Responding To Dev Server Feedback Regarding Turret Baskets

this is satire right?

you say the ariete is better tank than a M1 abrams last gen?

lets punish NATO mbts for making their tanks survivable. i wouldnt have a problem with it if instead of that all being the horizontal drive if they instead just made it 3 different modules. the actual ring, the basket, and the hydraulics. if the hydraulics are hit the turret can still move its just slower. if the turret basket were to be hit nothing would really happen if you really wanted to you could make the turret jam up or do something similar to compressing in aircraft where it stalls the rotation briefly. and if the actual ring itself was hit it would do what it does as of right now.



H… how… in which way is Ariete better than M1A2 SEP…?

And I’m the first person who has pushed for Abrams fixes and who says that it’s only average as of now due to its implementation, but…

Come on… worse than Ariete…?


So we will get turret baskets that’ll disable the turret drive, even if you hit a little fence in the leopard. But where is the historical armor for the Ariets war package? Where is the Merkava’s historical armor? Despite being a prototype, you added thermals to the T-80u but denied the Sep2 lower front plate armor because only five prototypes had them. Why don’t Russian tanks immediately detonate when the autoloader is hit? Also, where was the M1128 spall liner promised a year ago? This isn’t the worst change, but it’s annoying that there is no double standard. Please apply this to more tanks before doing half of it in one update and the other half in another.

it has spaghetti as armor, the crew is italian, the tank is as fast as me putting pineapples on pizza!

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🤌 🤌

mhmmmm yezzzzz

You should really recognize your own bias before calling out others

lmao. “youre really the biased one”

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Why would the turret drive beeing jammed, if the floor of the basket is hit? It makes no sense and appears to be a massive nerf. It seems to get harder and harder not to get crippled. Nowadays WT tanks are too much overcrowded with critical components. Any hit is serious now. Same for helis etc.

Fantastic change. Great to see the devs looking at community push back for proposed mechanics. Now they just need to walk back the Naval Arcade aiming changes.

It being hard to get into was never why it wasn’t popular. It will mever be as popular as the other modes, but it might be able to get a lot more popular than it is if problems with horrible stock ammunition on some vehicles were resolved and it was made less of an investment to get into with significant RP cost cuts.

This response seems pretty unimpressive, in my opinion. Spall already spreads damage over a very large area in the Abrams, both when penetrated through the lower front plate and from the side. Why is it necessary to make every Western tank unable to both survive and fight back, or at least escape after being penetrated by a single round? Getting both your mobility and ability to fight back taken away is already a guarantee in the Abrams when hit in the turret ring from the front, now this change is just going to extend that vulnerability even further down to the lower front plate.

No matter what the devs say about it not being as big of a deal as we thought, this is still just a nerf under the excuse of “we want to get rid of punishing bad shot placement.”

I feel like the devs could have just made the turret basket act as some kind of spall protection (not as effective as an actual spall liner, but still something) and kept the turret ring as it is in the live version right now.

Also, if they really care about this, they should look into the T-90M’s side ERA, spall liner, and autoloader somehow magically degrading an APFSDS round fired perfectly side-on to the point where it doesn’t cause an ammo explosion half of the time.


I mean, this is better than the vehicles being too hollow and having to specifically snipe crew members like it’s some kind of arcade mini game.

MBTs are 60 ton pieces of engineering and machinery, I think it’s best to feel like this and not hollow metal boxes.

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i dont really mind if they add in more internal module

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punish russian tanks AZ (T72/T90) and MZ(T64/80) automatic loader with average 7.1 and 6.5 loading time, while the real time loader is 6.5-7 for AZ (5.5-6 for T90 faster rotation and both direction) and 5-6 for MZ.
Different round add 1 second more due to the arrangement of KE/CE/HE in the carousel and has to find the closest indexed/selected round.
AZ loader can only rotate to one direction, MZ both
T-80/T90 has the “continuous” button which automatically loads the same round of what was the last loaded

WHILE NATO/US tanks loading a shell at 50km/h only within 5 seconds running through the forest…seems legit right? NO

also diesel fuel tanks still cause instant tank kill, whereas only diesel FUMES ignites

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Uggg… yeah mate, ignoring the obvious spaghetti code damage model of your shot and acting like it’s completely normal an commenting on something that OBVOUSLY wasn’t the issue was the joke.
Then when you replied I was re-watching the clip noticed your gun was damaged and possibly firing a sub-velocity round commented seriously that it may have been what triggered the spaghetti code.
But what ever, bad joke didn’t land.

It’s the type of change which would be better if added to all tanks at once, not only targeted 2 nato mbt’s ^^