Responding To Dev Server Feedback Regarding Turret Baskets

Hes a russia fanboy dont bother

Oh yeah, I’m a Russian fanboy, that’s why my top tiers are Sweden, China, Britain, Italy, and Israel.

not you.

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Oh, my bad mate

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Huh xD

Yea… Why would i bother cuz someone said bad things about me on internet (me actually crying in the corner😭😭)

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As someone who has top tier American, Russia, (technically Germany), and italy, I can easily disagree with your statement.

I was stock grinding a Leo 2a4 with HeatFS, and frankly, I am amazed at how bad the ERA is most of the time.
Direct side shots to the era stopped nothing and detonated T-80s, and T72s, and T90s I faced, none survived being hit in the lower plate, because after the auto loader fix, and after the APFSDS physics fix, now all rounds bounce off the floor plate of these tanks. (I don’t really think they should, give it’s 20mm RHA). And goes right into the ammo.

So I totally disagree here.

In that case as someone who has all nations top tier Except Italy i completley disagree with you.

Safe to say i dont need to discuss with this topic with you.

There’s countless videos of Abram’s bad dm being so bad, literally no spall happens all over the lower plate…

In fact it makes certain rounds totally dud

Like how autoloader on Russian T-Series stops spalling entirely or how driver absorbs entire spalling?

Be careful what kind of game do you want to play, you will regret it.

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And here I thought we get along… 😔

You commented on someone’s else’s post, whereas is really didn’t seem like you have a grasp on how to kill a T-72, what nations do you play?

I would love to see that, I have never experienced this once.

Im pretty sure i know how to kill T-Series or any other tank much better than you considering you’re struggling to kill Abrams properly which is a tank that so easy either one shot or heavily cripple.

Nice lying, good thing that i have Russian and Chinese top tier tanks so i experienced this countless times while playing them.

Already trying to say I’m struggling? Other than accepting a fact?

So now I’m a liar because I haven’t experienced something?

No you’re liar because while you’re saying you never experienced it you’re indicating that what i’ve stated is not true.

Because it’s an absolute rarity, or it doesn’t happen, because I haven’t had it happen. I’m not lying, but say what you will.

Your shot did spalling and causing immobilizing the Abrams, your mistake is to assume that you can just one shot Abrams by hitting LFP.

If you shot drivers port or turret ring you woul’ve either one shot or heavily cripple that Abrams.

Simply bad placement.

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Its not rare nor it happens.

I’ve experienced this whenever i play my T series or against them, you either straight up lying nor refusing to accep this truth.