Responding To Your Feedback On Separate Battle Ratings

Yeah, truly a wonderbar lineup that France has at 10.7


I really wish you would reconsider with the SU25s being theyre still a pain to fight in ground RB or at least lower the stinger SPAA systems to a lower BR. But that might be a pipedream being you’ve doubled down on the SU25s in this devblog.

On a second not I’m really disappointed to see the early A4s are not going down any in air RB. To think that the A4b is the same as the A4E early even is insane. And on top of that to put the A4E early equal to the MiG 17s, Sabers, or G91s is also just wrong. I brought this up in the first post on the separate BR changes and was met woth the response of “theyre attackers, they shouldnt compare with fighters.” Thats the whole point of these changes, to make them competitive in both modes. The A4s should be getting a similar treatment to the A7s.


Why is the SAAB 105 still 8.3 when both Alpha jets went up to 9.0? I would MAYBE understand the German version because it has countermeasures, but the French?


BEST thing that happend to war thunder

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You’re missing the point. Sure, after the missiles are expended, the planes are generally less effective. However, before then, they are incredibly capable. R-60M’s and especially AIM-9L’s are incredibly potent against planes with no countermeasures. All of these planes are incredibly likely to have 1 kill with minimal effort, often 2. For the A-10A Late, it can get at least 2 kills reliably and up to 4 kills optimally before becoming less effective against other planes.

Maybe you should consider swapping the all aspect missiles for rear aspect missiles (9J’s and R-60’s) so they can sit at a more fair BR for the air frames. Whatever you do, I am begging you to consider that this drastic imbalance in capability (9L’s facing planes with no flares) throws a massive wrench into the balance of all planes surrounding that BR.


Aircraft with All-Aspect IR Missiles at 10.0-10.3 Battle Ratings

For this one, we’re primarily talking about the A-10A, A-10A Late, Su-25, Su-25K and A-6E TRAM, which populate these Battle Ratings in Air Battles and have all-aspect missiles. The flight performance characteristics of these aircraft after expending air-to-air missiles does not allow them to fight equally with aircraft that have higher speeds and thrust-to-weight ratios, which is why these aircraft can only effectively fight with aircraft that have similar characteristics.

The effectiveness of these aircraft, even at their Battle Rating, is lower than expected or equal to that. Increasing their Battle Rating can lead to encounters with even more difficult opponents, which will further reduce their effectiveness. The AMX on the other hand has good performance characteristics and a fairly high efficiency, so in a future planned changes to Battle Ratings, its Battle Rating in Air Battles may be increased.

Stop pretending like all-aspect IR missile carrying planes deserve to ruin the game for people playing jets without flares. These ground attackers singlehandedly destroyed their respective BR.

Your entire argument is; ‘if these planes were a higher BR, they would be even less fun to play.’ This argument makes sense, but why are you blatently cherry picking to which aircraft this logic applies? The J35A, MiG-21S, T-2, Shenyang F-5, F-104A, MiG-19PT, Lightning F.6, and Milan are all examples of jets which are not fun to play at all due to the presence of these all-aspect slinging ground attackers. Yet this perspective is somehow completely ignored.

Do better.


if av8b is going up, it should receive AGM-65G since D variant has very inconsistent damaged even against top tier sam (you know how come 230kg missile would just kill the transmission of the pantsir and not even blowing up it’s missiles).
F16A MLU should receive its mid life upgrades such as like 30 more countermeasures, lantirn pod, agm-65D/G and amraams(ofc along with aim-9m).

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As both a SPAA player that feeds on Su-25s, and a rare Su-25 pilot, all of this is correct.
A-10A Late has double the range of Su-25 for ground battles.

Good edits all around.


I does when you compare other planes of its BR that can carry more offensive ordinance while also carrying bomb. Plus why would you carry gunpods and more missiles on a dedecated attacker/bomber jet when more capable fighter are available

W take


That actually does suck but the super etendard can carry 4 GBU’s and 2 other dumb bombs and was too low at 10.0 for its armament.

10.7 is abit much for it considering it’s subsonic and all but it’s not worth up tiering your 10.3 line-up to 10.7

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Saab 105G is far slower with a worse payload, and is forced to be in SPAA range at all times.
That’s like comparing the F-86 to the Harrier.

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Well, it seems that we need to choose one between the lower BR of attakcers and our profit right? I don’t think it’s a good joke.

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I like these changes.

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Please realize that these awful game modes can’t be fixed by moving a plane up or down in BR for a step or two. The system is so flawed that no amount of duck tape can fix it. Every time you try moving something in hopes to fix a problem you never do, you are only pushing the problem somewhere else.

In order to save these gamemodes we need, at the very least:

  1. heavy BR decompression, at least to 15.0 for aircraft, 13.0 for tanks (I haven’t played top tier GRB recently, but this feels fine).
  2. Recalculating all vehicles BRs so that they fit in this system, without relying on economic or player statistics.
  3. Significant reworks of both ARB and GRB.

What is your point exactly? The issue with the A-6 is that it CAN carry ALL-ASPECT missiles at 10.3, where it will see flareless aircraft.

What other planes can carry offensive armament comparable to this thing at 10.3?


Saab 105g is rank V so it may be increase later. I don’t think it’s a large problem

Equivalents to the Su-25 between 9.3 and 10.3:
Ayit, Tornado, Su-22M3 [is actually superior], F-111A [superior], Kfir Canard, F-4F [superior], F-4C, Su-7BKL [slightly worse load, better flight performance], Buccaneer S2 [quite literally a 9.3 Su-25 in ground battles], Mirage 5F…

Rank isn’t an indication of BR.

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The BRs should be extended, but ground 12.0 and air 13.0 is more actionable