Research across tech trees in one nation

[Would you like to see Research across tech trees in one nation in-game?]
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Here I would like to suggest some changes in research. Namely the research of vehicles that are in a different tech tree. (air, ground, sea)
However, this should not be across nations but should only be possible within one nation.

For example: I researched all the aircraft for Japan. So now if I continue flying with Japan, I can research tanks or ships for Japan.
But with less efficiency than if I were to drive Ground RB or Naval RB.

This would be possible to the extent that if you have completed a tech tree and you cannot research any further vehicles, the research points would flow into another tech tree rather than simply disappearing. We already have it in a simpler form with tanks and helicopters where you can choose whether you are currently researching tanks or helicopters. Or even with squadron vehicles where all vehicles can be researched through AIR RB, for example.

So that you can’t always research everything with every vehicle, the research tree must be finished (i.e. there are no vehicles to research left and if a new vehilce gets added through a patch you need to research it first in order to reseach a vehicle from another tree again). And it doesn’t have to be that all the points that are achieved through a battle are placed on a vehicle in a different tree. There would be the possibility for Gajijn to say if a vehicle is researched in another tree, only 25% or even only 10% of the research points are transferred to the vehicle to be researched.
Of course, it also depends on the rank which vehicle is researched with which rank. This classic I have maximum research efficiency at ranks I, II and III with a rank II vehicle.

An example for a battle result could look like this:

Defeat in Operation [Operation] Southeastern City!

Received: 19815 SL, 7537 KFP
Activity: 73%
Damaged vehicles: F-111A
Automatic repair of all vehicles: -3416 SL
All aircraft for this nation have been researched:
Deduction for research across research trees: -75%

Unit researched:
M3A3 Bradley: 1884 FP <— (only 25%Instead of the 100%=7537FP)

Research progress:
F-111A - AIM-9B: 7537 FP

Total: 16399 SL, 7537 KFP, 9421 FP


-1 yeah no


Solid Disagree.

Grinding through the TT forces you to learn that nations playstyle. Grinding tanks while only flying planes and then hopping into top tier tanks without ever having played them would be a net negative to the team.


Not quite, I feel like it would be better like this.
You enter a tank match. You take out CAS.
RP you gain from aircraft researched ground tree because it is GRB. You still need to use tanks, and you can’t get to 11.7 ground by playing air, but it would help.

Not a fan of this but something similar
A very small amount (like 1% each or 10% total) of RP for the battle is put towards researching the same tree (ground, air, naval, etc). That way you don’t have to completely restart each new tree from reserve tier. Especially good for players who prefer higher BR- they won’t have to spend months grinding through the the lower ranks for the vehicles they want.

Though that will probably never be implemented as the current system of forcing players to buy top tier premiums to research quickly is Gaijin’s main income source.


After some time and a lot of thoughts I changed my mindset a bit. What about saving RP. Like you have the whole tree researched and still make RP that are layed to the side and when a new vehicle comes in those points will be automatically spent. That could save some time in grind.


First things first thanks for the reply ;)
Well i need to agree with your opinion never playing tanks and hopping in top tier is a bad idea. It would be the same as those who get a top tier premium at lvl 10 with the only difference that they may have more than 1 vehicle in the deck but still they wouldn’t be an actual help. But still you need to think about it.

How long would it take for a person to grind through for example the whole China Air tree and then the china ground tree to get top tier at tanks with only 25%RP and the rank blocking? When you have an average RP income of 2000RP per match you get 500RP per match research for tanks. To get top tier at china tanks you need to get c.a 4.294.800RP and for aircraft c.a 4.816.800RP (the whole tech tree) with an average RP gain of 2000RP per match you need 2408,4 battles to get all aircraft and 8589,6 battles to research the tanks with aircraft. With a average battle time of 12 minutes you need 131.976 minutes of gameplay means 91,65 days of pure gameplay to achieve top tier tanks at china when starting at 0 . Most people dont even get close to 30 days of gameplay and they have top tier. That was my thought behind this. I hope you understand my POV

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That’s smart
Maybe an option to do that or use the RP towards other trees
Cause it’s kinda dumb that once you get everything in a tree (which to be fair takes a while) all of your RP for that tree just vanishes after each battle

This already happens at 1:1 with crew skill so it is not even far fetched. Even if the conversion was 1:1 or 2:1 for RP roll over, it really wouldn’t matter. The ability to earn would only be in-between updates for short periods of time by the more experienced players.

Even if people unlocked an entire tech trees this way over time, so what. At least they are good at the game. Currently you can unlock an entire tree for money and be level 1. There is no barrier to entry for any matchmaker in the game aside from money, so if you are against this because you dont want bad players in top tier matches, too late. I would rather have a guy with 3000+ hours as a team mate in top tier over a lvl 10 in a premium regardless of how they got there.


I would say yes but only to research Bluewater ships once all coastal ships are unlocked.
Most of my coastal tech trees are fully unlocked and it takes ages to research battleships.
Even with a malus I’d like my research points won with coastal ships are not wasted.

I agree that it should remain rewarding (in RP) to play a tree that you have fully researched.

