Well, I feel like this now has a higher probability sometime in the future as with the f117 coming, The B1 would be much more capable than the f117 in most roles. Still unlikely though with the current set up of air battles but only time well tell.
Heck yeah! +1! Question, how fast is it?
Mach 1.2 at altitude. Only the B-1A (original prototype variant of the aircraft) could go Mach 2.0+.
Hopefully the B-1A becomes an event vehicle.
You have no idea just how happy I’d be with that lol
So would I. It would be the perfect event vehicle. Who knows even a very well crafted battlepass with it as the max reward would be amazing (just like the He-177 A/3 from the previous one). If they gave us some profiles for the test pilots, a smaller completely different aircraft variant or tank from the similar time period as the B-1A with decals for the test squadron and the camouflage for an inservice what if for the B-1A it would be amazing!
Alternatively, we could just get a skin for the desert camo B-1A (4th prototype, iirc).
I mostly just want it because it popped up in the Area 88 manga lol (I say this a lot)
I love that bomber. the problem is even if gaijin add that bomber will be at BR 11.7 :/
I just don’t see this thing perform in a fun way in the game. I’d rather see the ultra large propeller/jet bombers the usa had
modern bomber = modern weapons, and a LOT of them
for example, can carry up to 144 GBU-39, if they add the laser+GPS one, it will be very good at wiping multiple convoys in sim
also can carry 24 JASSM-ER cruise missiles should they come
so… a defenseless rp pinata unly intended for people to abuse it in sim?
they have very potent ECM systems and tons of countermeasures for self protection, and personally i am hoping they decide to put GBU-53 on it so it can carry 144 of those instead of SDB 1’s, so itll be good for ground RB
as for what exactly it has for defence, it has possibly the biggest flares in the world (3.3lb each, and 96 of them), towed decoy, PD MAWS, RCS comparable to a small fighter
you have to remember, these are very valuable strategic bombers and have possibly the most comprehensive set of defensive countermeasures in the world
cool. So they are also just annoying
I am not sure that this thread and the recent posts deals correctly with irl capabilities of the aircraft and how it would fit in the current wt meta.
The B-1B is a beautiful aircraft - but it is nothing more than a carrier for stand-off weapons (ALCMs) / conventional bomber for asymmetric warfare as the concept of a strategic bomber is connected to add flexibility to the nuclear strike capability of ICBMs and SLBMs.
So even if we assume that the New START treaty (google it) is basically not longer binding and the remaining B-1Bs could be (or are) re-equipped with the capacity to launch nuclear ALCMs - the aircraft is (like every other aircraft) unable to penetrate contested airspace if they have to fight vs enemies with state-of-the-art air defenses.
I mean if i read this:
This is factually true - but being able to use them assumes that wt is willing or able to offer game modes which offers asymmetrical warfare - which is the polite version of saying bombing guys in sandals with AK-47s.
So as long as gaijin does not change their approach (equally balanced lobbies with similar capabilities) the aircraft has no chance to survive in the popular modes Air AB and Air RB.
The number of countermeasures plays no role - that’s why fighters still have guns.
So imho this quote nails it quite accurately:
they will work well against sim convoys and ground targets
the countermeasures and ECM at least force fighters to have to go in closer, extending your lifetime.
id hope its playable, but B-1 wouldnt be a bad AI airplane as well
depends on armament
It doesn’t. Dumb bombs would be the highest BR as that’s the largest bomb load, which is 10.3 capable.
Especially since players would bring 1 - 2 base loadouts for speed advantage.
it can carry 24 long range cruise missiles, or 144 small GPS guided munitions
Which does not matter for air modes, and is a meme in ground as they’re GPS guided.
GPS guided stuff is effective in sim?
and cruise missiles would NOT be a meme in ground as they have IIR terminal guidance