That is not what anti-consumerism means.
It’s almost as if that’s why I asked you what it DOES mean then, since we now agree that it does NOT mean “plain English meaning of the words”, in contrast to what you implied earlier
I hope I don’t have to explain to you why there is a difference there?
Yes, you do, because your incredibly vague examples don’t make clear what aspects of those situations you think are or are not relevant. it’s like handing someone a green parrot and a white terrier and saying “Bird” “Dog” with no further explanation. Okay, so if the animal is white, it’s a dog, and can’t be a bird? No… that isn’t a definition.
Why don’t you just stop wasting our time and simply define the term so we can move on? This should be an incredibly simple request. Assuming you actually know a definition, that is, and don’t just use it as a code word for “various diverse things I don’t personally like”
I actually didn’t specify statistical mistakes
The analytics department is not the same guy modeling tanks or signing off on features of tanks. So you don’t actually have ANY evidence of the analytics department being incompetent, then?
That would depend entirely on context?
The context of the question was already very clear, we were talking about the economy, i.e. SL and RP gain rates, repair costs, etc.
How exactly would you pose a poll question about whether SL rewards should go up and by how much, without getting useless replies from people simply choosing whatever the highest available option on the poll was?