The issue is the inconsistency, due to not having internal modules
Happened last night
Because its a public forum. No need to get upset, perhaps it’s time to take a break?
It’s not a problem when T80s and T90s don’t spall right?
No it is, it just happens more with the Abrams because they’re so empty. Honestly I can’t even think of an example when a T-series tank didn’t spall.
I have almost 250 games in the 2A4M CAN and I still don’t believe the T-series is OP. T-90M has OP armor, but reload rate is doodoo, and you can just shoot the gun.
T-series are the easiest tanks in the game to play around due to the poor gun depression, poor reload, and poor reverse.
Check this out :D
Put on 0:18
Non-pen from the side, truly amazing right?
Yep. It’s honestly just an experience issue if you struggle against them. USSR was my first tree and I have every ground vehicle unlocked, and every ground vehicle after 10.0 spaded. They have some crippling weaknesses that you can exploit, you just need to know how.
So what’s up did smin flee the topic?
And yet, despite these hardware differences, Italy and GB have higher win rates from what data is available to players. Why is that? How is that? How can two families of tanks, that you and many others are adamantly claiming are categorically worse than the M1 family, have the highest records? Where is your data to prove that? From what we can see with WT Data Project, thunderskill, and statshark (again, this is just want we have available to us as players since Gaijin does not share their numbers with us), Italy is actually the best performing nation in the game and has been for at least the last year. You have to start going to like mid-2023 to see Italy in second or third place. But I can guarantee the US is last/the worst every-time.
Let’s go further back.
Edit 1: I’ll include 11.7 just for giggles.
Yep, that sucks, shouldn’t be in the game I agree.
Honestly, the T-80U’s side ERA is probably some of the most trolly armor in the game. Even I avoid shooting it head on sometimes.
IT ALSO doesn’t help with how ERA modules behave in this game. If you hit right in between 2 modules, you will have to fully penetrate both of them. This gets worse as ERA modules get smaller, such as on the front of the ZTZ96A.
I will be the first to admit that Eastern tanks have many issues as well, which should be fixed. I was in support of the T-series getting modelled autoloaders, and was surprised when they ended up being a buff, not a nerf.
So, if you does something with abrams and leopard basket, then maybe you must do something with baskets on other vehicle, like itpsv leopard. Please?
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The discussion about the addition of turret baskets. Which / turret drives.
Don’t be upset that your prized US tanks are getting this “nerf” more like correction.
Also a Turm III shooting the second weakest armor? I shot all four panels of Kontact-5 in one block with HEATFS. Which should’ve stopped the penetration.
I could hold the flame to the fact of sheet metal around T-series auto loaders counting as the auto loader… like really?
I’m not saying others aren’t biased, but you are certainly blind to your own
Why model them? So they cause spall on a hit, as there was so much empty space before, these tanks could take multiple hits and suffer very little damage, which is unrealistic
Well you must consider your shot.
You shot through a brick / concrete wall, that took roughly 3-4 pieces out (yes this matters)
So your shell was already probably down 150-250 mm pen, then it looks like you hit a spot of ERA, combined with the possibilities of a (upper wheel, can’t recall the name right now), then hits the side of the tanks.
Doing the estimation would help your argument. I fear you hitting the wall made it non-pen.
But I have a feeling there’s more to this clip did you have any packet loss? Or ping spike? Any internet problems?
Russian tanks have no turret baskets. Others who have one, just won’t get it added now.
It feels wrong to just add it to two MBT lines, while the rest remains unnerfed.
I know how bad this change will play out. PUMA IFV got this substructure below the turret added. Its not even a full basket, but its already sufficient to cripple your fighting ability with every single, even very bad hits. A glancing shot is already enough to jam the turret. Which is death sentence.
You can see in lower left corner that nothing was wrong with ping or fps or packet loss