Responding To Dev Server Feedback Regarding Turret Baskets

Yes, from what you’ve shown us. There’s always more to the story though

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This wouldn’t be a big of an issue if all top tier MBTs received their turret baskets…

As you said before, this will take a lot of time to implement all at once and will cause a lot of complications because of this. However this does not mean your current action is justified nor correct.

Detailed modules though accurate is essentially a major nerf because it causes a lot more damage if hit. Having it only on two vehicles not only reduces the effectiveness of these vehicles but is also extremely unfair and from the looks of it, biased.

Why these two vehicles? Why not others? What makes them worthy of getting such a massive nerf? These are the questions and doubts you have caused.

In addition to all of this, there are countless bug reports made especially on the Abrams, and though the devs chose to work on the Abrams for the basket, they chose not to fix some of the issues? The most easiest fix they could do is the location of the hydraulic pump. What does this say about their priorities?

Why not have a very placeholder turret basket for all tanks? A very simplified model to at least all top tier MBTs will make it fair. Then the devs can slowly start implementing more detailed ones through out the year. Yes, people will still complain but if you show initiative to be fair, the majority will understand.

People wouldn’t care if they were modeled as they were intended to in modern vehicles, with the armor it was intended to have internally

Was this the tiger 2 video from this week? I loved that one lol. Also yes serotonin inducing explosion of a russian tank. :)

Maybe because they’re first in line, there always has to be someone that’s first and last.

Also, when it comes to nerfing stuff, it’s much better for the game itself if 2A7 receive this first instead of Ariete/Merkava/CR2s as it would further increase the difference between those vehicles.

I gotta tell you i don’t mind at all that it’s coming for the leopard 2a7, it’ll still be a very good tank, and it’s not even that big of a nerf.

Im more glad they reduced auxiliary system repair times by a lot.

Maybe I’ll play the puma again and not feel like im playing Mechanic Simulator WT Edition.

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Italy and UK are minor nations that are way less popular than the big three, so players there tend to be more experienced as it’s most likely not their first tech tree. You’ll often have a situation where the copy/paste vehicle in the minor nation will have much better stats than the original in the major tree, which goes to show how unreliable those stats really are.

Yes, nerf Italy as they’ve been dominating for so long. Ariete is the best tank in the game lmao.


Minor nations always had much better winrates and vehicle stats than the Big3. Its a known issue. Never compare stats of minor nations with e.g. US.

PS: Still against this nerf. WT should remain a tank game and no repair simulator. I mean, look at heli gameplay now, since avionics and electronic systems got added. The whole interior is now crammed with super important systems. Its impossible to not get crippled now. Even bit of splash damage and nothing works anymore. Can’t fire weapons (!!!). Means you need to return all the way to your heliport, land repair…brrrr… I rather crash this thing and leave the match.


This would be akin to me saying, “Well, US tanks have been in the game far longer. Players are far more experienced than those say play Italy, which was added several years after the US. Additionally, because the US has far more vehicles to progress through; players have more time to get familiar with far more types of combat vehicles and expand their game sense and knowledge.”

But you see, if we were looking at just say…top tier premium vs top tier premium, then its a different story. But when we are lookimg at a tech tree 12.0 versus a fellow tech tree 12.0, which even with premium vehicles and premium is still a slog to get through; the Italian and British variants do better. Again, why is that? Why would the available data show US tanks getting slapped when you and others are saying their far better? That doesn’t appear to be remotely true from what you and I can see.

Now sure, the US has more more top tier premiums than the UK and Italy and yes, that is a factor. But they’re a bigger nation player wise and subsequently are a larger revenue stream. People want to fly A-10s and drive Abrams. Shame on Gaijin for abandoning their rule of “never, evere selling Rank V premiums. Because we dont want our players to buy their way to the top.”

Neither the UK or Italy have a top tier variant of an Abrams or vice versa. This argument would apply to say the US F-16 vs. Japan’s but in this case, it does not.

Judging by their win rates, perhaps they should be getting a massive, inaccurately modelled, bug report ignoring turret basket before anyone really.


That’s true however when it comes to major ground updates, it’s the big three that usually receives the most attentions so when we see only two of the three getting a major nerf, then it raises some eyebrows.

Again, it could very well be due to time constraints but a simplified turret basket to all top tier mbts as a stop gap would’ve been much better way of going around it.

One day I will learn that things don’t always come across in typed conversations the why they do in spoken ones. Sorry about the confusion.

WT has a steady stream of new players so major nations will always have more of them. By the time they get to know the game and vehicles they’re off to another nation, hence why less popular nations tend to have better players.

I already told you but now you’re refusing to believe it.
That’s not my issue.

This is just about Abrams my dude, please get that in your head.
Check the stats for Swedish premium 2A4 and German TT one, where the same vehicle has 10% more WRs for some reason.

This can only be written by someone that never touched Italy, it’s funny this is applicable for you lol.

Yes. But my point being, gaijin isn’t perfect 1:1 nor do all Russian tanks explode on minute hits.

All ammo regardless of nation can be destroyed and not detonate.

Best example: Leopard 2A4 vs Strv 121.

Back when repair costs were stat-based, Leopard 2A4 had a 5,400 SL repair cost while Strv 121 had a 16,800 SL one- because Strv 121’s statistics were SIGNIFICANTLY superior than Leopard 2A4’s despite being the exact same vehicle.

Strv 121 had a 2.1:1 K/D and 60% WR, Leopard 2A4 had a 0.9 K/D and 48% WR. According to some people, Strv 121 was somehow better then Leopard 2A4 because “muh statistics” or something…


ehh but abrams statistic are mainly skill base with ofc the incorrect stuffs

Precisely. My response is directed towards those who claim that M1A2 SEP is worse than Ariete PSO because it has worse stats, hahah.

If the Abrams issues were fixed, at this point, I am not even sure the stats would increase by any significant degree- seeing how many players seem to believe that the Abrams should be able to destroy everything by rushing mindlessly.

The Abrams fixes would prevent autocanons from killing them frontally, make SEPv2 faster, make fuel tank hits more unreliable, and reinforce the turret on SEP and SEPv2, preventing them from being killed at sharp side angles… but nothing would prevent these players to essentially kamikaze their tanks because 'Merica is best or something.


tbh for the top tier experience for experienced players better they need like a quick tutorial for players that are like under level 50 somethings how to play like top tier mbts, that would help a bit because i watch a few like level 10-30 they dont even use lrf or smokes/ess or use the best ammo of the tank
like the kvt player use m735 instead of m774 and clickbait use m829 instead of m829a2

also the reason why for example a T-80U-E1/UKis a better choice than the clickbait or the 2a4m or AIM and 2PL is not because the T-80s are better, its because the clickbait, aim, 2a4m and 2pl players doesnt know where to aim because they are quite popular premium that newbies buy

Hi, I am glad that we have changed the result, and I wonder if the turret baskets for the vehicles already in the game would be changed? like the Centauro 105 in game now has a huge turret basket and would that be changed too?

So, are the Shermans going to get their Turret baskets? which would provide some protection.