So because T-72 carousels spall like everyone else, that’s slick?
Could be worse, could be Soviet tanks that perform the worst in CQC compared to medium and long range.
CQC works best with mobility and reload rate.
So because T-72 carousels spall like everyone else, that’s slick?
Could be worse, could be Soviet tanks that perform the worst in CQC compared to medium and long range.
CQC works best with mobility and reload rate.
I believe it’s a step in the right direction but I have concerns that this will temporarily prove as another nerf to the already poorly modeled Abrams and create a glaring weakness for the Leopards whilst other vehicles like the Russian T-series will continue to benefit from the current lack of proper modeling they already benefit from. Their ERA/Kontact are overperforming as are their armor values, not to mention that the ammo carousel still has a tendency to not detonate when ammo is directly hit even though it absolutely should.
Personally I’d rather this model update be held off on implementing until more can be added in across the board.
It’s happened about 8-10 times if I recall right, to me alone.
Saying it’s a poor argument, is like saying it’s a poor argument that turret baskets are coming.
I find it funny you call it a bias… when Leo tanks were known for the fuel cells eating whole rounds, and the abrams eating some side and frontal hits to the hull.
Every and all tanks have their modeling issues. This I agree with, but to say that Soviet tanks aren’t under a microscope thanks to the “Russian bias” meme is just false.
Every update anything Russian comes out, it’s either nerfed to oblivion because of player opinions, or it is changed in a way that makes it borderline useless. Some things in the Italian tech tree got the same treatment.
And who’s to blame for that? That nations with the biggest voices! USA AND GERMANY. Remember the spall liners? Or the USA mains whom threatened violence vs the devs due to them not getting buffs? Like cmon be real with yourself dude.
You only have yourself to blame. People like you, whom twist the truth towards your own narrative, and make people out to be dishonest, have caused people like me to be so in favor of certain things.
Notice how the Tseries auto loader is modeled, yet the abrams blast door being opened mid reload isn’t.
you seem to have forgotten one thing: THE EXTRA MODULES WERE TO MAKE “EMPTY” VEHICLES NO LONGER “EMPTY”!!! So adding modules (shot/shards eating for most of them) to mbts isn’t an answer (and t80 are tankier than ever since their carrousel eat shots like nothing else while allowing to fire back if they have a loaded round instead of blowing up AS THEY SHOULD). It’s a good idea that transformed into a nightmare because of gaijin incompetence in balancing.
Are they really? Got a source for that claim?
“even though it absolutely should” this has been disproven, it was ammo around the fighting compartment not the loader itself.
I could say the same about a reloading abrams or Leo.
Why doesn’t they explode when the ammo is stuck while loading? If the blast door is closed 24/7 like in game, why is the reload not account for the blast door opening?
Of course you would. Well, to that matter, I say they remove t-series, type-90 and the Likes’s inability to reload when the auto loader is struck. That way they can keep loading.
It’s only fair.
It is. ERA does literally nothing when dart hits perpendicular to ERA block. Its as if u were blowing a tootpick from the front and does almost nothing but blowing it from the side does help a lot. It might be a sht example but u get the idea. Thats why ERA on turret is heavily angled.
Its also wierd
Soooo hitting smth like t80 on the side shouldnt reduce 650mm KE pen dart by 250mm
So leo 2 is still op? You shoot at Leo2 with apfsds - the bullet goes through the legs/head with shrapnel and they don’t do anything to half of the crew, but he is able to kill everyone with 1 shot. For a moment there was hope that you would at least have a chance to finish him off if you shot first, but… oh well, I guess it’s still GG for gameplay
this would be fine but russian t80 and t72 eating my round is not okay like i shoot turret basket where ammo is and it doesnt explode is completely in accurate which does need to be fixed
Still blown away how the majority of the feedback on this was to not go through with this asinine nerf and yet they are still going through with it.
Dear Gaijin,
While I think this is a good change, will you be fixing the turret ring armor now? For you to literally cite the same photos that I used in my accepted bug report to prove the turret ring armor is poorly modeled— but not resolve that issue at the same time— would be extremely disheartening.
The turret ring, and turret ring neck armor, is a poorly modeled module that has been plaguing this vehicle ever since it was added to the game… and here you are, completely remodeling the interior of the vehicle, analyzing literally the same photos you would need to do this.
Please, fix the turret ring armor!!!
Buddy, they do not care. If they wanted to fix the already poorly modelled turret ring, they would have done so. But because the solution would result in less turrret rings being shattered by a strong cough, it will get ignored. Only nerfs get full implementation.
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OBV this wasn’t your fault.
The APFSDS didn’t spall at all and gaijin thinks if we report something will happen, it has been reported many times over if you check the bug report page, yet these shots, happens a lot, especially on Abrams that no matter where you shoot it no spall or such a tiny amount that even a hamster wouldn’t get “shell shocked”
APFSDS should have like 1-2% RNG that this can happen not 20-50%, unfortunately it happens more often, even worse when servers are acting up for matches, sometimes for days.
You shots simply don’t work, then the next game even a tiny spall reaches the ammo and paint it yellow then blow up the ammo and the tank.
Yes I kind of understand that, but I think I politely got the point across without potentially angering anyone. Spent many hours looking for rare photographs for that report, and even visted an Abrams myself. The photos they used in this aren’t particularly rare, but are additional photos that I cited in my report. It’s just shocking to see them using literally the same photos, that show how the turret ring should be modeled, so it gives me hopes that maybe they are actually looking into the report.
The only valid explaination for refusal would be, if any of my photos are not meant to be public… which honestly, are hidden in my report for only the devs to see and might entirely be possible😂
if notice it when the ammo in the carousel doesn’t blow up and you keep shooting it, the ammo is not there, like it’s missing or suddenly playing hide and seek and that is a massive bug that they haven’t managed to fix.
Same applies to ready rack tanks ammo in the bustle, ready rack panel goes, then the next shot ignites the ammo e.g Leo2, Abrams, Type-90/10 and tank safely reverse back to repair…while the ready rack door is missing from inside the tank and the ammo is burning :)
Main problem is that there is no main page like they used to have Trello page so ppl can have a look and see what is acknowledged and what is being investigated… etc and would much easier to decide if you are chasing ghosts or you are/were a victim of a bug.
all of these investigations takes ages.
speeding up the bugfix/investigation mostly if the forum blows up because of it or streamers start making videos of the bug and criticise WT for it then they post something on the main page and FB
Like APFSDS is broken since last summer, yet they only posted something month ago that “hey we did fixed it”, yet mm of pen randomly missing from tanks, the round just doesn’t spall or spall is comparable to a bag of gummy bears thrown at a window, or simply doesn’t do anything.
Its a good change but you should give all top tier mbt’s it at the same time not just 2 at a time. Like The leopard has already been nerfed into oblivion and this will not make it better.
This change would be welcomed, if Russian Tanks were to also receive this, but as said, Nato tanks are the main focus, probably becaus of the higher winning stats. We should do the same for this as was done for the economic changes.
wow skill issue.
imagine having such low stats with a clearly superior tank (M1 abrams).
and having it with the vehicle with generally the lowest performance (C1 Ariete).
I would do a good soul-searching