US has a massive benefit from the .50s, so yeah it would be more balanced if it was working with the same rules as everyone else.
Most other nations don’t have AA weaponry other than AA to begin with so that seems fair enough to me.
Just have MGs fire forward as if a commander has a string attached to the trigger and is controlling it that way, as the way they currently operate is complete nonsense and even WITH an operator it doesn’t make sense to aim 90 degree upwards.
You are absolutely full of shit. “Most other nations not have AA weaponry other than AA to begin with.” Every nation has vehicles with top mounted MGs, Russia even has 12.7mm guns like the US. The British have tanks with their own 12.7mm guns. Not every vehicle has top mounted mgs, but that surely isn’t a reason to get rid of them for all the vehicles. What do you want Warthunder to be? A bunch of the same tank with the same features fighting each other? The game is so unbalanced because the US has 12.7mm top mounted guns even though every nation has vehicles with a 12.7mm HMG? Where do you even come up with ideas like this?
They might have a handful, US has them on everything, there is no comparing… you might find a single one for Germany from BR 1 to BR 7.
Russia maybe a handful of MGs, paired with their magical elevation of course as well.
Japan probably nothing until 6+ I believe, of course not the same elevation and Russia because reasons.
Italy maybe a few on US tanks it has.
The game is so unbalanced because the US has 12.7mm top mounted guns
It’s unbalanced when those MGs can disable exposed crew but in return there is no exposed crew operating the MG.
Just look at how useless the gunner is on the M18, it’s a massive liability and the only one actually working as it should.
Just don’t repair it then… clearly repairs are a necessary feature for gameplay, but you can chose not to repair if you prefer.
Ghost operated gunners are not necessary for gameplay.
Yea, it would be weird to see on the interwar to WW2 vehicles because they used MG34s, and MG42s. The Germans didn’t really use heavy caliber machine guns during WW2. The US liked the .50 cal, and put it on everything. That is the difference between nations in making war material.
Even coaxial machine guns can disable exposed crew. Crewmembers tend to be quite allergic to bullets. So should we get rid of coaxial machine guns too? If you try to get rid of every unique feature vehicles have you are going to end up with World of Tanks where machine guns don’t exist and crewmembers don’t matter.
You realise the M18 is open topped and all of the turret crew are exposed right? That is different than programming the commander to pop in and out of the tank to use the guns. So now you want to be able to toggle your commander to button up or not? Oh wait that means if you get an HE shell while the commander is out then the vehicle gets overpressured. Things that make no sense for 100 please.
Yea, it would be weird to see on the interwar to WW2 vehicles because they used MG34s, and MG42s. The Germans didn’t really use heavy caliber machine guns during WW2. The US liked the .50 cal, and put it on everything. That is the difference between nations in making war material.
They liked .50s and recruiting the ghosts of the fallen then to operate them.
So should we get rid of coaxial machine guns too?
No, because there is actually someone operating it.
You are legitimately trying to make the game worse. And if I remember right, aren’t you against CAS in ground battles? This will make the CAS problem worse. Stop trying to actively sabotage the game and remove features.
Plus Warthunder isn’t even realistic because you, a single person, can control a tank requiring 2 to 12 crewmembers. Makes perfect sense. You should have to toggle between crew to drive/fire/load/scout. Let’s see how fun that would be.
I mean that’s how MGs work right? Otherwise they should only be able to fire forward along with the direction the turret is facing, and not rotate and elevate.
I’m not against CAS in ground battles, it’s a pointless discussion because they will never be removed, the current implementation is just atrocious, doesn’t mean we need to have bad features compromised with more bad features. CAS is a separate problem.
Plus Warthunder isn’t even realistic because you, a single person, can control a tank requiring 2 to 12 crewmembers. Makes perfect sense. You should have to toggle between crew to drive/fire/load/scout. Let’s see how fun that would be.
Yeah it’s so unrealistic, you don’t even own a tank, you should have to buy a tank yourself and then actually go to war in it.
This is what makes shit you say absoluetly asinine. It’s fine to control the actions of 5 different people in tandem at the same time, but a rooftop mg being operated with noone outside of it is too much? You’re wanting infantry game level accuracy in a game with no infantry. It makes no sense to model that into every tank with 1 MG for the commander, let alone for the vehicles with multiple rooftop mgs.
This is what makes shit you say absoluetly asinine. It’s fine to control the actions of 5 different people in tandem at the same time, but a rooftop mg being operated with noone outside of it is too much?
How is this even the same argument? ‘‘Oh, controlling a person in a videogame is unrealistic’’ because that isn’t almost every videogame ever.
And not as unrealistic as controlling an inanimate object at least.
You don’t control a singular person in any vehicle in ground battles. That makes it different from infantry games like COD.
What does removing the MGs improve? Realism? Because Warthunder isn’t realistic in every single aspect. It won’t help balance anything because many vehicles will lose operability. It doesn’t make sense to implement because it would have to be a toggleable thing because of in game features that would have a negative effect on vehicles with an open hatch, aka overpressure. Noone sits on top of a closed up tank to use the MG, so modeling an extra crewmember outside as an extra doesn’t make sense.