Responding To Dev Server Feedback Regarding Turret Baskets

I can understand that point of view. I dont mond having more detailed modules either visually it looks a lot more appealing.

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Wow that is wild, not even modeled for any value just an invisible part. This is where we are at

Did you know that the appearance of Soviet autoloaders has nothing to do with reality? For the T-72, part of the autoloader was a steel round plate consisting of 2.5mm steel and 30mm podboi. It does not participate in the autoloader at all.

For the T-80 autoloader they added a steel frame, which also does not participate in the operation, with no mechanical parts added in the center.

Notice no one even noticed how inaccurate the autoloader was made

I wish someone would have pointed that out at implementation, would have furthered the need for increased detail

Hey, I do have a little feedback to give, although not on this exact topic. The Sherman II in the British tree is functionally identical to the M4A1 in the American tech tree, and should be moved down from 3.7 to 3.3 to match it. It’s been an oversight for many years now :)

100% agreed, I want Russian autoloaders to pop (why does my ZA-35 autoloader pop but not a French or Russian one?), but any realism changes are welcome. BR can always be adapted to match realism.


No one was interested. Those who complain in this thread then rejoiced and said it was historic

Let me try this: If your tank suddenly gets a huge element added that produces tons of spalls on hit, taking out your entire crew and making you a frontal one-shot, which was previously impossible, then that’s a reason to complain about it.

If this “feature” soon affects all tanks, then so be it.
If it only affects two nations, that’s simply bad.
It’s bad for the Leo 2, but it’s catastrophic for the M1.


yeah it doesnt im testing out my 2a6 and 2a5 Rn they genuinely are surviving just the same if not more.

Yeah it doesnt, Soaked two hits, one a DM53 from an ariete the other an KEW, then I made a mistake which got me killed, no relation to the turret ring additions.

Ive 3300 hours on this game mate, these additions are not bad at all.
They would of been if they didnt dial the DM back a bit right enough.

It is already planned for the CR3 TD I believe as it has a turret ring, and slated to be for the merkavas and such as well.

So let’s remove the armor from the Swedish STRVs and expose their turret ring to any WW2 tanks to easily disable them, model the turret basket as horizontal and make it spall more into killing every crew in the tank. Let’s see if the winrates drop to the ground.

Im sorry son, the abrams is a fine tank, even im positive in all of them bar the base M1 and that was my first 10.0 tank.

the CR2 can get one tapped through the LFP by 2.3 tanks man, should it ? god no.

The abrams are still sitting behind the leopards as contenders for the best top tiers.

The Melons who leave with one death are a HUGE issue for USA at top tier, to act as if its not is ridiculous.

Just like to point out that it really isn’t very big. It’s the same size as the original turret ring, but underneath it.

Edit: Plus, now they kinda have to model those autoloaders better.

The Abrams is not fine.

Exposed turret ring.
Abrams hull armor is from the 80’s (literally nothing changed when it comes to hull armor since the base M1)
Fighting against superior tanks most of the time.

I don’t know how do you define fine, but when it comes to Abrams it’s totally not fine at all.

Hello and sorry for using a translation program, but my question is important because I have been playing this game for about 10 years and this update is unfortunately the worst. Why if the driver is hit from the side in the Abrams tank, the turret is disabled due to shrapnel? This cannot be realistic, and if it is, it is more harmful to the game than beneficial. Where is this game in the end characterized by realism, and this is a good thing, but some things will harm the game more than they benefit, such as the Abrams or Leopard tank, when any penetration occurs at the engine, even not at the driver, it is sufficient to disable the turret. Where is the modification that you said would be made so that the part that is disabled would be only the upper part and the base of the basket? Why was this part not modified before the update was released? Thank you and sorry that I mention you @Smin1080p_WT It is the first time, but really this is very sad for me


Imo abrams is fine. In terms of basket nothin rly changed (compared to this hydraulic cable).

Ofc they did it very very unfair that it only affected 2 tanks. So yeah in this terms its not fine

Shock horror young man,

CR2 - completely broken models, tanks also got the same turret ring weak points, armour has been proven to under performing.

Merkavas - Armour has been proven multiple times to be horribly incorrect , as well as reload times and FCS systems.

Arietes - need I state this?

Leclercs - armour has been proven countless times to be incorrect sa well as the fact that the reload is not correct.

even the T80s have incorrect models and reloads.

Type 10? armour is incorrect, reload has been proven albiet it would be unablanced, to be incorrect.

The abrams still has the same breaach weak point every other tree does.
the abrams as the 2nd best round in game, technically the best out of the L/44 caliber cannons.
5 second reload.
Incredible mobility.
and fantastic profile.

Yes it has issues such as @SPANISH_AVENGER has a list of,
off the top of my nut I remember fuel tank linings being an issue,
turret ring is a hot topic same as the supposed DU hull slots.

However to act like the abrams is a tank that is suffering or is not on the better end of spectrum is just straight up nonsensical.

now the turret baskets should get added to the relevant tanks, e.g CR3, Type 90s I believe also have them, Chieftains as well if im not mistaken.
etc etc.

The fact they got added to only two tanks is worth complaining about.

The actual effect they have in game is a non issue and people just want to cry about it.

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Turret baskets getting me pwned again and again. I don’t…how can the turret jam with every single non lethal hit?

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The fact that this change only was made to some vehicles make them incredibly annoying to play… Time to avoid Abrams… (already avoiding leopards due to the depression nerf towards the rear)

Ah yes, not requiring any aim in order to cripple/ one shot someone and making the game more akin to COD(whoever shoots first wins regardless of skill) definitely would be a non issue🙄

This addiction is pretty much the worst thing ever added to the game, everyone who says otherwise is either delusional or just doesnt play the metapard/abrams enough.

(Btw this “feature” had a 81%-19% on the pool for not adding it in the first place)