Restrictions on Receiving Full Uptier Matches

As BR decompression and optimization of matchmaker are supposedly complicated, and no meaningful changes can be seen, there should be a straightforward solution to salvage the current matchmaking state.

In a given time period, there should be a maximum cap on how much full uptier games a player receives. For example, no more than 30% full uptiers in every 10 games. Your matches would be divided into cycles of 10 games. If the system detects that you have reached 3 full uptiers within a cycle, then the remaining games of that cycle are guaranteed to be downtiers or parcial uptiers. At the end of each cycle the counter resets for another round. Details can be further discussed, but the idea of restricting full uptiers stand.

And don’t use queue time as an excuse for objection. This topic was written at 11 pm on Tuesday, and EUW server has 97K players online with 2000 active battles. You can get in a match of whatever BR bracket within 20 seconds for Ground and Air RB. If anything, just make this option a toggle, like joining already-started games, night battles, and smaller lobbey for Air RB.


Yea this does not have any unforeseen consequences at all.
Push it live

There are only few vehicles which severly underperform in an event of a full uptier… It’s mostly players who can’t adjust their playstyle to the new reality.

Uptiers also allow you to gain more SL and probably more RP.

IMHO bigger problem is matchmaking where one team is severly overperforming, while other team usually gets pushed to spawn within first few minutes of the game, but that is also player issue with no fix other than having matchmaker considering skill of the players.


I would love a BR restriction. Right now if I spawn BR9.0 Leopard 1, I face much powerful BR10 tanks.
I think it would be better instead having BR+1 a more convenient BR+0.5

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Tankers don’t know how matchmaking works. As usual.


Care to elaborate?

Dude saying that matchmaking must work as a probability - 33% for downtier, your br, uptier. But it’s delusional.

Yup have Fun fighting with Kfir Canard with 2 AIM-9G vs F-14A with 6 ARH/SARH + 2 AIM-9H

Some sort of pity mechanic would be nice. X games at bottom tier means next game is guaranteed top tier etc.

I swear WoT had it at some point.

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It’s because of guys like you that the MM is the way it is.
Mig 19 of 9.3 dragged towards 10.0 in 9 out of 10 starts.
If you get knocked down you win nothing, you will be very good and enjoy the continuous handicap. The rest NO.

The problem of unbalanced Teams has no solution. Being continuously the shit of the game can be fixed as the partner says.

So is every other flareless jet, yet players get kills in them, facing A-10s or Su-25s with all aspect missiles. It’s way you play your plane that affects how effective it is, not the plane itself, at least to the most part. You got subsonic jet in battle against supersonics? Don’t bother attacking them, pick something that’s subsonic just like you. You don’t have flares? Don’t frontally approach enemies, work your way around and attack when they are not focused on you. In extreme cases when your plane really can’t do much against other team, go for ground targets and AI jets, these still give points.

I don’t like it because I hate being uptiered myself, but I adjust my playstyle to the situation rather than enforce single playstyle on every plane and every match. I take the challenge rather than trying to change the rules. I might not be getting 3-5 kills every match, but I rarely go down without any points at all.

That’s your opinion, but no one is asking for an advantage.
People don’t want to be other people’s food at such a high percentage. You’re missing that part.

In your answer you even acknowledge that in some scenarios your aircraft can only go after the AI.

Of course, because there is no reason hiding that. To this moment I simply am unable to make any performance in Yak-38, but do I argue about it being buffed in any way? No, I just accept the fact that maybe I have not found a way to play it and move on to something that’s easier to use for me.

Yeah, it’s my opinion. However you cannot expect to have each game be good where you make kills.

You know, I noticed that if you get uptiers mostly on one day, you usually get downtiers the next day, but humans tend to remember bad things that happen to them while dismissing the good things.

Current system is pretty fair, however I do agree that frequent uptiers are annoying. Having +/- 1.0BR variation in a match gives fair opportunity to everyone, without giving huge advantage or disadvantage, gameplay is still bearable at worst. What is problematic, are certain vehicles which either under or overperform, but there is no other fine BR spot for them, or they are new, yet unbalanced, latest additions to the game.

I was always for making the spread smaler to ±0.7
But no they dont want that, i mean they could atleast have it trialed

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I understand your point, but it is not perception. I have written down with pencil and paper many times the uptier.
Having almost perpetually at least 4 guys on top makes you play defensively. The top tier many times instead of going for their peers, they look for the lower level ones. It’s sad but that’s WT.

I go back to the mig19 that I am playing. It’s amazing how many F8U, hunters and other fauna rub their hands together as soon as they see you.

Moreover, this system reduces the variety! I practically never face 8.3.

You’re right that you can always fight and take advantage of your strengths, but it’s tiring to always have to be with worse missiles and without flares.

Introducing that after 3 uptier force a game of your level would be a solution without touching the +1-1 that I see more detrimental.

Imho you try to cure a disease by fighting the symptoms instead of the root cause of the disease.

From a purely logical pov the main driver of your post looks like that you are not happy with full uptiers and you want to reduce them to a certain amount.

There is just one logical explanation for this:

You can’t close the technological gap between your vehicle and your opponent 1.0 BR higher than you with with experience and gaijin’s claim that BRs are set in this way that every vehicle has a realistic fighting chance vs a full uptier opponent is nothing more than a fairy tale.

In other words: The fun dies when you have no realistic fighting chance vs a full uptier opponent in the same vehicle class.

So instead of limiting full uptiers a better solution would be closing the tech gap by adjusting BRs to a level at which an experienced player has an actual realistic fighting chance vs an average player in a full uptier vehicle of the same class. Reducing a full uptier from 1.0 to 0.7 might be a first step in the right direction.

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I would say more BR decompression is better solution, as it was done recently. It helped A LOT in terms of playability on certain aircraft.

Maybe full-uptier could be a variable as you go up in BRs?

Like - propeller tiers have the 1.0 BR variance, korean jets+ only 0.7 and so forth since the pilot skill vs technology gap changes with more powerful technology.

I like the idea in general - but if i compare the performance of a 3.3 Sakeen with a 4.3 Yak-3 you might agree that prop tiers need the same attention / relief.

The only counter argument to leave props out of a lower uptier spread is the pure lack of experience of their players, so the average pilot is unable to use the full potential of his aircraft.

But if you if you look at kill driven (KpB and K/D) squads like ENSO: They use a lot of Rank I & II planes to get this insanely high KpB ratios. Imho at least from BR (RB) 3.0 on 0.7 would be a very good idea.

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It’s the answer for any suggestion people don’t like. "We don’t have enough players, the queue times will be terrible "

Then make a post suggesting the game is dying
“Oh we have millions of players worldwide and 100k on every minute”

So much contradiction on here.
Personaly I think Gaijin have no intention to chage and I suspect they can’t chage any way.Its an old engine with no room to maneuver and little intention to do so.

If you look at the new updates and changes it’s just pathetic shiny trinkets made to excite the kids, its never a major change that we have all asked for for years.
Nobody says " Here, take my money ! " to an announcement of a map change or a BR solution.

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