Research bonuses for new nations

Where is it? Announced in June 2023, expected in October 2023 and we’re 2024 now.

Yes, I know it’s been delayed but it’s going to take a year for this to be implemented now?
The ground RP gain is so bad, there is no way increasing RP gain slightly needs an entire year of calculations when it’s very likely going to end up as meaningless as the skill bonus.

I really don’t understand why the ground RP gain has to remain extremely poor when aviation is several times easier across the board, the RP reductions from the roadmap were also borderline useless and as a cherry on top the helicopter grind was dumped onto ground forces for some reason and not… I don’t know, something crazy like aviation because you know… they’re helicopters?

Great that the SL economy has improved but as Warthunder requires 2 currencies, it doesn’t do anything to help with progression.

4 kills are worth 1400 RP, even with a premium account and a skill bonus it’s not worth the time, yet I can do nothing in air and get 20k per match.


We’ve had to postpone it again. This is due to the fact that any meta changes can have long-term consequences for the game, which are difficult to evaluate if there are many changes at once.

The consequence are a minor increase in RP gain, which is already extremely low.

We’re already analyzing the current data and calculating the amount needed for the planned bonuses. This analysis will take some more time (as we mentioned — due to the long-term changes that are being analyzed, where objectively a long time is required), with this feature planned to be implemented in an update in the spring of 2024.

December 2023 you’re 'already’ analyzing data for a feature that was supposed to be implemented months prior and was announced 6 months prior, impressive.

Approximate values are: rank IV +15%, rank V +25%, rank VI +35%, ranks VII-VIII +50%. Fourth update of the year (October-November 2023).

Then what was this based on? Why are you analyzing the data when you already had the values 7 months ago? And these numbers are going to be calculated from the base RP anyways to minimize the rewards.

All just seems like excuses to not give ground forces anything as usual.

In 10 years we made a bit of gains in terms of SL but RP has not at all scaled with all the increased requirements.




They’re taking the time to analyze it because of the massive research changes in Sons of Attila which heavily reworked a lot of trees, especially at higher ranks, and so they’re waiting for give or take 6 months of data after that and then it can be implemented. The system is overdue, but I’d rather have it be good and wait a little longer.

As for the values they gave, they called them “approximate values” for a reason. Those were approximate values and they’re now waiting to have enough long term data after the Sons of Attila research changes to have the final values. The approximate ones were to give us a rough idea of what they’re going for.

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Yep, I reckon they binned it. Realised they would loose too much money if they added all RP changes. Only one I was actually interested in, would have made farming new trees a lot easier. But alas. that isnt allowed

They have not binned it. They said it is coming in spring of 2024. Here is the article they said it in. It’s the most recent edition of Following the Roadmap.

Postponing Research bonuses for new nations

We won’t beat around the bush, we’re postponing RP bonuses for new nations for players with top-tier vehicles of another nation for the time being — however, this feature is still planned to be implemented. We previously mentioned why we’re postponing it, but we’d like to explain why we’ve had to postpone it again. This is due to the fact that any meta changes can have long-term consequences for the game, which are difficult to evaluate if there are many changes at once.

We’re already analyzing the current data and calculating the amount needed for the planned bonuses. This analysis will take some more time (as we mentioned — due to the long-term changes that are being analyzed, where objectively a long time is required), with this feature planned to be implemented in an update in the spring of 2024.

Specifically, they’re talking about the large-scale research tree reorganizations and RP cost changes that came in Sons of Attila. That’s why they needed to wait. That has long term implications on progression and it takes time to gather data from that.

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Not seen that post. But still, I reckon their conclusion will be “its not needed” or it will be added in a very “nerfed” state. In my opinion their original planned version of it was already extremely lacking (first 3 matches per day is insane. should be all matches)

Which did almost nothing in my opinion, the grinds are still very very long and the individual costs for most vehicles is unchanged. You can now just skip half a dozen vehicles (maybe) . Looking at the nation/tree I was considering grinding (france air) nothing was foldered, therefore, no economy changes were implemented in that update. The progression takes way too long before and still does.


heavily reworked a lot of trees

Right, they put some vehicles in folders and simultaneously increased a bunch of vehicles in rank which added a lot of extra RP to their grind, on top of adding other vehicles at the same time, where I dare to argue that the total RP required after this ‘‘heavy rework’’ was barely any better, if not worse than what is previously was.

6 months of data

To see what? What is there to analyze? Just because you added or removed a few hundred thousand RP from a 200 million RP grind doesn’t mean you need to sit there for a year looking at what happens.


The changes implemented in Sons of Attila were more than just foldering. First of all, it is not half a dozen vehicles. Dozens of vehicles were foldered across air, ground, and naval. Second of all, there were also a bunch of RP cost reductions. Those changes and their effects require time to analyze.

To be clear, I disagree with it only being for the first 3 matches every day. I think it should be for every match and if that means a reduced percentage increase but it applying to every match, I’m ok with that.

However, the evidence that it is coming currently significantly outweighs the evidence that it might not and we have a timeframe for when it is coming and we know exactly why it was postponed. Given the level of changes that did come in the roadmap, I’m pretty confident this will come too.