A deduction of 75% however is way too much. Minus 50% seems a maximum, and I’d rather have no deduction at all !

Now the question would be where will the RP go ?

  • another tree in the same nation ?
  • or same tree in another nation ?
  • or just choose whatever you want ! (best for me because it gives more freedom)

I agree with this, although i would like to see naval aircraft limited to researching boats and then army/ air force aircraft researching tanks

Across nation with the same type of force, sure. not within the same nation for different type of force. Plane should only be used to grind plane, period.

Worded like yours and it is just a way for you tankers to grab premium plane, bomb bases and fuck us air player up because you are too lazy to play ground mid tier.

Hi thanks for your reply!
I think you may have mixed up something with the line

Worded like yours and it is just a way for you tankers to grab premium plane, bomb bases and fuck us air player up because you are too lazy to play ground mid tier.

Just to set it right.
I can understand your point and it’s clear but you shouldn’t forget that they’ll need to research the whole air tree to research tanks… and as i mentioned it in comment above, you will need ca. 34day’s+ to complete a whole tree.

I know that still wont stop tankers from base bombing to research tanks. But it would slow them down a lot because you get way less RP than in “ground RB” for example.

And there are the “Rank blocks” (you can research only within the 3 ranks you are playing. Means if you play a rank II plane you could only research tanks within the ranks I, II and III)

And at the end they are still “tankers” no “pilots” so i think tey’ll prefer playing tank’s instead of planes.

But in the end I need to agree.

Maybe there could be a level cap too, so you need to be level 100 to do this, then it would be “preserved” for the “veterans” only or smth. idk ^-^"

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Generally i would say No, but i can see where you come from. Outside of what other people have said about different gamemodes having completely different style of gameplay, another big reason is the disparity of the amount of RP you earn in each game mode.

A really good game in Ground RB with a big booster (+200-500%) can earn maybe you 10-12k RP.

Meanwhile a okay/goodish game in Air RB without a booster can easily earn you the same amount if not more.

There is an exception, that being Coastal and Bluewater should be able to research each other when they complete the tech tree, it is more because they build upon the same core gameplay mechanics, compared to Navy VS Air VS Ground.

I could maybe see an argument for Ground and Navy being able to research Air, mostly because Air works as a support role in those respective gamemodes. However, that would still allow them to be able to help mess up the games in higher BR Air battles, outside of what the premium planes already are doing, just because they don’t know what they are doing.
It would maybe be possible to stop this from happening, by hard-capping the highest rank you are able to research with another tech tree. The hard cap would maybe an argument for planes to be able to research the other modes, however there needs to seperate RP reductions going from each mode to each other. In regards to the hard-capped rank I woud say rank III / IV would probably be the highest rank you should be able to research, mostly because the speed of the gameplay is still slow enough that more unexperinced players are able to learn the new mode they are playing, while still being a boost for more long-term players that have completed multiple nations different tech trees.

You could maybe also lock it behind having completed the tech tree type you want to research locked by having that type completed in another nation, or that the ranks unlock as you unlock them for another nation. So say for example, i had top tier Air and Ground for the US, and Top tier Air for Japan, then i would be able to research Japan ground with Japanese planes, but not able to research naval for either nation.

But you forgot premiums. that’s the thing that makes it all exploitable for ground player, premiums allow them to grind GRB by flying F-4S and become deadweight on the team.

MORE. that’s a one kill losing game RP with premium. a game with 3 kill or so gives you about 50K RP in air and that’s a non-ace game. an ace game can get you 90K RP.

There would also be the possibility to say that you have to unlock at least the highest rank in the ground tech tree for a nation to research with another tree.

and still premiums could be excluded so they fall under those rank blockings too.

So you’d have to research all airplanes and 1 nation ground to rank 8 for example.

my goal is just to create the opportunity for players who have been playing for ages and have found a game mode that they enjoy to be able to play without losing everything they achieve in a match.

I hope you understand my POV

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Right thats a very good point! What if we would limit the maximum rp income.

For example if you don’t get enough RP to fill the limit you get those 25% or smth. but if you ace a match ant get like 90K it will be limited to 10k so you still get some progress but don’t really loose that much

and yes i have thought about those Tier 1 tanks with 2-10k rp… but those tanks aren’t the problem in my opinion.

I like the idea - because players who have everything thing to be happy sit on full researched trees - and their RP gains vanish into the void. There is zero chance to get rid of the millions of SLs you produce whilst playing the game.

The only way to get rid of access SLs is to dump them by buying lootboxes - so at least in theory you might change your mind in the future and you consider playing another mode like naval or ground. So why not buying a few ships or tanks?

A player able to research a whole TT in one mode (air, sea or ground) looks way more mature than rookies joining battles with a (top/high) premium “buy-in”. So their approach to get familiar with another mode should be way more “professional” than a guy with 20 hours play time.

The point that even more tankers will flood Air RB in order to grind tanks is imho invalid. If you look closer most of them do their stuff (like base bombing) mainly to buy their tanks as the economy is abysmally bad in Ground RB. So at least in theory if they would be able to use gained RPs for tanks this would rather reduce their long-term presence in Air RB as they reach their goals in Ground RB earlier.