Responding to the Severe Damage feedback & release time

The engine damage is something I don’t fully understand. From my tests on the test server, the new system was sometimes counting this as a severe damage, and sometimes it didn’t.

For example, check this situation:


Destroying this plane engine didn’t give me an instant severe damage. I got it later from the fire (I’m sure this fire would cause a destruction in the current system).

But I also had situations, where touching the engine caused a severe damage instantly. I don’t get this, this could be related to this:

I just don’t know.

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in Italian it is even worse

you did not destroy the engine. You set it on fire. The fire then destroyed the engine.

Like I said, I don’t understand how engine damage works. In the old system I also saw kills, where I set the enemy engine on fire and the enemy died a few seconds later. But this could be due to a pilot burning or something, I just don’t know.

The Severe Damage mechanic has been implemented

Anyway, we have this new mechanics already implemented, so I encourage you to try playing with propellers, especially with weak guns, and see how long it takes to kill enemies now.


Instead of “Severely damaged aircraft kill counted” message. Say “Kill Confirmed” it’s much shorter and is actually used in combat.

The mechanics is already implemented in the game, so everyone can test it out.

My score results from yesterday (before the new severe damage mechanics was implemented):


My score result from today (with the new severe damage mechanics):


Of course it all makes sense, because the severe damage only “guarantees” you 80% instead of the previous 100% kill rewards and finishing is only 40% now instead of the previous 66.7%. So it is pretty obvious this new system will reduce the score, activity and rewards. In this last battle I finished 1 enemy, because I didn’t know he was severely damaged already. But I still wasted time and ammo shooting him.

Basically, you gain less now by doing the same thing as before. But hey, at least we can get 2 frags from 1 enemy now. Hurray!

NOTE: These battles were played at the BR of 1.3, to ensure comparable results. In the worst case scenario, the BR difference between me and the target will be 1 step, so 0.986 score multiplier.
Comparing scores at higher BRs makes much less sense, because they will hugely depend from the BR difference between planes:

BR difference multiplier table


This idea is not realistic, pilots used to get confirmed kills not frags. Keep it in arcade not turn realistic into arcade style mode. Just another gaijin nerf on rewards and i dont believe there was much positive feedback

You do realize that this change was meant to solve something that was mostly considered a problem in RB (realistic), kill stealling, this is almost irrelevant in AB(arcade) simply due to the fact that you have unlimited ammo and can always keep firing at your targets until they are properly dead.

So what should have happened would be more like “keep your RB problems in RB and stop ruining AB with things no AB player asked”.

This change is going to hugely nerf overall(combined) rewards, it’s just disguised as a “fix”.


Its definitely a reward nerf, i just took both wings of a bomber and hes on fire going down, and i get severe damage reward, luckily he does die but untill that point anyone could of got the finisher and i put all the effort in and get repair and ammo bill. Im getting sick of gaijin and there stupid ideas that are not realistic. Ill have video soon of this event.

Kill stealing is not allways about ammo, it might take 2 or more passes to kill enemy. There is an Italian plane that is the king of assists C. 202EC


Kills add their own bonuses to the SL and RP calculations on top of the score-based one, so I suspect they’ve balanced this on SL/RP and there’s going to be no net reduction there.

Where this will impact, and already has through the removal of most crits, is average score and time to complete score-based events. People before they play their first game today might want to make a note of their average 30-day score in their air mode of choice. You should see it drop gradually even though your average relative position number isn’t changing.


This has been almost a constant in the last few years, especially since we started getting score based events. In ground, for example, the reward for capturing a point was massively reduced as a whole, only the first one to reach it will get the maximum 300 points but even then I saw myself getting less than that while being the first one there, when before everyone would get the 300 points. Similar things happened in Air when rewards got reduced when you killed a lower BR plane but they are not increased when you kill a higher BR plane. They only change things one way, to nerf rewards.


It’s Gaijin that changes how guns work and keeps nerfing and buffing them. When that plane got released I can tell you that it’s guns were great.

What I meant by (combined) is that total rewards will be reduced for the team, not applying it to a single player, I think that there is where this nerf will really make a big impact.

What we should also be comparing is the total score of both teams from before this change to the new system.

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My aim is a little off as i increased convergence but it just shows how broken this new implementation is and does not fix anything. Keeping the damaged plane red is an invitation to kill steal

Yeah what I’m saying is if kills go up, and SL/RP is the same net, score goes down.

Greatly simplified, the War Thunder reward mechanic is:

RP/SL gain = (score-based reward) + (kill award) + (other awards)

Where “other awards” is things like takeoff/landing bonuses that you see on screen. “Kill reward” is a base bonus for each kill plus the recent added bonuses for multikills.

So if the number of kills in a game increases, as has happened here in air, and you want to keep RP/SL the same, average player score HAS to drop to keep up. That’s why the score rewards for severe and crit damage and finishing off are what they are now.

It’s only painful because now everyone’s going to be playing significantly longer than before (10-20% more time required, depending on your play style) in order to complete those score-based events.


And they do this in the middle of an Air event, instead of just waiting for it to finish and only change it between events. And it’s not even the first time that they do something like this. Pure lack of consideration for the players.

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I think this is part of why they stealth-introduced the crit reduction changes early, before the event. They said at the time you’d see no award reduction from this, but that only makes sense if you assume they meant SL/RP rewards (which is probably true overall). Instead of a big 20% reduction in score suddenly today, that way it’s more like a couple 10% reductions in a row, that a grinding player might not even notice.


Btw keeping damaged planes red is an invitation to kill steal. Who ever finishes should just get an assist

I am sorry but your new system solves or fixes nothing at all! Ever since you started the test in the event tab, the damage in Air Battles has been so inconsistent, and still is after you implemented it to the game as a whole.
Previously hits that clip the wing tips, ailerons, rudders and/or horizontal tail surfaces and rip them off used to give a critical hit - now they do nothing of the sort, all we get is a hit message.
Setting fires to planes used to give critical hits - not they give you just a Hit and a message that you set the player on fire. People still see a burning plane and as usual go for it right away, taking all the credit for that kill, leaving the one that set it on fire with just an Assist, just like before. No +1, no fix , no nothing.
The system was supposed to fix all that but now it seems you can barely get the game to recognize a critical hit, and in order to get the new system to work, you have to snap off half a wing, get lucky and black out the wires that control pitch/yaw/roll or destroy an engine and pray to RNGesus that it detects it as a severe hit and not just a normal hit.
How is it that every time you try to correct a long standing issue with the game, like kill stealing in this case, you guys somehow make it worse or just give a new coat of paint?


How about crit problem in air battles? You can kill 5 planes, 3 of them get fire but you get one crit…

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