Responding To Dev Server Feedback Regarding Turret Baskets

Except the Abrams already spalls like crazy most of the time and is guaranteed to be crippled if not one shotted. The only MBTs where this was quite an issue where the all the leo2s(t90m to lesser extent)that have spall liners which could have instead been removed. Not all realism is good realism ffs 🤦


So why not just model the electronics and hydraulics? Contrary to what you say they don’t “house” these systems but have them mounted too it. This seems like a lazy addition. I could understand adding the hydraulic systems for these and making those penalizing but you literally have sheets of metal (parts of the turret basket that doesn’t have any electrical or hydrolic systems next too it) counting as critical components.

Hell even your photos you placed show it is metal sheets with components mounted on them NOT “HOUSED”.


literally every Russian tank I’ve ever gone up against


I presume you are talking about when you aim for the ammo carousel and the autoloader just eats the round?

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how about do this with luchs, wolfpack, btr-80 and many more.


And abrams has already his hydraulic pump


-3 and - hydraulic pump (-turret traverse)



Suggestion to Increase Bug Report Investigation and Fixing Efforts

Dear Gaijin Team,

I would like to suggest increasing the number of employees dedicated to investigating and fixing bug reports. Given the vast number of vehicles in the game, it is understandable that various issues and bugs arise. However, all vehicles should receive the same level of attention regarding realism, gameplay, balance, models, and textures.

From what I’ve observed over the years, the more a vehicle is played, the more reports and complaints it generates, which in turn seems to influence how quickly your team addresses its issues. Unfortunately, this results in certain vehicles—especially those from minor nations—being neglected, with long-standing bugs and balance problems remaining unresolved for years. This creates an imbalance in gameplay and an unfair distribution of attention.

To be clear, I am not complaining, but I would love to see the same level of care applied to my favorite vehicles, as fixing and balancing them could make them more competitive. Playing with a built-in disadvantage isn’t always enjoyable. In fact, when I struggle with certain daily tasks or Battle Pass challenges, the easiest solution is often to switch to vehicles from the “Big Three” (depending on whether I need air, ground, or naval forces).

I hope this feedback is taken into consideration, as it would help improve the overall fairness and enjoyment of the game for all players.

Best regards,


I’m not giving you 57 likes because it’s not possible.
I agree 100% with what you say. The report section is plagued with requests, which are added with each update, with unanalyzed reports, and there are many accepted ones that after months or even years have still not been corrected.
For example, I made a report about the added armor of the Centurion AVRE hull, which in the game is 10mm, when in the 3D model it can be seen that it is much more. I reported it but they did not accept it, until a moderator saw a post of mine complaining, at the moment the report is accepted, but it has been in that state for some time without being corrected.
I also think that you are right in that the bugs of the most used tanks and planes and of the most used nations are mainly corrected, leaving in oblivion many important reports that severely affect the playability of many tanks and planes of minor nations.


Remove stuff that affects the horizontal drive while leaving in stuff that doesn’t. Brilliant move to make things easier for the Level 30 premium players.

It is understandable that the more users are affected, the more urgent an issue becomes. However, given the overwhelming number of vehicles and associated bug reports, a dedicated elite team focused solely on them seems necessary.

This is not a criticism of the current team—humans have only two hands, and their workload is immense—but it is evident that reinforcements are needed to handle these issues more efficiently.


the chaparral has been broken for over 6 months now and they’ve yet to fix it, tons of people are reporting it.

It’s taking over a year to implement removing TUSK from the SEPv2? This is what people complain about when they say how Gaijin will jump and work twice as hard to implement a nerf to a vehicle but when it comes to doing something to make it better. (Even if it is historically accurate.) It will take months if not years.


This is a generous angle where you can hit the ERA while also hitting the auto loader.

It doesn’t reach the fighting compartment, let alone the autoloader. Stop the cap.

Even more generous shot placement

Even like this it doesn’t touch the autoloader and only makes a single shell yellow-ish.


Gotta love consistency

I’ve tried about thirty shots and not one of them knocked the tank out. I turned the driver orange in a handful of them. Sometimes the autoloader went a pale yellow. It’s very consistently inconsequential damage


“penalizes players who hit the center of mass area where there is nothing to damage, even though they did everything right and landed a shot in this area.”

T90M disproves this as your priority.


Exactly, it is understandable that, for example, the most used tanks have their errors corrected first, but the bad thing is that it causes less used tanks with much more serious errors to be left without a solution, since at the end of the day, in general, people look for tanks that work well, and those that are more difficult to use are left aside.
I am one of those who suffers the most, since I like to use all the tanks in the game, regardless of whether they are good or bad.

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there kinda isn’t one tho (compared to NATO tank bulk) as there needs to be space for the ammunition carrousel and autoloader
they have their autoloader modelled so the initial changes to the abrams and leopard were fair, they would be coming to all other MBTs in due time too


Edit: no knocked out tank now. pretty hard to not find a photo of the inside of a T64 family tank that hasn’t blown up must say

The current changes don’t make any sense though, as they’re modeling non-critical components as critical.


I think gaijin should add the secondary incendiary effect to APFSDS that have it (All DU ammo and some Tungsten penetrator that have it as well, like DM53A1/DM63A1), this could either apply a DOT or just have a higher set-off chance against flammable stuff (like powder charges), that way even a grazing hit of ammo should have a bigger chance to cause a cook-off.

I just hope Gajin won’t bring this online. Game would de-evolve in a turret jam simulator.

(While even rus WW2 tanks have no turret basket. What was a huge issue back then, crewmen got injured etc etc). Ingame once again a RL disadvantage proves a huge advantage ingame. Similar as interior fuel tanks).