Rework on Top Tier Ground Packs: following the example of the "Two Fronts Pack"!

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  • No, better keep them the way they are
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The “Two Fronts Pack” has set a potential incredible precedent for Ground packs; instead of being only one vehicle, it’s three of them- one of them being an SPAA!

Now- it is well known within the community that, currently, Ground Top Tier packs pose, primarily, two large issues to the game, its players and even the very customers purchasing them;

1- One-death leaving. Players purchasing these packs possess only 1 vehicle with which they are suppossed to grind an entire tree. After the initial backups run out… their only option is to spawn only once per match, being detrimental both for their own gameplay experience and grind, and that of their teammates.

2- Low value for the price tag. Most would agree that spending +70€ on a single vehicle is not… good value. Some would even deem them to be predatory.

However, packs like “Two Fronts Pack” solve all issues, all just with a reskin of the main vehicle and an also reskinned SPAA from the tech tree!

Now let’s translate this concept to Top Tier Packs, and you obtain things like:

1- United States:
-M1A1 HC “Click-Bait”.
-M1A1 HC “Atomic Blonde”.
-ADATS (with camouflage nets and sand bags, for example).

2- Germany:
-Leopard 2A4M CAN (camouflage net)
-Leopard 2A4M CAN (without camouflage net)
-FlaRakRad (with historical testbed camouflage)


Of course, these would come without an increase in price tag, since the whole purpose is to make current packs be actually worth their current price tags, and all prior owners of these packs would receive the additional vehicles retrospectively.

I am convinced that this change would be beneficial for everyone; Gaijin as a company (sales would most definitely skyrocket with little further investment on the packs, since all new additions would solely consist of reskinned copy-pastes and not new vehicles that would require any development), the customers (receiving better value for the price tags and having better tools to grind and play), their teammates (no longer having to suffer one-death leaving teammates) and, therefore, War Thunder as a whole as a game.

Let me know your thoughts, and, if you find this agreeable, make sure to like the post, share it, and comment on it! The more engagement, the better chances there will be for Gaijin to consider this approach.


100% yes

This would actually make these top-tier premium packs worth their price tag

I think one aspect that is overlooked is pricing of Air packs vs Ground packs

Ground vehicles are sold at the same price as air vehicles (for their respective tiers), not taking into account that one require lineups and the other doesn’t.

That’s why I agree with you, either the ground vehicle has to cost less or it has to come as a lineup.

The lineup option is probably best


Spanish, I’m going to be frank. One of the best parts of the Two Front pack was that it was trying to mirror real life. So one of your proposals is a real pain (as neither vehicle ever served with each other) namely the German one.

You’re suggesting that the Canadian Leo should be paired with a German SPAA, both of which never saw service each other as neither nation has the other vehicle in service.

The CAN Leo only makes sense with the ADATS(M113) or the Multi-Mission Effects Vehicle being the historic SPAAs it would/could have served with.

So how I’d fix that is changing the Leos to German ones so they fit better, as they would all be vehicles they served with.

Making the idea for the Ger pack it what made the Tigers pack hit(at least for me), trying to mirror historic setups, you know with all the logs and being all the same operator nation.


This was Gaijin’s doing however you feel about it and cannot be undone now

I don’t believe technicalities like this should stand in the way of (probably) the solution to 1-death leaving

I would say its more of a example with Vehicles currently ingame for that nation instead of a proposal.

Of course it makes much more sense to put vehicles togheter who served togheter, and i prefer this, but it will not always be possible to do this.

But iam 100% for this idea and i hope we could see this for lower tiers aswell (i want palm camo net for my chi has like in BF V)



I’d rather see 1DL than see things sold together that never should be together because they were never together in any shape or form in RL.

I mean… it’s not like Ostwind II ever saw action along with Tigers, or action at all on the first place, hahah.

Besides, FlaRakRad was an example to keep the German tree true to itself instead of getting another trees’ vehicles, but point would still stand with an ADATS I guess.

