Responding To Your Feedback On Separate Battle Ratings

Doubtful, otherwise wed have seen something fone with the AJ series which are shit in ground rb

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Then give them a gamemode where they can actually use their ground attack abilities without the need to punch through a wall of better performing fighters with equal or better loadouts then.

heck, quite often I find myself engaged in A2A in tehse jets becasue there is NO A2G to attack

We can hope. The A2G handicapping for some aircraft is starting to get annoying

5 planes, ineffective without their crutch.
The BRs from 8.0 to 10.3 are compressed to hell and back because of that. Even a black hole is less dense than these BRs.
All because 5 planes, that are NOT FIGHTERS would be ineffective as FIGHTERS.


Two missiles and no good bombs at 10.3 is totally fine using agm 65a.

Yep, seems perfectly balanced to me :D

Awesome to see the overall feedback and integration of platers feedback into the game!

I still have 2 things to say:

  • if destroying ground targets or bases helps in increasing a vehicle’s efficiency, why not give back airspawn to all the all aspects slingers around 10.0 so that they get a chance to engage ground targets? Usually they arrive at ground targets once one team is already dead…
  • base bombing is currently the reason why trees including a F4 are really easy to grind. While others can be quite challenging. I hope you will make some good proposals to change this aspect of the game as it’s clearly a shortcut anyone wants to use to ease the grind

Keep pushing !


Hold on a minute…

Income per battle in it’s very nature has a skewed distribution. So from a purely mathematical perspective it is simply not viable to look at the average rewards. You should look at MEDIAN(!!!) rewards!

If the battle rating system looks at average rewards, the system will never work properly.

Can you check that you really meant average as in the arithmetic mean and not the median?


How would its efficiency be impacted by it having or not having a lineup? With that logic, moving it down to a BR where Italy doesn’t have a lineup wouldn’t increase its efficiency.

The only thing that impacts its efficiency is the BR. Not having a lineup just means it’ll be used less.

That doesn’t change the fact that they are used as fighters in air battles and thus balanced by their A2A performance.

AMX from 11.0 to 10.7
can i remember to you that 10.7 is also a br that still do not exist for italy? (aside fora single hungarian veichle)
this change nothing, or you will bring it at a 10.7 veichle at 11.3 or you will ruin a 10.3 lineup for a 10.7 veichle. Gaijin you really love to hate italy right?

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And they will get 4 free kills against planes with no flares. Of which they face a lot btw.
Totally fair, I get it.

A lot of planes are struggling after they expended their missiles, so why dont we just reduce their BR also?

F-104S is still missing from the table… why doesn’t it get br decrease in GRB as F-104G?

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For the A-10/Su-25: AGM65B’s don’t just immediately justify them going up. (same with F-5E.) at 10.0, I would’ve taken the su-25 over the a-10 any day, and now it’s going up even more? xD

Flying in a straight line for 40 seconds to spot people when trying to keep my distance looking through some awful black and white camera usually results in me dying. s-25o’s on a much faster (and way more survivable) plane? hmmmm… tricky pick. .-.

For the Q-5L: Glad to see it getting flares finally. It’s been one of the absolute worst planes to play in air battles as it has literally nothing but speed (where the F-104 at the same BR will demolish it anyway), and granted it’s been too strong at 9.7 ground IMO. It is a shame there’s no AA to justify playing 10.3-10.7 china ground though for me, and only 1 unique vehicle to use at 10.7.

The primary reason for separate BRs was to change the BRs of aircraft in ground battles, as aircraft are almost always balanced based on their air RB performance.

A-10A Late uses AGM-65Ds, not Bs. 6+ km range, effectively a slower Su-25BM.
Thermals make spotting easy.

There are 3 unique 10.7s in China…

Not always the case. I think many have a BR determined by GRB performance over ARB performance.

Like the Buc S1 and Tornado IDSs and IMO, most heavy bombers

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Because the benefits of pure BVR or fighter air combat are extremely low, and the negative benefits and frustration of novice players in the early stage are also the reason why they choose to bomb the war zone. It is because Gaijin does not increase the benefits of air combat.

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Just one example, these changes mean that the only CAS available to the USA that has targeting ability is the Canberra bomber, flareless against radar and missile AA.

These changes are an over complicated mess. Why not just have a no-fly mode as an opt-in like night battles have been implemented?

The Swedish A29A was 8.0 when the J29A was 7.7 despite being the exact same plane, but with the ability to have some rockets.

I don’t fully believe that Gaijin only balances off of air statistics.