Responding To Dev Server Feedback Regarding Turret Baskets

Voted no.
But after playing between both abrams and leopard 2s about 20 games realise its really not that big a deal.

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It doesnt though.
The shots ive been hit that would disable the turret ring would be shots that would of disabled it before the turret basket.

The abrams for example its safer to just aim for the turret ring (an issue of its own) and one tap the whole crew, not try aim for an angled shot into the hull.

Which in my abrams i still survived.

Turret basket down. Over 30 secs repair time.

Moved like 100 ingame meters…turret basket again down. Its seems it always somehow gets hit, even a spall fragment is sufficient to prevent you shoting back.

I really hate this change. Especially since the Leopard basket and especially the floor have no elements which somehow contribute to turret traverse. I linked some pics of the basket floor espeially and there is nothing than a thin plate for the crew to stand upon. The turret drive is a small electric drive with a power cable leading to it from below. The basket isn’t the turret drive. Certainly not the floor. Ingame somehow the whole basket is a turret drive??

This needs to be reversed.


Well, if your driving 40 mph in an abrams, and your reloading, you should have random jitters in load time slowing down, because manual load, oh, he fumbled the round, blast door for the ammo was open too, and it was struck, while tank burnt down.

An ace crew repair for a t-series auto loader is about 36 secs.

You should count yourself lucky yours is only 30 secs.

Im constantly playing Type-10’s and Leclerc while fighting against at the same time.

Autoloader increased their survivability a lot.

Btw Sorry for late reply.


Why I’m not surprised?

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Tbh im not happy with this, especially since they added turret basket to both Abrams and Leo’s.

But you are celebrating when they added destructible autoloader modules on tanks that isn’t your favorite?

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If Russia wasnt one of my favourite nation i wouldnt even bother to Grind it in the first place, just like i didnt grind Italy.

In fact i have most vehicles in Russian tree.

T-90M and 2S25M are one of my favourite tanks alongside with Su-34/30SM, you dont know what you’re talking about.

Yes, especially since that statement from Gajins devblog doesn’t seem to be true. The floor of the basket is just a very thin plate for the crew to stand or sit upon. There are no technical devices, especially its not linked to the turret traverse whatsoever.

basket 2025-03-19 151605

However, ingame the whole thing is a turret drive now.


And they claimed that they reworked on model in order to decrease spalling.

What a lie.


Check the Leopard 2A7? Generate a side hit and watch the side spall liner doing nothing.

Currently im spading my Su30 so i havent tested those new modules but i bet they decreased both leo and abrams survivability a lot.

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My gripe is that they haven’t made damage to the autoloaders stop turret rotation, when arguably the carousel autoloaders are even more vital to the traverse than the baskets. currently, if you send a round into the autoloader, and do nothing else, the enemy vic can still turn its turret and also send the round that is in the breach, your way.


We must have very different experiences then. I have hundreds of games in Israeli 9.0 - 11.3, and I think I saw tanks surviving hull shots with autoloader getting damaged like few times.

I also noticed that the autoloader tends to get damaged by shots hitting their roof, so you often take out their gunner/commander and autoloader.

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I woundered that as well. Flawed logic.

Try shooting them fron gun shield or ready rack.

Instead of exploding autoloader simply absorbs the damage.

I killed them plenty by shooting at the ammo rack, as I said only on few occasions the tank didn’t explode after having it’s autoloader damaged.

I actually made a post in another thread where I looked closely at one of those shots and guess what, my round barely grazed the autoloader and went through the empty part as the enemy didn’t have it fully filled up.

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Awful change that the devs pushed through despite overwhelming negative feedback because “We know best” is gaijin’s mantra.