A 152mm APFSDS, dart LITERALLY, (if you watched the video, entered the front lower plate, went into the drivers arms, through the gunners leg, and into the commanders foot, before going into the engine block.
And? Spalling caused immobilizing, just like how i shot T-Series LFP and only causing engine damage from time to time.
This is not something special to Abrams, in fact this problem occurs on almost any tank so claiming Abrams has special treatment for this case is nothing but lie.
All autoloaded tanks are easier to OHK due to their lack of one crew member and fairly cramped interior.
Add a giant ammo rack into the mix for Soviet style tanks with interior fuel tanks and you’ll have a tank that is packed with things that can explode.
Bruh… U barely even aimed at that dude. Also these shots are very rare and yes its to only (i think and its very small) spot on the front. That almost never happens normally
U said that u have top tier US (XD) and lemme tell u. Having wolfpack and ccvl is not top tier EVEN IF classify it as true top tier u still have literally no experiance on US top tier.
¾ of maps are CQB maps in which russian tanks have a VERY big advantage when it comes to time to shoot window.
Bruh… 30 battles in HSTVL and 70 in clickbait 😑.
How many times i gotta tell u that u lack top tier experiance.
U dont need reverse gear if u are on 1v1. U have to be stupid to drive into 2+v1. Hell even pushing into an enemy that is already aiming in that direction is stupid which russian tanks are known of
Basiclly u can treat autoloader as loader that can be repaired and only thing that can “repair” loader (crew) is by captured zone and can only be done once.
And not to mention that this dead “loader” can sill absorb spall