Responding To Dev Server Feedback Regarding Turret Baskets

At the end of the day there is still no spall catching sheet for the crew, hence still not a fix. Not implemented based off of feedback. Treated as “not a bug”, “game convention.”


I have a suggestion for a solution to avoid potential confusion!

Perhaps the damage model parts could be coloured in blue, like the traverse modules, and highlight when moving the cursor over these parts, like all modules; while the aesthetic elements could be just light gray and not light up when pointing the cursor over them.

Some vehicles already have duch light grey interior model parts that don’t light up for not being damageable module parts, while they still represent physical internal spaces; such as the railings ammo racks are held by, etc.

What do you think of this, @Smin1080p_WT ?

EDIT: I forgot/missed it earlier, but it turns out it’s already like this, hahah. Nice!


Can anyone check if the boxer mgs, hstvl, etc got this change? Not at home myself to check

i would take any number that is higher than 500mm ce or atleast equivalent to it
cuz 450 is lower than a composite block

@Smin1080p_WT .Then the Xray should reflect said changes.Also why gives tanks spall-liners when turret baskets is gonna create more spall behind the liner. This make Spall-liners obsolete and reward bad shots .Maybe fix autoloaders eating rounds and spalls first then! Maybe Pumas’ and Namers’ tracks being destroyed when ammoracked in the crewless turret!




And thank you

“Even though they did everything right”
Then they probably didn’t do everything right

But you do want to penalize players who hit the ammo carousel of an autoloader, packed with explosive charges by just having it eat the round instead of popping like it should.


all this all still wrong hydraulic pump location
its the easiest thing to change

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“Players who manage to land first shot shouldn’t be penalized”

Ammo and breech turning yellow, only 1 crew member getting knocked out from a 105mm, 6.4kg shell travelling at 1.5 km/s from a 19.4 second reload tank:



What feedback was listened to? Becuase obviously the ones that were bug reported and the first hand accounts were ignored? The way this is implemented is not historical. And how is the gun shield not armor? Part of the vertical drive???


I think I see the problem with implementing this on certain tanks. It’s going to nerf them specifically, when this DM should be game wide. The autoloader argument doesn’t hold water, as the autoloader provides a benefit, this is just an added weakness when it’s an already weakened tank.

Before, the entirety of the baskets were part of the damage model- now, only the floor.

I think it’s a fair middle ground, and definitely a compromise born from the feedback.

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If Gaijin are going to continue to nerf Leopard 2s then why can’t we finally have the missing spall liners for the remaining Leos?
Leopard 2PL missing spall liners
The Leopard 2A4M still lacks spall liners.
Leopard 2 PSO missing hull spall liner


Or maybe teach new players the game mechanics with meaningful tutorials, instead of making the game more beginner friendy… If somebody makes a poorly aimed shot (for example way lower than where the crew is) they should be punished for that by not giving them “critical hit” and basically rendering the enemy vehicle out of the match.


Add DU to the Abrams, fix the turret ring, model the fuel tanks correctly and then nerf it, not nerfing it while it’s already bad and underperforming.


You saw the feedback
You saw nobody wants this

And yet you go ahead with it anyway.

Why does this always happen, without fail?
Are you somehow catching inverse meaning from what people say? “No” is never “Yes”


Yes lets add this to the worst performing nation in top tier GRB first. That makes sense.
it was sub 40% in January. lmaooo