Responding To Your Feedback On Separate Battle Ratings

Haven’t you realized that the table only changed air above rank VI now?

And what exactly can you do with one step of room more? We have multiple highly compressed brackets, those can’t be fixed with one step of extra wiggle room.


You have no idea what you are talking about, F-4C, Su-7BKL, SU-22M3 and Mirage 5F are pieces of shit.


why cant Tornado IDS WTD61 have some guided bombs? now that it’ll be at 10.3 on ground battles, im about to buy it, but the lack of guided bombs/missiles it is still a no for me :/

More vehicles are needed to fill in the blanks, some countries even don’t have a queue at hot BRs, I won’t deny that some BRs need more than 0.7 entention to alleviate performance gaps however.

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Therefore you compress all the way down to 7.3. Bravo, major reasoning, much wow


I think alot of people are over looking the fact this is a chance to raise the BR ceiling of air RB to decompress the 9.7 to 11.3 bracket. Now that the air RB BRs aren’t tied to their ground RB roles it frees them to go higher than the ground BR ceiling withlut affecting that game mode.


Well if he gots, he should have 10.7 or more BRs.Don’t forget it’s a supersonic fighter, while subsonic attacker amx/a6e at 10.7.

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I already swapped my Su-25 for my Su-22M3 cause it’s flat out superior for ground battles.
Ground battles is less reliant on flares cause it’s primarily SACLOS and photocontrast at that BR.
And Stingers I gave up on flaring, so I just try to defeat missiles with maneuvers instead.

Really? After a whole year, Gaijin still wants to continue to deprive Player’s Benefit? Stop, stingy Grandet snails.



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If the A-6E tram has weak strike capabilities, so does the AMX. Will you consider adding the Opher guidance kit?


are you guys forgot J11?


PLEASE reconsider keeping aircraft with all aspect 30G missiles at 10.0 and 10.3! Jets at 9.0/9.3 are subsonic, have no flares and no chance against these monsters unless they are being swarmed. Even aircraft at the same BR struggle to even engage due to the high number of countermeasures these aircraft have, and the high G all aspect missiles.
once an R60 or AIM 9L is launched the only thing you can do is drag the missile in the ground which cannot be done reliably.



wait, how many AS-30Ls can Super Etendard carry?

Keep the BR for both air and ground at 10.3 and also give it PL-5B? That’d be fine… It is capable of it anyway!


reduce bomb base?what can i say
It is unacceptable to reduce revenue.
And some attack aircraft are completely unsuitable for tasks other than this.


Su-25T and Su-25SM3 should also be adjusted for BR at ARB in the same way.
These aircraft can carry only two IRCCM missiles (the Su-25T can carry two additional R-60 missiles), but the aircraft’s flight performance is virtually unchanged from its predecessors. Nevertheless, the BR is set higher than those of other aircraft with IRCCM missiles. For example, the Jaguar IS with only the Magic 2 is faster than the Su-25 at 11.0. The Mirage F1 is a high performance supersonic fighter that can carry the S530 in addition to the Magic 2, but has a BR of 11.3, one level lower than the Su-25SM3. I understand that air combat capability is not the only factor in determining BR in the ARB, but their air-to-air combat capability in the ARB is not commensurate with their BR, even when ground combat capability is included.
Specifically, I believe that they both need to be adjusted to 11.0 or the Su-25T to 11.3 and the Su-25SM3 to 11.0.

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At least one pod, so that it is possible to see the tanks from long distances, before the Tornado arrives on the battlefield and releases the dumb bombs

Su-27: 12.7→12.3
But why J-11 not receive this change? they’re 100% same plane