The community voted against crew stun and against APHE nerf.
So what is that community?
Obviously more vehicles use APHE than solid shot and APHE is practically always superior than the same vehicle using solid shot.
Most players play APHE vehicles and want to one shot the enemy, yet they are also against a mechanics that make non lethal penetrations more effective.
Personally I don’t understand this obsession with modeling all these modules in tanks, when most of the time a penetration would simply disable the tank anyway.
Like we have optics (and MGs) modeled on tanks for nearly 10 years now, and all they do is absorb spalling or entire rounds, while serving no point in the game.
But somehow a tank that just took a 75mm through the gunner optic is unaffected and back in the fight after someone teleported his 75kg body out of the seat in 10 seconds.
Maybe while reloading the gun and fixing a track at the same time.
A plane needs just one pilot to fly while a tank needs to be functional, which it generally isn’t after having internal components destroyed by large caliber guns.
Just make some overkill mechanic and call it a day.
If big round destroys internal module (and be it the gunners optics) => vehicle is destroyed
You want a vehicle to be destroyed once someone MGs your optics? Die once a crew member gets yellow, because the crew were scared? Have your crew automatically bail after getting hit with enough non-penetrating shells? This is a game, not real life.
By all means, if you think it’s unrealistic, just J-out of the vehicle.
“Any player who knows what they’re doing won’t shoot at such [empty] spaces”. Dude has a point. This being handicap for those going against Abrams and Leopards who are lacking the “skill” department is an interesting perspective.
Ah yes, I go against the Leopard which is almost immune to 1-shot from the side due to powerful spall liner. Shoot with 125mm and take out 1 crew, the gunner. Immediately be destroyed afterward. Lacking in the skill department, I see.
And you are welcome to stop and think for a moment about vehicle objective capabilities and not human factor-led “statistics”.
So I’m once again asking: how is Ariete PSO better than M1A2 SEP?
You are making those of us trying to address the Abrams-related legitimate concerns look like fools by making such outlandish claims and picture this image of “U.S mains”.
That clears many things up for me, now its actually reasonable dmg models.
Sad that this could have been avoided by just accurately modelling the parts affected by hits in game though. Why even model the other parts, when theyre not even stopping spall on like the leo 2??
However i am still against explicitly focussing on modelling it for now because of the implementation. I get that not everything can be modelled at a time, and that is fine. HOWEVER:
-game balance. it would have been nice to do this to other tanks first and not the abrams.If were slowly adding it adding it to the best tanks first like the leos is best. Fine tho
-i am all for removing"no armor is best armor" at hightier, but how about focussing on adding all the new modules introduced before to all vehicles. there are (still) autoloaders missing on many vehicles, same as spall liners, fcs and the pink ones(forgot their names). These will and have changed the balance ingame, please focus on finishing those mechanics first. Otherwise this period of unnatural balance through modules will never end.
you already limited the angles that Loes , Abrams and many other nato tanks are able to traverse towards the back of the hull with thier turrets and now you are making up issue that was never really a thing
if they hit bad they hit bad the only reason they cant kill Abram or Leos from the side is skill and for some Leos the spall liner thats it otherwise its entirely bad aim
no? thats not how it works if you cant aim get punished for it and also you can already kill Leopards and Abrams from the side when you hit center mass maybe stop aiming for the floor of the tanks
What do 12.0 Ariete have over 12.0 M1 ?
Well, it gets some more HP/t, reverse speed and that’s about it.
Meanwhile M1 has better zoom, gun handling, much better ammo compartmentalization and actually has some armor.
What do Black Knight at 12.0 has over 12.0 M1 ?
Gen 3 thermals and APS.
Meanwhile M1 gets better mobility, shell, armor, ammo compartmentalization and reload speed after 4 shots fired.
Click Bait and company should definitely be up there with 12.0 Arietes and Challengers but they aren’t.
Wish planes would get more accurate models and actually realistic funtioning rounds, instead of the the total mess we have.
Air battle damage system can only be described as complete fantasy.
Like, we have a game were a 37mm solid slug will destroy a planes wing from making a 37mm sized hole in a 20cm tall wing spar but when such rounds hits ammunition it’s basically a gamble whether the ammo explodes or not.
Such round can pierce through ammo but then destroy a transmission afterwards.
Literally the most vulnerable part of the tank and no effect.
And because of how vulnerable wing spars are, planes with light or heavy machine guns can cause fatal damage from breaking a wing with 5-10 hits, depending on the caliber.
Like the game somehow thinks that all wing spars are made out of wood and not duralumin 99% of time.
Wooden structures should be more vulnerable to damage in general, but they aren’t.