Responding To Your Feedback On Separate Battle Ratings

This is just a product of compression, They are comparable enough to be at 10.7. All of them are a massive step up from the aircraft below 10.7

I have yet to be killed by an stormer, let alone seen them out. But a10s still sees more broken spaa than the su25s have.

Brits are rare, Brits running Stormer are even rarer. They’ve been broken as hell till recently (missiles phasing through targets) and still not fully fixed. Not too mention they have seriously limitations over other SAM SPAAs at that BR. But knocking out something like an A-10 flying in a reasonably straight line. Fairly easy for it to handle these days (so long as you are within 7km)

But yeah. Su-25s have an easy time at all BRs becaue the worse SPAA at their respective BRs is usually soviet

disagree, or increase fighting score
why J11(A) didn`t decrease BR to 12.3, he shares a same suspended armament/radar/rwr

I still think make pure fighters’ br lower is a bad idea, they can wipe out every plane in such lower br(0.7 lower than arb in average)
and some are still missing, J-11a should be together with su-27. though both of them should stay where they are

Wow. Defyn was right, this is horrendous. Why would you double down on all-aspects at 10.0


“Comparable enough”

One of them has no thermal pod, no all aspect missiles and half the payloads of the others. Hardly comparable as far as CAS duty is concerned.

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Saab 105 has a similar bomb load to actual bombers right below it while being a small agile strike aircraft with CCIP, large bombs, high performance rockets and even AAMs. It being anywhere below 9.0 is plain goofy


Definitely comparable enough.

It has much better flight performance than the A-6E and is able to carry missiles without compromising guided munitions. It also gets a built-in cannon, and many more countermeasures. The AS-30Ls it is receiving also make it better at countering SPAA than both AMX and A-6E.

The only outlier is the AMX, which they have said will potentially get moved up as well.

J-11 should be change like Su-27 thx @Smin1080p

The U.S doesnt have a 10.7 lineup so now anyone that had the A10 that wants to play 10.3 needs to buy the premium.

True, plus the A-10A Late isn’t even better than the A-10A Early at CAS

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Well it’s not like they’d give it the LITENING pod it should have access to right?


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AGM-65D is good, why, though low resolution and scale can be harmful to your eyes, it’s still much more powerful than agm-65b

this will make it’s cas ability close to f-16c, 12.7br, and hard to balance.

because it’s rank5? gaijin only changed rank6 and higher

9Bs are useless in ground RB, and the rocket pods with 4x 500 pound bombs of Alpha Jet are objectively better than having 1000 pound bombs when equipped to an aircraft that can avoid SPAA easier.

No, it doesn’t. Gaijin has zero clue how good a vehicle actually is. You just know what these stats spit out which are inherently and heavily flawed.

No you quite literally do not. Do not lie. This is EASILY observable and has been noted for years that you do NOT in fact check all of these metrics.

As usual, gaijin has delivered a nothing-post.


Like when everybody told you to not do something and you do it anyway? That kind of listening to feedback? which one if not that?

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Goes to show how flawed gaijin’s perception on this really is. They ACTUALLY THINK bombers ar the best performing class rn over fighters. What a joke.


They should add more rp and sl for air to air fight, not decrease base.
and another problem is, no matter what you do, they will keep bombing, because many only want to grind as quickly and easily as possibly, to get the top, or cas plane, they just don’t want or be lazy to fight

You do know that the A-10 is a much worse airframe than the F-16, right? It can barely climb(not even 10% the rate of climb when loaded) and so will struggle to escape the notice of Radar equipt SPAA, which is basically every single option at that BR anyway. The issue with the F-16 is the Paveway & TGP combination, not the AGM-65s.

Fixing the A-10 and airframes like it will probably have to wait for Anti-Radiation Missiles to be added, so they can add a Tranche of better SAMs to the game allowing things to settle out due to further compression.

Replacing the AIM-9L with either the -9J or -9P isn’t an option due to the LAU-105(the dual Sidewinder rail) not being compatible with earlier Sidewinders, on top of the A-10 lacking the correct wiring to use them.