tank except BT-5 played. So you basically have no idea what are you talking about.

lol this is the best stuff I ever see
it just makes Russia a little bit harder, yet it instantly become unplayable
man, I can’t stop laughing life must be hard for Russian main