Responding To Your Feedback On Separate Battle Ratings

The IRCM on the Su-25T is ineffective at closer ranges so you can still fire missiles at it and score a kill, you can also utilize the 20mm Vulcan on the aircraft to shoot the Su-25T down. As for dodging the R-73, DEFYN has made a very effective guide to dodging IRCCM missiles, consider checking it out.

Please explain to me how this ways into air to ground discourse? Regardless, R73s are not hard to dodge, especially on a platform with substandard agility. You also have a cannon.

Do we need to point out that you’ve received planes that outclass these examples you want and the game doesn’t really warrant these? Whilst Minor nations are still trying to get remotely competent options. Or the fact that the absent stores pale in comparison to missing stores for minor nations. Or the fact that minor nations would be having missing stores of American exported weaponry if it weren’t for us fighting tooth and nail to get them? If you have planes that are arbitrarily missing weaponry, report it. We know Gaijin listens to the Americans on 90% of shit.

These planes will show up when they run out of cool toys to add to keep profits up, and likely sooner rather than later. Your comments on missing variants and then comparing it to the frogfoots, I’d agree with. If it weren’t for the strike options past frogfoot are things like the Su 34 or Su 24, which I’m sure America mains would be less than thrilled with in spite of it being comparable to the f16c for ground strike or the F111.

Hell, Tornadoes are missing one of the more storied weapon systems whilst Americans have gotten most of the kit people actually know about, that isn’t outside the realms of balanced in the current state of the game.

Shame it’s all about the late stuff as I feel the Wyvern needs protecting at 4.3 as CAS in GRB despite all those in ARB calling for it to be raised.

It’s Gaijin we’re talking about, we can’t have anything good for Italy when they’re too busy serving the cash cows for the big three nations. I like to believe they even neglect France and Japan too while they’re at it. Very pathetic of them

France is definitely neglected.

So please, what does the A-7E, the USs best Strike airframe (The F-111 / F-105 using Bullpups and / or Laydown tactics should have obvious issues, considering IR SAMs & the removal of Multipathing for ground based tracking radars) do better than the options presented?

Its not like the F-15E / F-16XL or F-111F / F-4E Late, their counterparts would get a fraction of the stores or modes available to them.

I would believe your talk about the economics and performance of these vehicles if you actually showed them to us. Because right now your efforts at balancing are at best a mixed-bag and at worst changes that will make balance worse.

This logic is incredible.
So let’s take the Mig29 at 12.0. It has a pretty bad airframe and flight performance since its nerf and get easily beaten by even a Mig23MLD or a J7E in dogfight.
According to YOUR logic at Gaijin, the Mig29 should be a 11.3 plane, because once it got 2 free kills with its R27ER it only have 4 R60M which are relatively subpar missiles at 11.0+, and meh flight model.

That’s just… insane. How can you even write a paragraph of this complete and utter nonsense with a straight face ? Plane should be looked at with their full capabilities, and the Aim9L on the A10 is part of its kit. It’s an attacker specialised on killing ground target for God’s sake. It should have AAM for DEFENSIVE PURPOSE ONLY. But the 9L actually give it an extremely effective way to hunt down inferior aircraft. This is not OK, Gaijin. We’ve screamed at you to separate BR to solve THIS. ONE. SPECIFIC. ISSUE. and you yet again manage to be completely out of touch.

Does any of the dev even play the game at top tier ?


What lineup do you play? The US has no 10.7 lineup. There are some excellent CAS suggestions I can give you.

Pls GAIJIN ADD J35D DRAKEN for the 10.0 AND NOT 10.3!

Why don’t you take the approach of increasing air combat gains to make everyone happy instead of cutting bombing zones gains to make everyone unhappy?


While planes with guided ammunition being moved up in BR is a good thing, this is a mess as far as CAS balance is concerned:


I strongly believe that instead of reducing rewards for bombers, the game should incentivize by more rewards for fighters to engage enemy aircraft.

Currently, bombers already face significant challenges in contributing effectively to the game. Further reducing their rewards would make them almost unplayable.

The reward system is already insufficient, to the point where even players with premium accounts and vehicles require months to grind towards top-tier equipment.

Additionally, for nations with aircraft not designed for low-altitude, short-range dogfights—where good turning performance and energy retention are key—progressing in research would become devastatingly slow. Their only viable option is bombing, and diminishing its rewards would severely hinder their gameplay experience.

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Its range is far worse, it has much higher drag

G pull depends on speed. The AIM-9B is much faster so the overall overload is less but yes the Shafrir 2 is slightly more maneuverable than the Shafrir 2

The range is closer to being between the AIM-9B and AIM-9E. AIM-9D far outranges it

Gaijin has said in the past these are balanced by their base bombing potential iirc.

Because the B-29 can take out almost every base in the match, it is kept really high in BR since it can win the entire match on its own with relative ease

Same applies to the Vark too, which is pretty terrible in every aspect except top speed when empty, but it can take out a bunch of bases.

Yeah… but the fact it and most heavy bombers rarely even make it to a single base, is just kinda stupid in my opinion.

You mention aircrafts that doesn’t play like the a10 or su25. Su25 is a far superior cas due to it’s tankiness and armaments. The dumb rockets it has does the most damage outside of Tiny Tims. Meanwhile the a10 gets shafted by Strelas and Tungska from their air spawn and the AGM65s doesnt do jack shit when it hits, or if it even hits. AGm65s have been losing track of their targets making them useless.

The Shafrir 2 has the thrust and maneuverability of a 9D, the range of a 9E, and the seeker of a 9B

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NO, what needs to happen is the Su25 being the same br as the a10s.

Yeah, that would help too. But both A-10s and Su-25s at 10.3 I see them spawn in the Stormer HVM and immediately shoot them down, not a lot you can do unless you are really switched on.