Responding To Dev Server Feedback Regarding Turret Baskets

So you have no experience with them, but I do.


Out of all three, Leo 2a7V(or HU in my case) is the jack of all trades. Better reload, better amor, slightly slower but not really bothersome.
By far the best survivability.

Abrams is next, good shell, frankly op reload speed, good maneuverability.
Even losing 2 crew members I found the abrams to still be rather effective, it is the best hull down tank in game.

T-90M small, harder to hit upper weak points, but the worst reload that cannot get improvements. One of the worst top tier shells. Decent survival-ability if your not hit in the ammo / don’t bring more than 16 shells.

I find it funny you point out only the Russians, yet, Russia got one of the biggest nerfs with its auto loaders, where literally sheet metal is counted as the loading system.

Honestly it’s just fairness now that other nations are getting the same treatment of nerfs / realism.

I agree the auto loader nerf was good, but the sheet metal shouldn’t count as the loader, not to mention they break on barely damaging hits.

DM nerf for thee but not for me

“experiance”. Thats quite laughable

If Russia is so op in your opinion, why is 99% of the vehicles you play USA?

Cuz i play against them all the time. If u look closer u can notice that i have 1k+ battles on 5 vehicles. 2 of them have also 2k i believe

I also played us, russia, japan, sweden top tier on my collegue account few times so in ur norms its called experiance

P.S. Just to clarify. He didnt give me login and password i played on his laptop

Pretty sure multiple accounts is against ToS.

Your profile also betrays you.

When I said hstvl shots I thought that would be enough to differentiate from me mentioning 105mm wielding tanks but I guess not

With the amount of games you played in it im suspicious you even know what im talking about

Inside of T-64 turret:


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Thank you for providing even more evidence the auto loaders for Russian tanks are too slow In game.

Well… I didnt play on his account by him giving his password and login for me xD. I played on his laptop when we were in school. Its still against ToS?

Probably but idk.

But back to the topic.

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Dude, you’re just bad. Russians are the easiest one shot. Just because you like shooting every hard spot and ERA panel with HEAT-FS doesn’t mean they’re invincible.

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As a player who has entire Russian tech tree and almost entire Chinese tech tree, i disagree.

Autoloaders increased Russian Type’s tanks survivability a lot, granted this also increased Japanese and French tanks survivability as well but saying they are easiest one shot is simply not true.

If you’re looking for tanks that can be one shot easily at top tier Leclerc’s,Type-10’s and Challenger2’s says hi.

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I’ve quite often 1v1 Russian tanks, they’re far from scary

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Seems to me you’re trying to undersell Russian tanks.

No need to further this conversation.

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I’m not underselling them, I’m telling you what they are. There is just a mythos around them because of bad players and YouTube parrots. I don’t want to sell you as a brainless person, so I’m just calling you bad.

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Sure man, its like not there are countless videos or Photos that debunks your claim.

As for the calling me “bad” player; im pretty sure i have same or better stats compare to you.

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Here’s the difference: I play this game to grind. I don’t play this game to be the best. I just grind to the top, get all my tanks spade and the planes I want spade, then I use those in Customs/tournaments. Play how you want, but there is a stark difference between us. You play this game for God knows what reason, I play this game as a completionist and because my friends, for some masochistic reason, play this game too.

I’m biased to the Markava? I don’t even have the tank, and even if I did, I’d still know it’s not a real capable top tier tank competitor because of its historically inaccurate armor profile. Almost everyone I know who has them, even some of the best say it’s a bad tank right now.

I hold no bias to any nations, I’m just a realist and a technical guy.