Rheinmetall 130 mm Demonstrator - Future Tanknology

quote me where i said germany wanted or needs this vehicle.

I am only talking about the cannon itself. And the test of it being relvant and being an advertisement for germany as well to prove its capability /possibility


Right in that paragraph

we are talking about the 130mm cannon genius

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And what is the thread for?

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here you go

You’ve got it!

yes, i showed that the rheinmetall 130mm can be added just as much to both uk and germany
no where did i say germany wanted the chally itself:
Its purely out of convenience it has been done to a challenger

So this suggestion about the Challenger 130 for Germany (for some reason) is now a thread about the 130mm cannon? Yeah that makes sense

i explained the reasoning behind the existence of the 130mm challenger

Its just a fact that the challenger 130 might only be germanys most reliable option
Because since then italy ordered KF51s as well and gajin might decided to make the kf51 series italy tree exclusive. Because those might come into service while this challenger wont be

Leopard 140. Pz.87.

not german, until proven switzerland is gonna be a german sub tree thats less likely then the challenger 130

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To be fair, the Pz87 140 is still a Leopard so the chance is still high, even if they dont add a swiss subtree for germany

depends who you ask, there is the switzerland should go to france as another sub tree faction or the swiss/alpine standalone tree faction as well.
Even if i highly doubt alpine after the benelux implementation not being stand alone

Why are larger calibres even needed? DM73 can still be added if firepower is the problem. Besides, larger calibre guns would just mean everyone would lolpen everyone at any angle at any range except maybe some parts of the turret cheeks, which wouldn’t be fun in the slightest gameplay wise.

Object 292, gajin already opened that can of worms and with russia of course as well
That is the reason simple as that

And it’s quite mid because of it’s lacking FCS and armour, but if modern tanks get the same firepower then toptier is going to become an even bigger shitfest than it is right now.

doesnt matter the doors to hell have been opened

I dont understand, people are talking like 292 is the fisrt thing with big caliber APFSDS, and MBT-70 is just sitting there.

The difference is that its APFSDS is VERY short

Never said it isnt.