RNG artillery is just bad

Yes that’s my point. I would prefer less RNG in my PVP game.

Maybe just kill the vehicle yourself instead of relying on artillery, it’s a dumb mechanic to begin with.

Maybe remove artillery entirely then. If it’s in the game it has a purpose. Currently its purpose is to punish stationary targets. I do not enjoy how RNG this system is.

Just being in the game doesn’t mean it has a purpose, not a good one at least.
And yeah, remove artillery then.

Then it should be removed as something purposeless is a waste of storage on my hard drive.

I’m down for that.
I’ve long suggested other features to replace artillery with rather than an artillery option that you have to do nothing for to obtain that just seems to exist to make the game feel more chaotic.

when used correctly, artillery is effective…

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It is a bit RNG, but thats fine. If you buff it, it’ll become way too good, and unbalanced, and it would make tanks that can’t use it less desirable.

It shouldn’t give you a free kill or 2, it’s still good against light tanks, and it can get kills if used in the right spot against the the right tanks.

I think of arty as a deterrent rather than a full weapon.

You can get quite good with it but also you can buff crews to be better with it. Its just a way of getting the odd extra kill if you can be bothered and as I watch replays, I see many are not.

great, it should stay that way

You just described CAS

Which is bad enough as it is as well, especially since the costs are so low now and the repaircosts reduced that everyone just suicide bombs which ensures the kill and enough SP to respawn with no downsides.


Because if it is a guaranteed kill, or nearly guaranteed, it would be super OP.

Its fine as it is. Its a good tool to get a camper to move so you can shoot them

The smoke could do with being changed colour, like blue v red, or differnt colours for differnt nations, like britian could be green. Or for night battles have illumination flares

more than half the game mechanics is now RNG. Missiles are RNG, flares are RNG, gun damage is RNG, structural fatigue (wings/flaps ripping) is rng, shrapnel is rng.

It’s no longer skill based, but luck based. It no longer matters if you can hit 1km trickshots on the mig17, you’re going to get a hit most of the time. It doesn’t matter if you know how to access the little vent on Maus’ butt, it won’t pen enough. It no longer matters if you manage to launch a sparrow at the incoming aim54, the sparrow detonating near it might not have enough shrapnel and the aim54 will eventually strike one of your teammates.