bro this isnt r/rant bro
I agree.
If they want reality, they’d be better off enlisting.
I refuse to enlist a second time, even online.
@Smin1080p_WT It would be nice if we got on update on the many Abrams bug reports that are waiting to be implemented since the devs are already working on the Abrams in some way.
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Yep. Abrams didn’t need this but they just don’t listen. Listening would be to scrap this. And their logic for not wanting to wait to add it to more vehicles is just asinine. Lets just make an already struggling tank worse.
Its been 10 years
My time has come!
Abrams, 2035 finally getting a model change and proper armor calculation
Why cant they just atleast move the hydraulic pump location away?
Or you know maybe work somewhat closer to kontac-5. I might be wrong but should the tusk kit provide a lot more armor.
Yes this seems like a good benefit to do as well, would be easier to get it done now.
Calling a singular post “tools” is both dehumanizing and an incorrect use of a plural word.
That goes for @MagicUnicorn 's post though while not dehumanizing is still stupid aggression.
We can all be kind to each other.
yeah i dont believe a sub 40cm block filled with composite/anti Heat material would only provide 25mm of ke protection
perhaps atleast 50mm ke and ~500mm ce
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Just block them. Or mute them. That’s what a lot of us have done.
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“We won’t actually be adding these to other vehicles. This was purely a nerf to these select vehicles. You know this to be true based on how many vehilces are still missing spall liners, armor adjustments, necessary muntions, and overall vehicles to counter or balance areas like top tier SPAAs. Please see our implementation of the Pantsir back in February of 2023 and notice how we have not balanced it nor added any competitive counterparts since then.”
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Please remember to take all personal arguments to PM.
Why do you penalize British players then with our awful no-HE filler AP shells and fragile-beyond reason early APDS (i’ve shot a barn-head (I think some Kv-2 variant) in its door from a slight incline and it shattered)?
What you describe (center of mass side shot) is the entire british experience until the centurions where your shot takes out 1 guy in the entire tank and the rest are unphased or slightly orange.
This clarification about the damage model is great, though if the actual damage model is different from the x-ray view, then shouldn’t we have the option to view that in hangar? I thought the whole point of the x-ray view was to let players see the internals of a vehicle that could be damaged.
Gaijin don’t want to penalize players.
Meanwhile they are completly fine not fixing the Ariete armor, not giving Italy a Better Spaa and keeping the Otomatic overbr.
500mm of ce is lowballing it.