'Renovating' Gaijin's vehicle addition policy

But they are. A single ship is always a single ship. There where thousands of T34s build but only 1 Kongo. And each ship, even of the same class, is unique. In fact you could, in WT, add the same ship multiple times. We copuld have 4 Kongos. 1911, 1920s, 1930s and post 1941. All of which would be different in speed, ammunition, secondary armament, AA and other aspects.

That is the difference. A Ship is never expected to be build to the same finish while a plane and tank very much is. A ship takes years to build a plane at times a few days.

Rebuild 3 times by Japan. So which version it is in the game? (not the British one)

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we claim victory


The general ruleset they follow is not that complicated.

-In service by nation
-Tested by nation (Prototypes or Trialed)
-Built by nation with no export customer i.e. AMX-30 Super, Challenger 2E, etc.
-Closest related country (this is the most inconsistent metric here)

It’s honestly a little tiring seeing this type of argument repeated so often, especially since the PUMA has configurations yet to be seen in game.

No that is certainly not the case

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America’s T series, UK Vickers, Russia Objects? I don’t see how that is incorrect. Same goes for Sweden’s AHS and Mi-28 and Japan’s M47.

Yea. But not every tank is in every nation which tested it.
No T1 HT for UK? No Excelsior for the US? KF 41 btw was also trialed by germany as was the leclerc and Leo by Germany/france.

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Falls under this category

KF-41 is in service with Hungary, not Germany. So it fulfills the first part of the “ruleset”.

What? How.
The T1 and Excelsior where literally a joint project to develop a HT for britan/the US with both sides submitting a model of their tank for full state trials and testing in the other country.
So it 100% falls under

The exact same goes for the Leo and Leclerc.

So your rules are arbitrary and do not apply at all.

Because if one rule applies it should apply ALWAYS not randomely. You can not say:

And say “see that is why x can use y”. and at the same time say

That is not how it works.

As stated by the rules you gave, the T1 HT and Excelsior should be in both the US and UK tree. The Leo and Leclerc should be in France and germany. and the KF 41 in germany and hungary.

Either it is correct for all pairs or for none. Just 1 out of three is arbitrary and senseless.

So you have just utterly disproven your “rules” gajin apparently follows


i agree, but hungary and finland arent individual nations in the match maker and honestly, sub trees is kind of disrespectful

the lynx for example, does fulfill these roles for germany.

this is a bad ruleset as this changes over time (kf51 does not have any customers yet but could in the future)

inconsistent yes, but relevant nevertheless

how does that factor into the discussion (genuine question)

This list is confusing.
do you mean it as a list of countries that should ALL receive a specific vehicle if they fall under ANY of the points?
or is it a list of priority where only the country highest on the list gets the vehicle?

this list shows the vehicles that should be removed from the nation on the left and added to the one on the right

this list shows the vehicles that should be added to the nations on the right aswell

“Multiple F-4 Phantoms” should be in USA?
The likes of F-4EJ? or F-4F? or FG.1 and FGR.2?

Sorry but no
These were variants built specifically for nations that operated them, Japan, Germany and United Kingdom respectively.

Similarly for Skyhawks.
The derivative variants which were operated by Israel have no place in US tech tree

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You are assuming all rules must apply at once, not individually and in order. I also did not make up these rules of what they “should” be, this has been an observation of how Gaijin has applied vehicles. To clarify, simply being tested by a nation does not automatically mean it will be included, especially if that vehicle is in service by another nation. That also includes subtrees @HYPNOSYS2002 .

If the KF-51 is added right now, it would go to Germany only. There shouldn’t be any question about it.

To answer this, the Lynx and Puma are quite closely related in gameplay. If the PUMA was given Spikes and protection configurations as a seperate tank, it makes the addition of the Lynx to Germany redundant.

If I recall correctly, it was said by developer or someone on the stream that Germany will get Spike PUMA in one of later updates. Also, that Germany may receive one of other variants of Lynx

Don’t take my word for granted though

that does not really answer my point.
for example the T-72M1 for Finland, it falls under rule #1, but since Finland does not exist as a independent nation in WT it falls under rule #8, but it also falls under rule #2 , #5 , #6 and #7 for Russia.
should both countries then get it or only Russia sense Russia is higher in the list?

and if a tank is heavily modified by a nation (like lets say strv 122B+) to the point that its very different from the original. does it belong to only the new nation or only the designer/creator or both?

and lets say country 1 designs and builds a tank, sells it to country 2 and country 2 designs, builds and mounts a better turret to it. should then country 1 get a version in WT with that turret?

edit: and how about private companies that operate in several countries and isn’t owned by a state, what about their vehicles?

It’s a good thing to point out, since the PUMA is well overdue to have Spikes added to it. I can see the KF-41 prototype being a possible addition if that’s true. I’m pretty much waiting to see how Gaijin finishes up this year. Rank 8 Ground and Active BVRs this year? Going to be a riot one way or another. Maybe Germany finally sees the fabled 2A7 lol

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in the current status quo, (finland is not an independent nation ingame) the finnish t-72m1 should go to russia albiet under finnish colors.
when finland is added, both nations will receive the vehicle


oh genuine thanks for reminding me as this was a point in one of my earlier lists, the nation that developed the tank will only receive upto the upgrades that it was itself involved in.
for example:
china gets a russian jet and they both collaborate to upgrade it but russia cuts off ties with china for whatever reason, china continues to upgrade it.
russia will only receive the variant that existed pre-cutoff of relations. while china will get the latest.

  1. examples plz
  2. that would most probably only go to the nation that operates the vehicle. since the design and development and construction is not a national project (if an international company handles it), so only the service nation should get the vehicle

with trophy or strikesheildTM please

if the USA was involved in the design and modification of those variants, then yes.

But Finland DOES EXIST as a dependent tree within the Swedish tech tree so, by that logic, it seems very reasonable that Sweden should get those vehicles (within its Finnish branch).

Of course, it really doesn’t matter if you earn the vehicle but Gaijin won’t let you have it!

14 Days without my F9F-8 Cougar!