Ru-251 P2: The leopards smaller brother

SPz Ru-251 (P2)

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Boom and zoom… on the ground

The leopards smaller brother

In the early 1960s, Bundeswehr decided to replace the aging M-41 walker bulldog from their reconnaissance battalions with a more modern and capable light tank. In a series of developments and requirements, Hanomag, co-producer of the JPz 4-5 series of tank destroyers, came through with the Ru-251 design. They built two prototypes with minor differences in 1963 and 1964.

The tank was designed to be able to deal with the then modern Soviet armour, so they used a BK-90 cannon, a license built German variant of the American M1 cannon. Unlike its American counterpart, the BK90 had access to a HESH round as well, however since it was a low pressure cannon, it was not cleared for use with armour piercing rounds, at least in German service as far as available information states.

The Ru-251 was built upon the chassis of the JPz 4-5 aswell, although it had one more roadwheel on each side, however it featured a cast rotating turret. the overall design was inspired not from the M48, as some deduce from the turret similarity, but from the German Europanzer prototype.

In game, this can be a tech tree light tank with an actual cannon that Germany so needs at 7.3.


The Ru-251 light tank underwent extensive field trials just as the leopard 1 was entering production. Even though the vehicle itself was promising, the Bundeswehr decided against it, arguing about the cost (to no ones surprise) of operating two more or less similar types of vehicles. They eventually substituted the M41 bulldog with the Leopard 1 in reconnaissance battalions instead of the purpose built Ru-251.

Technical Specifications

Weight: 25.3 t
Engine: 650hp diesel Daimler-Benz MB-837 A
Top speed: over 75kmph
P/W: 25.69hp/t
Gearbox: two way transmission, 6 gears forward and 6 reverse
Suspension: Hydropneumatic

Main gun: BK90/L40 90mm cannon


  • DM-502 (HESH)
  • M431 (HEATFS)
  • M71 (HE)

Hull (front, side, rear): 25mm, 20mm, 8mm
Turret (front, side, rear): 20mm, 20mm, 20mm

Differences from P1

^P1----------------------------------------------------------------- ^P2

  • IR night lamp
  • Extendable (or taller) commander sight
  • only one handle bar on turret left and right side (as compared to three on P1)
  • slightly different smoke grenade launchers position?
  • track rubber is octagonal (as compared to square on P1)
  • no MG3
Extra info here

The main cannon, the BK90 is sometimes also called the Rheinmetall DM1, although i suspect it is more of a misnomer or a factory designation for the M1 cannon from the M48.

Visual References

Ru-251 P2 at a Munster Bundeswehr tank field, (not the museum)



Massive +1 for me

good find, Germany really needs a LT that’s not a foreign design


Perhaps a TT alternative to the premium Ru-251?


ive always liked the JPz 4-5 and what better to have than one with a turret?


it has stablizer?

afaik no it doesnt have stab.

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its good for tech tree, we only have m48 in battle rate 7.0 and df-105


Go, comrade. Another theme release


+1 pls do not make it another premium


Easy +1 Germany is always in dire need of light vehicles.

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Would be good as a TT or BP version of the RU


Yeh why not

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more photos
courtesy of the Bundeswehr and Koblenz

although these are of prototype 1 not 2

Screenshot 2024-11-22 212937
Screenshot 2024-11-22 212945



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+1 in main tree

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another rare picture of the Ru-251 (prototype 2 this time) at the munster proving grounds in winter, accompanied by an M48