My google-fu is beyond human comprehension. ;)
My google-fu is beyond human comprehension. ;)
was trying to find one which showed it more from the inside and most of them are how every T64 ends up. in pieces and slightly toasted
Here is a great source for images of the T-64 , scroll down till you see the first images from the inside and click “load more” underneath the 9 images there.
My Google-fu strikes again!
Don’t you worry, when I get a chance to hop on WT I’ll show you :)
You mean Leo 2a7V ?
T-90M is far less survivable, and I own both. So I know which one lives more.
Leo survives better frontally, center of mass implies an off-center or perpendicular hit as center mass of any tank on the front is the most protected part and not them “doing everything right”
T90M survives those hits to the side much better.
I think only wires and hydraulic system should be modelled in the basket with the possibility to damage it, which should lead to slower traverse instead of full removal of the possibility to rotate the turret. While also all vehicles should get it regardless if they already have autoloader modelled or not.
From a realism standpoint, why not make the turret basket a separate module to the turret drive, and when the turret basket gets destroyed, all those electric parts stop working so the turret rotation rate is slowed, like when the engine is off and there is no battery power.
This way it satisfies both parties, more to hit from the enemies and stuff that has an impact, but from the receiving end, its not an instant turret jam which is very frustrating.
Curios to hear what other people think.
And I’m talking about keeping the visual model of the turret basket as the full damage model, just have a different function to the turret drive.
This is definitely a good change for sure. Though I don’t really understand the point about if you leave them untouched, models change a lot. I mean maybe it’s something we don’t see but for example would the Leo 2 be changing that much over a few months?
Good detailed photos as well, the floor part does make a lot more sense. I just feel the update itself could have been held back a bit to allow for more baskets to come. If you didn’t want to keep them shelved, why not shelve the update a bit? Or more importantly, perhaps start working on all the baskets and stuff, at the same time as shelving the entire update might not be feasible of course.
One more thing, maybe more so the Abrams. Hitting centre mass neck already either outright kills or ruins most of the tank, so I don’t know if it’s penalising. But obviously there are more than just the Abrams involved but currently that’s the discussion.
Anyway, still good changes overall.
as a us main i would say that this is just a nerf that wont do anything really since the abrams turret ring is already so vulnerable
Just say you have a skill issue, man. Russian tanks are the easiest to destroy. I’m just glad the Leopards are finally getting a nerf, the German bias is outrageous.
are you going to change or remove the auto louder from the Soviet/Chinese.
or is this just more “realism” for thee but “game balance” for me
“t90m survives those hits to the side much better”
Excuse me what? Two crew perfectly in line, plus, an ammo rack under them?
At best you may get 2 crew in the leo2a7v
What is this skewed view?? B-I-A-S
He sounds like the kind of guy that will shoot a round at the machine gun while it’s firing at him, and then cry because it should’ve knocked a crew member out since “technically there was someone firing the machine gun!”
Or the mechanic outside fixing the track should get machine gunned hah
Hey man, all you need to do is smoke, or just sit behind the tank. That’s how I survive in Battlefield: laying down on the engine/behind the turret and holding the repair button as my friend is getting shot at by three different Shermans and a Banzai stick.
I was testing on the dev serve on my hungarian leopard 2a7 with the new turret basket
What i don’t understand is where all the spalling came from.
Is from the spall liners or from the hole in the turret baskets
It gives 105mm caliber and below armed tanks, hstvl and auto cannons wayy more of a hassle with how RNG it is. Far too many times you’ll pen only for it to phase through everything with absolutely no damage. This happens FAR more than the typical 120mm top tier round usually (looking at British L26). Yes other tanks can be RNG too but to a significantly less degree
Lmao care to prove this ?
nobody wants this…
If gaijin wants to shots to count they can do 2 easy things:
A) On top tier remove spall liners (realistic mechanics like this have no place in game with ridiculous damage system, the kill condition is to eliminate crew) additionally if I remember correctly report for armored ammo storage in American tanks from 40s and 50s was rejected because “not every nation had them” well not every nation have spall liners…
B) Below top tier snail already had solution of uneven performance of machines, it was APHE change from last year they just refused to implement it…
Somehow I don’t remember voting on spall liners (don’t quote me on that, maybe there was), however it is interesting how gaijin selectively add “realism” like it depends which vehicles it will buff or nerf…