That’s hardly the point, it was just an example, hahah.

Hence why I said, “tries to mirror real life”. And at least it’s both German well your top-tier example is a Canadian vehicle and a German vehicle. Canadian+German dose does not keep the German tree true just do to the fact the one vehicle is Canadian over the German+German the tiger pack is.

The simple fact is it’s unusable for anything for a one-off premium(as of right now) as the ADATS is in the UK tree(where it belongs most right now and has been for years) or you support the idea the Canadians and those interested in Canadian vehicles should be walked all over(and an afterthought for additions for vehicles with that flag) that Gaijin thinks is a good thing.

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Well… I don’t find a German and a Canadian vehicle being together too distracting since NATO countries always work together in coalitions, so the notion of a German and a Canadian vehicle together doesn’t break my suspension of disbelief, hahah. Specially not when teams of a match consist of up to 8 nations each time anyway.

I wouldn’t mind if the pack came with an ADATS instead, I can see your logic; however that would be yet another step to the “every tree has every other trees’ vehicles” way and I am not sure I am a fan of that.

I think it could be undone, they just won’t in all likelihood. Now we have situations where Canadians are annoyed with the game as a whole because they can’t play the 2A4M and ADATS together, or Australians are annoyed because they can’t play the F-111C and M1A1 AIM together. Aren’t happy customers, spending customers?


If they can replace the CV90105 then they can replace the 2A4M CAN with an equivalent. Honestly they could’ve made it the PSO because they’re so similar.


I don’t mind the pack idea though, and am still in shock they released a premium SPAA. They should target thin lineups. 5.7 Germany didn’t need more, although it was probably a good seller.
These packs could give us duplicates of tanks with visual differences to fill lineups that still only have two or three tanks at most.

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The issue is Germany is the last nation Canada would be in a colation with, and it would be the UK than the US, BeNeLux etc. with Germany being near the bottom.

So as a Canadian, it very much breaks my suspensions of disbelief being in a setup my nation would never be in. Something non-Canadians find hard to accept. Because despite how the weapons have changed Canada’s position in an alliance hasn’t, still being one of thee closest nations to the UK, and would still be beside/surrounded by them in a modern-day D-day.

It would make more sense for the Leo to join the ADATS in the UK tree than for the ADATS to come to Germany. See the point above.

I think German 5.7’s pack has been a great addition!

I always liked Tiger H1, but… honestly, I always felt like it was too solitary, and I never found the 5.7 lineup to be too great leaving aside this lone tank.

I always felt that this legendary tank was underrepresented; too solitary and without a decently sized lineup of equal vehicles (only other 5.7 being Panzer IV/70, the rest, a 5.3 and 5.0s). Once you died with your one Tiger, 90% of the whole point and fun of the lineup was lost, in my opinion.

With this pack, now I have a true 5.7 lineup, primarily comprised of that ONE tank that I actually love playing down there, the Tiger.

“two tanks, one SPAA” is absolutely the model that should go forward for packs, yep.


I mean Germany did have a good 5.7 line-up but then one of the BR changes up ended that. (unless I’m misremembering and it was 5.3)

Before some of the issues that pushed me away from Germany, I spent forever around there. Tho I guess I did have some premium, namely the Porsche Tiger and later the Sturmtiger

My agreement: Yes giving people full lineups is very good and this adds value for the extreme price tags.
My disagreement: This will end up upsetting game balance by making lineups far stronger if you pay money.

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War thunder is extremely, extremely far removed from irl in many regards. I don’t see this as an issue.

How has everyone missed I was (primarily) talking about the looks! (the same operator nations just made it better and in my opinion more fitting.).

The fact that it mirrors images like these where the vehicles are covered in stuff is one of the best parts.



It’s honestly a good idea but I highly doubt Gaijin will start selling three top tier vehicles at a price of one.

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