They did not just put a bunch of vehicles in folders. They also moved around a lot of things between branches. As for the months of data, time needs to be taken to understand the long term implications of what vehicles people are consistently skipping over because they’re foldered at what tiers and for what nations. Plus, Sons of Attila saw an outright research cost reduction by millions of RP because all vehicles in folders after the first vehicle in the folder now have 50% the research cost they normally would.

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They did not just put a bunch of vehicles in folders. They also moved around a lot of things between branches.

Yeah, like a magician with a ball and cup game, just because you move things around it doesn’t really change anything, one vehicles went from A to B and the other one went from B to A… now we need a year to analyze the impact of this change.

Millions of RP reductions only exist if you also skip all those vehicles, which doesn’t actually reduce the RP requirements for the tree, it’s just for top tier by about 16%… if you want all the same vehicles we had before the update, the total reduction for the German tree is 6%… which was before the 2A7 and rank 8 was added, which means at this point the grind is longer than before the ‘‘heavy rework’’ and that is not even counting the helicopter grind they’ve now added to ground forces.


But not equally accross all nations/trees.

Looking at france air there are:

2x folders in rank 1

1x Folders in rank 2

1x folders in rank 5

and that is it. most of the tree was untouched. Smae is true for quite a few of the trees. If they wanted to make a big impact. THey could have foldered dozens of vehicles. Many simply. weren’t

If I recall, it was barely anything. I dont think top tier RP costs were touched at all (still at 410k) and SLs costs were reduced by 20k. So from 1’100’000 SL to 1’080’000. It was an insultingly tiny amount. (which didnt even carry over to the latest round of aircraft added) They could have slashed 10-20% of the SL cost of top tier aircraft and it would have barely been enough. Instead they reduced it by barely 2%. It was a joke, a token amount of at best.

I have no idea what htey need to analyze, they did basically nothing.

I have lost any and all faith with gaijin and their “promises” too many issues yet remain and problems just get worse and worse. They added a Premium Challenger 2 before they even thought about fixing any outstanding issues with the 5 we already had. (no wonder it was a flop) and we are still waiting on a dev post for it. Same for the Tornado. Just added a Premium one but still havent even finished the Flight model (even though the code it needs exists on other aircraft like the Mig-23)

and then you have them modeling the Stingers based upon the IGLA and the entirity of that insanity.

Until they actually:

A) add new nation RP bonuses
B) actually start making some meaningful economy changes

its all just smoke and mirrors. Meant to look like a lot, but in reality it really isnt. There was only 2 economy changes last year that did anything. 1 was the normalisation (but not reduction) in repair costs in SB. Meant that several aircraft are now playable again (though all repair costs are still way too high and implemented badly) and the foldering of some ground trees (like the Challenger 2s, though I am almost certain that there has been an RP gain reduction in GRB as im generating less RP now than I was before, im almost certain of it) It was the only foldering of vehicles that in my opinion, made any meaningful difference (even then, ive not researched any of them yet because the CR2s are unplayable)


I understand this, but the thing is that it’s not just about the total tree RP. People like you and me research the entire tree, for us it’s not a huge difference, but a lot of players will skip a lot of vehicles that are foldered and so Gaijin has to analyze that because they cator to more than just the hardcore players. To be clear, I also think their timespan of 6 months is a bit much, I see 4-5 months as more reasonable, but I’m explaining to you their rationale and it’s not bad rationale, even if the timeframe is a bit much.

Right, which at most was a 16% reduction at the time, which is less now after rank 8 and the new vehicles added.
People who skip vehicles are just the ODL top tier players with a premium, others are still required to research a bunch of them to have viable lineups.

And it’s not 6 months, this was announced in June and not planned to be implemented in the next months either so close to a year.

And again, analyze what? Crap vehicles will be skipped, good vehicles will be researched and the top tier grinders will research whatever requires the least amount of RP… there you go, took me 10 seconds to figure out, now time to do nothing for the next 10 months - 10 seconds.

Ok, its now May. Any step forward?
When comes the research bonus for new nation? Suggestion, because It would be easy: make other nation flags at the bottom the tech tree, and if somebody has all the top vehicles, all purchased, in ground and air (maybe add helis too, or even ships if you are greedy), then those flags “opens” and could pick for research. Air gives for air, ground gives for ground rp help, pick the % (5-10%?). If another nation is fully done, go for the next one.

Or tell us when this function comes and how! Promise is a promise.


They sure are taking their time, a whole year for what is inevitably going to be the most pitiful, restrictive and most useless bit of RP increase knowing snail.

many people missed this

The size of the bonus will depend on the rank being researched and will be applicable for the first three battles played each day.

they don’t even want to give simple RP booster

Which is weak as hell, we’re waiting over a year for a lackluster XP boost for a measly 3 games lol, it’s pathetic.

Back in the day we had X2 for every single nation, for free, for everyone, and that was for the first WIN of the day, not just the first game… now 10 years later they’re dragging their feet on implementing a worse version that is only 50% at most and you can waste it on 3 losses AND you have to grind the entire bloody tech tree for it.

Just shows how they’ve completely been taken over by greed and the stingiest of stingy people are at the helm, being hit with one of the largest amount of negative reviews in the history of Steam and this is the best they can do.


Got a link to this spreadsheet?

No, this is the whole thing, probably from Reddit.

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