Russia borderline unplayable now

I mean both the t-72/t-80/t-90 use an upgraded t-34 engine. Tell Russia to stop being cheap

The TURMS-T is a piece of crap, and using it as an example is just disingenuous.
Don’t be shy, pick the T-72B3 or the T-90M versus the 2A7V. That is a much fairer comparison.

That is not the case.

My case is that the guy tells lies that those cheap ass crap tanks are faster than Leo2s - the most mobile tanks in game

That’s the Japanese Type 10/TKX.
They’re nowhere NEAR the most mobile tanks in the game. They’re average - for NATO/West standards.

they are though… Literally faster look at them

I’ve sumbled upon the most unhinged people here.
Ok then. Let’s pretend the T72s and T90s are more mobile than Leo2s

Let me just tell you, if they ever release some t72 or t90 that is as mobile as you claim, or EVEN as mobile as leo2, and they will price it for 25k GE - i’ll be first to buy it

Meet enemy Russian tank.
Have to aim carefully for a pixel wide weakspot in a split second in order to get the first shot.
Still 50/50 chance volumetric will make my shell go poof.
Only knocked out loader, ammo blacked out and disappeared.
Russian tank clicks on my NATO tank anywhere.
My breach gone. My turret ring gone. I am on fire. My engine gone. My gunner and commander gone.
40 second repair time.

Welcome to the club mate. No longer able to hold W until you get stopped by the wall of the spawn of your enemies? Good!

About damn time a tank series 1/3 smaller, 20 tons lighter compared to NATO MBT’s stopped being the ultimate WunderWaffle.


they arent as mobile I’ll agree, but you have the frontal armor that rivals Gajins love for money mixed with pure speed, due to its small stature and light weight. But again welcome to the team we all spend more time repairing than anything else.

i’m out

The entire LFP or area around breech/driver port aint pixel wide lmao. Meanwhile your only chance to kill Leo 2 without dying is hitting the pixel spot around breech to destroy it. Cause noone brings ammo in hull anymore and if you shoot there it kills just driver,engine and gunner,but they kill u with commander controls.


nice job editing out me saying they are faster… Because they literally are, okay my mistake the t90s are 1km slower my bad. but the t80s still are faster, and both accelerate faster than the leos

Not really a pixel I been penning and OHK leo2a7s all day by shooting just below their driver port. Skill does play a part.

Its even possible with 3BM60

both are honestly pretty similar, now lets get the rest of the nations mbts to this standard

Ah yes,the area where it bounces cause your T series is lower than the leo so the round just bounces upwards.

Also,the LFP of T basically sends it into space or destroys the autoloader while in Leo it only destroys engine and kill two crew.

Are we playing different games or what am I missing?
“Worst mobility”, that’s just laughable. Challangers and Merkavas are way less manouvrable. Period.
3BM60 isn’t the worst shell at all. Not even close. I don’t remember the Leclercs shell from the top of my head, but that one’s definitely the winner in this regard.
The autoloader keeps working while extinguishing fires, so there’s +1 advantage and has a constant reload time, no matter if the loader is injured or dead, so another +1 advantage.

you can pen it, do you not see the screenshot or are you just arguing to argue?

You need to tick the consider camera angle thing yknow. Angle of attack 80 deg,long rod APFSDS have bounce angles at 79,80,81 deg.

still the same.

Still a pixel spot with autobounce angle. Cant compare it to entire LFP if T-80/72/90 lol

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The French and Japanese autoloaders only got added this patch. However they sit with the ammo itself so any damage to the autoloader is basically death anyway.

Funny to see crying about soviet tree, with the most busted op lineup rn.
Maybe consider not running into everything like a headless chicken.