WHAT? Huh?
I don’t know if I still have said video, but I can check
Lmao you clearly don’t understand it’s to be fair.
The only people disagreeing are the ones receiving balancing damage models
Also, it’s not like the Russian win rates are any better, but not like I’m complaining about that.
Maybe ask them to stop adding top tier premiums to USA?
Get rid of the RDFLT, and clickbait. But they’ve sold so many it probably wouldn’t do anything.
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The user claiming that the Abrams is the worst tank in Top Tier, even worse than the Arietes or the Challengers, is currently making up 10% of this topic’s posts with outlandish claims such as “the Abrams has the lowest WR, therefore that proves it’s the worst MBT in top tier”…
This is outright spam. The Forum and Dev staff members are saints for taking seriously all the feedback and reviewing it all to elaborate a response when the majority of it is the same 1-2 users making outlandish claims out of nowhere.
The data we can see shows it. If Gaijin doesn’t like or want to reveal theirs, which is their right, its the best we have to go on. And it says exactly what I have stated. Gaijin is welcome to post and share to validate or counter.
Oh, I thought you said you had blocked me.
What the data shows is that there is a huge skill issue. Otherwise, can you rationally elaborate how on Earth is M1A2 SEP suppossed to be worse than Ariete PSO or Challenger 3 (TD)?
And this is coming from someone who has made countless posts to have all of the Abrams-related issues solved.
Because the Abrams tanks DO have problems with their implementation- but even then, they are still better than some of their counterparts.
I have always hated the “Abrams underperforms because of a skill issue” argumentation, I even got into heated debates where I ended up receiving death threats for rejecting that logic and defending U.S players- but seeing users like you genuinely claiming that the Abrams is worse than the Ariete has changed my position- there totally IS a skill issue and I was a fool to deny it.
This hurts me on a personal level, because I ask myself- why did I get myself into so much trouble defending U.S players against the “skill issue” claims, only for them to now come in saying that the Abrams is worse than the Ariete and prove that argument right? It’s like spitting on my face after everything I went through to support them.
I still don’t think that “skill issue” is the whole picture, because I still acknowledge the Abrams’ issues, but now I realise there is indeed a skill factor involved on those WRs.
IMO the Sep V1 stands strongly behind the Strv 122’s/Leopard 2A7.
I think it would if all of its issues were fixed; although then it would be SEPv2 with optional TUDK in that position.
As of now, I think the Abrams is… not great, not terrible. It will be better if it ever gets fixed, but even at their current state, they are still better than the Arietes, the Challengers, and maybe the Merkavas and Leclercs. So still quite far from being “the worst” tanks in Top Tier.
Yes, it’s good that they make this type of posts, but, why don’t they talk about the failure of the penetrations? You shoot at tanks that you can penetrate and the bullet bounces off, or the armor stops it, partly due to the poor modeling of the bullets and volumetric armor. Why don’t they talk about correcting the damage model? The APHE do extreme damage, while all the other bullets are ridiculous, apart from being completely unrealistic damage, it adds to the fact that there are many times when all the damage of the penetration is absorbed by a module such as a sight, or by a single crew member, or even in cases the damage is forgotten by the shooter, killing the driver and commander in a frontal shot. Are you going to talk about the penetration calculator? I think it’s great that they do that to save time, but the calculator needs more variables, since there are bullets that work much worse than in reality, since they have not adjusted the penetration of the AP to more than 30 ° well, for example the 90mm T33 AP could.
It’s great that they make more accurate and detailed tank models, but in the case of the baskets I see that it’s something too secondary to focus on adding that, when there are bugs in the game that generate a multitude of problems in the game experience, and that after adding the baskets they will continue to be there and cause a disastrous game experience.
PD: And the maps, why don’t they talk about the garbage maps they’ve made? It’s one thing to have bigger and smaller maps, with more open spaces or areas with more obstacles, but practically all the maps in the game are small and CQC. These are tanks, not COD.
So… in conclusion…
Good point of this article
- Gaijin is trying to listen the feedback a bit.
- Abrams and Leopard are not the only MBTs which got targeted.
Bad point of this article
- Everything else…?
How surprising!
Gaijin listens once again to “player feedback” about a change.
Who is the loudest crybaby, the needy child, the cuckoo in the nest which starves the other chicks? It is the mighty American main. Leave it to them to complain that the Abrams is the worst tank in the game.
Eh? the Abrams is worse than the Challenger, Merkava, Ariete, Leclerc, 99A, VT-4? Abrams need to be buffed again, and again, until it is the best tank in the game, and even then!
Who are these people whining about balance? I pretend to not hear them.
Spall liners added unequally only to 2A7, Strv122, T-90M, and Challenger for 3 years? Bug reports of Chinese top tier tanks missing spall liners, accepted and ignored for years? I don’t care.
I care only for profit, and guess who is the greatest source of it?
After all, this change is not unrealistic. But why is there attention on here, an admission of wrongdoing, an immediate response, for this only? There is no more to be said.
‘‘player who managed to land a shot on the enemy first, reducing those frustrating moments of penetrating a vehicle without doing any meaningful damage’’
Ok, so Abrams and Leopard are getting changed, but what about the others?
Prime example, Falcon
Not only is it still wrong shape, but it also holds 0 of the sensitive stuff like electronics or hydraulics.
I don’t expect to see them making any positive changes to spaa in future at this point… Only more nerfs.
Totally penetrating this problem!!!
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Is this yet another thread hijacked by the muh Abroooms worst tank in the game crew ?
Half of their top tier is undertiered, where Click Bait, HC and SEP could easily go to 12.0.
Got any data to prove that? Do any of you who seem to only know how to say “skill issue” or “US mains crying” have any special data or insight to back up your (lack of a) counter claim? Where’s the data? Where’s your numbers? What secert sources or voodoo magic do you possess that, without a shadow of a doubt, confirms the likes of the Ariete is really the worst? Or the Challenger? You all are welcome to share it with the rest of us.
What rigging? Where is your proof or even any source of rigging?