Responding to the Severe Damage feedback & release time

First,… score is not the only Reward basis, as there is a basis for any action, outside of score, then there is score-reward that adds to basis reward.

So,… i don’t think your current system work out of Air Arcade (if it is even working there).

Edit: i might be unclear, it worked better under my language ^^"

All I know is my score is lower since the implementation of this mechanic. I’ve had several “kills” where I’ve blown a wing/tail off of a plane and it starts spinning out of control towards the ground, sometimes on fire. This isn’t considered a kill and the plane is still red. What happens next is the rest of my team swarms in to finish it off and I get squat. I guess this change was meant to counteract the minor increase in SL and RP gains that were implemented last year. Until the game stops actively rewarding players for working against their teammates I’m not sure the game will improve.


I was thinking make it pink or orange for the fact its onoy worth 20%. As there are players wasting there time on damaged goods

Its in the patch notes, a severe damage is like engine destroyed or a wing or 2 blown off

No, it isn’t. You get fewer total rewards overall and what should be immediate, incapacitating hits don’t act that way anymore. I’ve given an example in my other reply but a plane that is missing a wing and can no longer be controlled as it is falling out of the air should be marked as dead, not severe damage.


You are aware of that guys stop firing at planes due to kill message and got killed by then grey planes most likely are the root cause for this?
In other words you describe the old mechanic…

It is actually 40% for the rest of your team…

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…that a hell of people have neither the time to read nor the time to understand the mechanic.


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Update: I just played a battle, and severe damage kill credit is fixed. They changed it, so you will see now the same number of kills on the scoreboard and on the post-battle screen (which is a good change, it should be like that from the beginning imo). Because of this, they had to add a new kill status “no rewards”, so don’t be surprised to see in the details a kill without rewards, but it’s working fine. It definitely makes more sense this way.

These severe damage kills are also not counted for service record, which is very good too (they won’t break K:D stats).

Thank you everyone, who reported this bug. I’m sure all your reports will some day be “passed to the devs” ;).


Unfortunately, critical hits are still not fixed. I really hope that’s just another bug and they will fix it too.


Why so complicated? why not just; Destroyed, damage, assist, crits and hits. So if you do damage plus assist to 1 enemy you get Destroyed, instead of all this mumbo jumbo in your battle report

Destroyed, combinations of damage, assists and crits that lead to death + crash
Damage, 1 wing or 2 of any 1 type of control surface, engine destroyed
Assist any damage done after the first damage
Crit, any control surface not more than 1 of any 1 type, cooling system, engine damage, pilot hit
Hit, any skin surface
I am sure there is more to examples above. And what works arcade might not be good for realistic or sim

There are 2 different game modes being discussed in this topic, arcade and realistic. Needs to be separated, also sim


I never even considered we had any issue or need for a fix on this? What actually was the issue for which this is the remedy ?

I noticed they screwed collision damage up an update or two ago ,is this a fix a for that ? Is this a fix for the previous fix Gaijin style or something new?

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Idk, something to do with raod map, which tbh i would like to know what the destination is as i might want to get off

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Yeah, somebody needs that road map rolling up and inserting.

I think we deserve to know if they want us to or have put money in, i think they owe the players that much @Stona_WT

I’ve noticed about a 10–20% decrease in SL earnings in AAB which I feel is mainly attributed to the lack of assists and critical hits.

As for ARB, due to the event I’ve been spading a lot of planes and not really flying some of my go to aircraft, but have noticed a slight decrease in pts and SL earnings there as well.

In both modes I’ve noticed a SIGNIFICANT increase in flat spins (following a Severe Damage notification) as well as some strange, uh, restrictive (?) flight model changes following the receipt of a Severe Damage.

There now seem to be situations where the Instructor no longer wants to help—which, ok, whatever—but how about some transparency from the developer on these changes and how are associated with the new Severe Damage scoring mechanics?


This is the kind of game addition that makes me think about leaving or not renewing premium ,I have to say. Its just more unneeded complication in what is such a simple game to play.


For me its what are they going to do next, anime boxing gloves! 😆

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lol they are losing it big time. Like I always said they have no idea who War Thunder is meant to be for any more. Just one new mess to sort out the last new mess created by trying to sort out the last new old mess.

Its just firefighting not solving anything or moving us forward .
I look forward to the next update that removes this decision .


Who should they please me or you, but saying that there is 3 game modes, arcade, realistic and sim

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and they are now all the same now :) anyway I guess we are off topic old mate.

Not really arcade have different flight models to realistic and sim again