Return Of Removed German tanks for possible event!

Recently, for those who don’t know. For those who use TikTok, A user named @Astro, Released a video where he spoke to one of his friends about the Tiger II 10.5, He had been halfway researching it at the time, before Gaijin removed it in 2019, Therefore he was unable to obtain it, so he filed a request to Gaijin to see if he could get it back. Gaijin Denied his request, however, they said in the statement below, “Stay Tuned for Future events Because it may return for a Future event,” This was message was sent on May 2nd, 2024. Could Gaijin be bringing the Big German Boys back? If so this will by far be their greatest move of all time!


From 2019 to 2024 you got time, probably maybe in some commemorative event like Gaijin’s or War Thunder’s anniversary or something related to the vehicle, like anniversary of the vehicle in question.

Who knows?

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I wouldn’t hold my breath, wouldn’t make sense for them to bring them back anyway, they’re not real vehicles.

Spoiler, they wont come back… its just a copy and past Answer from the support because they most likely have no clue

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I mean they could if they really want.

It’s not like in the past updates so far the developers are still adding controversial vehicles afterwards which contradicts their original “No fake/paper/unhistorical vehicle rule.” after they removed the German paper tanks. (Ex: Kronstadt, Ostwind II, F-16AJ). Even the Swedish Emil Kragvagn and Japanese O-I heavy tank got passed for consideration early this year.

I can see though that this may receive a lot of backlash from the community especially by veteran and The Old Guard players who are probably going to get a little pissed off their fake removed tanks are no longer ‘rare’ and now everyone can spam out the Panther II/Flakpanther 341/ Tiger 10.5cm in battle. Some players even purposely sell their WT accounts to others so they can have access to these specific vehicles in the first place LOL.


To be Fair I’ve been playing since 2014, but I never had a chance to obtain them, sure it can be upsetting for the other veteran players, but how does that offer opportunity for new Players? originally the average player count was under 20,000 before 2019, now that its 2024, that number is way over 60,000, we reached a milestone last year of 200,000, every day its growing a little bit, and it could offer a really special opportunity for everyone, sure you have something rare and don’t want to lose the value, but still it would be great for other people to get an opportunity to get something rare back.

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Gaijin’s response is actually no more than “free beer tomorrow”.

You can not say that Gajin would not bring in fake tanks because they have the Ho-Ri which based off their standards and how they removed the maus.e-100,Panther 2, and Tiger 2 10.5cm then they should remove the Ho-ri because if the Maus and E-100 can’t be in the TT when they where actually made 1 with a production ready model and the other with a Production tank.

This is a poor example because unlike for Germany, with Japan, they either receive the Ho-Ri and the likes, or nothing. Same with Sweden and the Kranvan or whatever the heavy tank is.

Germany, on the other hand, has lots of other options that could be added at the BRs. With exception of the Maus, the removal of vehicles because they are ahistorical is valid, since they have other vehicles that ARE historical that they can add instead. Again, unlike Japan, or Sweden. Which still need the vehicles but don’t have many options to fill the gap.


I should have Finished what I was saying by they can bring the “fake German” tanks back for an event.

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I would love to see this, but it also reaks of a standard response that doesn’t actually hold weight for what is coming.

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He had been halfway researching it at the time, before Gaijin removed it in 2019, Therefore he was unable to obtain it

I’m fairly sure that’s false. If you had started researching any of the removed vehicles, you were still able to complete that research after.

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Article: [Development] Changes and optimization in the German tech-tree - News - War Thunder

TL;DR: No.


Kinda a bad example with Krony, since if I remember correctly gaijin said ships follow a different set of rules than tanks/planes

Hence why we have Z46/47, Scherbakov, Kronstadt, etc

(And F-16AJ is in game since Japan really needed/needs it, and it’s not like it’s entirely fictional either, just another trial vehicle more or less in my eyes)

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but then it comes to the question, should the Ry2y kai’s be removed? they didn’t exist in the form they are in game and the V2 and V3 Never existed and their still here? doesn’t make any sense, why can’t we just not remove vehicles from the game? seriously, with it becoming more and more user friendly, gotta make a fair way to get this stuff back.


They will be, this is already known.
They exist still because they are from a different time of the game and fill a gap.
When it’s filled they will be gone, much like the 105 king tiger, panther II and Coelian.


There could be a small misunderstanding here, but you shouldn’t lose the chance to research the tank if you had some RP put into it. He may have been “halfway through the tech tree”, but certainly not in the process of researching it.

The R2Y2s are on the chopping block, most likely when the Thai tree is added.

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Its been 2 years since that statement was made, it would make more sense if they kept them, and they already have, their not going anywhere


Because there isn’t a proper replacement ready for them. But they should be removed as they are entirely fiction. I include in this the Ho-Ri Production.

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But why in the first place? who cares if it existed or not, this game has at least 3000, vehicles, and there are dedicated players to collecting, some of them joined just recently, you have to think about these things, some guy will go to their local high school or college or job, who’s been playing for years, tells their friend about this game and say *“Have you heard of War Thunder?”*and show them one of these vehicles that they own, so this other person is interested and says “YEAH! I’LL JOIN” so they play the game for a while and see the vehicle and want it, But they can’t get it, even then some of these newer players want to get these vehicles, they have the money or the time, and will do everything they can to get them. To hear someone say “oh they should be removed because it makes it less rare and it’s not historically accurate” is a stupid and selfish argument, there is a reason we clown on World Of Tanks, and it’s because we got with the program of adding lots of Rare and Diverse vehicles, and not just tanks, Planes, helicopters and Battleships, I know a lot of people are sick of copy and paste vehicles, I certainly am, And what about the millions of RP that we have that we can’t use? like when people look at War Thunder and say they should be removed, you are in a minority of over close to 13 million players, we want what the majority wants. At least Fortnite got with the Program, by bringing back skins to the shop that haven’t been seen in 5 years.