I have the puma, I spaded it, you can kill the driver, pretty sure lower plate it, and destroy the breech.
people expect enemies to be full ammo lol
if its side on u can just BRRTTTTT it, what i did
Can we expect similar additions to t-series tanks?
sometimes the ammo just refuse to betray mother russia and just vanish for good tho
I’d say “gaijined” but it’s a consistent bug in that area of the abrams. It makes all shells inert and there is no logical reason other than bad coding or a bad model. I’ve learn to simply not shoot the lower plate anywhere but center mass.
I guess ill start clipping all the ridiculous stuff I see attempting to kill barrels/breaches of t90s and 80s.
If thunderskill would load I’ll show you how much I play the Puma. (its a stupid amount)
yeah its all comes down to model
sometimes i got 1 shot when they shoot lfp sometimes the driver sacrified himself and eat the whole 125mm round going at mach Putin
The occasional thing happens sure…
But you can see I had 30 ping which is good, and 0% packet loss, it was a perfect kill shot.
But what I posted is consistent, and it seemingly happens with the 10.7 M1 abrams and KVT over annything else.
Well, RU mains will say “hey, our autoloaders are already modelled in game.” They won’t say or admit their modelled far stronger than they should or that they don’t pop when they typically should.
LOL. We’ll give one of the weakest MBTs a basket, which is already dying from the huge gap between the turret and the hull. Literally EVERYTHING goes there. But at the same time, America is not given anything that could compensate for this. The USSR is already being given a third X-38 carrier to compensate for their “weakness” of ground vehicles. I’m not even talking about BVVD’s statement regarding homing for Brimstone.
I legit don’t understand how any direct hit by a shell to any body part is not sufficient for a “knockout.”
Even if it won’t kill, a direct shell hit will maim and render anyone unable to perform their duties. Well, maybe the commander can keep commanding with an arm gone, but the rest of the tank crew less so.
Yeah but at range the pen drops a lot
Unfortunately its not occasional. I’ll start clipping the crap I see.
I have 0 internet issues.
This is even with all the broken mechanics (Tracks STILL blow when hit in ammo, Spikes target machine guns, transmissions, commander sights, not top attacking, AHEAD still sucks)
Dude, they literally break in absolute misses, their health is so low.
Also the “don’t pop” isn’t always consistent CHECK HOW MUCH AMMO THEY BROUGHT….
Lastly, it’s all made up for, with how many fuel explosions occur. Terrible shots that kill the tank due to a “fuel explosion”
Well considering the OG puma was 8.3, I really don’t know what you are on to. I played the puma after it was moved up, and spaded it, I didn’t find it bad.
It’s not a frontal assault tank. You play it like the Freecia, a support / scout.
Doesn’t matter. Their autoloaders do not prevent them from traversing their turrets, which Gaijin is saying they should. In fact, this change should massively affect the whole game, not just top tier.
It was found, that removing the ammo outside the autoloader SIGNIFICANTLY reduced the chance of this happening.
Look at a cross section of a fully loaded T-72, ammo is everywhere. They stopped putting it everywhere and survivability went up
God, I hate this so much.
One side claiming that the Abrams is the worst tank in the game.
Other side claiming that Abrams is actually the best tank in existence and that its only problem is “the skill issue of its players”…
Can we not just be mature and objective and acknowledge that none of those extremes are true?
1- While the top Abrams tanks aren’t great, neither are they terrible. Claiming that it’s the worst tank in the game is as outlandish as claiming that it’s the best.
2- The Abrams tanks DO have a plethora of modelling issues, but they are still far from useless and are often exaggerated by some people who claim that they should be much stronger than they actually should be.
3- The low performance of the Abrams tanks is NOT to be blamed exclusively on a “skill issue”- they objectively have modelling issues on their implementation that make them perform worse than they should.