"renewed" United Korean Ground Force Tech Tree(2024/March/08) - Revising irregularly

We already see not only China (PRC+ROC) but also Germany (FRG+DDR), Sweden, Israel, and many captured vehicles from another nations in this game, so we’ve come too far to scream “Mixing East and West? Noooo!”, it would be considered a double standard.

Meanwhile, I don’t like what the OP suggested. Jupiter is a mockup, and the name of the Ch’ŏnma variations are not appropriate - it’s like naming the Soviet Union’s Strela-10 as SA-13 and the 2S1 as M-1974.

The names of the KAFV series are inconsistent, and the names of the KAFV 25 should not have an A at the end.

Pon’gae-2 is the name of the missile, not the system.

The OP seems to think that the ‘Strella’ in VTT-323 and the ‘Strella’ called Pon’gae-2 are the same thing. The ‘strela’ in the VTT-323 is 9K32, which is SA-7. MANPADS with a maneuvering limit of 7G. And the other ‘strela’ called Pon’gae-2 is 9K35, or SA-13, which is the SAM we can see in-game now.

While the suggestion that was passed to developers may be ‘outdated’, what the OP suggests is not ‘sufficient’ either. In other words, we need something better than NamuWiki.


Nation A) must simple have an produced weapon from Nation B) to justify this set an connection for both countries.

However i didn’t meant this to be an justification but more like explanation, even though South Korea has been more influenced by Western nations it still imported, used and built their own version of Eastern weapons. Same story for North Korea so they share so similar technologies but it has no connection between them.

However you could argue about justification in regards to the K2 rifle which North Korea did produce (unlicensed).

North Korea received T-72 Urals from Iran in the 1970s, there’s also claims that North Korea received T-72Ms from the USSR but i stay skeptical.

North Korea is in possession of the MD 500D/E




South Korea is in possession of the MD 500 Defender




Also an United Korean Helicopter Tree has been in the suggestions list for some weeks.

Like mentioned above no justification but explanation, both countries have been influenced by Western and Eastern countries so it won’t be odd to see them in 1 Tree. Poland, Hungary or an Yugoslavian Tree are an premie example.

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Poland, Hungary or an Yugoslavian Tree

Yes, but these are individual countries. They have a mix because they have used a mix of vehicles at the same time, in the same army, in the same country.
The only country that goes against this is Yugoslavia, but it was one country for the majority of vehicles that would be in game, leaving only late rank VI/rank VII to be split between its successor states. (and even then, they share(d) vehicles)

Korea hasn’t been a single country since the late 40s.

Nation A) must simple have an produced weapon from Nation B) to justify this set an connection for both countries.

This is a little bit of hyperbole, but WW2 Germany used some of the same technology as the USSR.
They captured T-26s, BTs, KV-1s, T-34s, 76mm guns on numerous Soviet and German chassis’, etc. They honestly have more shared vehicles and weapons than the 2 Koreas do. And they were both at war with each other, like the Koreas. So… should they be one tree? Do you not see the logical flaw in this? The only difference is that Korea is made up of (majority) of one ethnic group with a similar history pre-1940s.

But is similar history pre-1940s really enough to justify a tree together, especially when no Korean vehicles or weapons were produced during that time — every one of them comes from after the division, from their respective “allies” (US or USSR).

They are still in possession of similar technologies/weapon systems (all weapons) but again im not trying to justify through similar technologies was just explain this as you mentioned that they have no technology similarities which they actually do.

Will however see how it will play out, Gaijin has made some exceptions and they could very well do it again especially with the number of unique/modified vehicles the Tree possess.


Sure, I’ll wait for you to write a new one with better sources and rationale than my post! : )

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You didn’t cite a single source nor did you actually describe any of the vehicles in the post. You just posted a tree with vehicles in it, improperly labeled a good amount of them, and just put pictures under the names. This is not nearly as comprehensive as the original.

Edit: You also didn’t add a poll at the top to gauge people’s interest which is a pretty major part of the suggestion format.

North Korea:

Tier 4:
T-34-85 - 5.7
Type 63 - 6.3
PT-85 - 7.0

Tier 5:
Chonma-Ho I - 8.0 (3BM-3)
Chonma-Ho II - 8.3 (3BM-6)
Chonma-Ho III - 8.3 (3BM-6)
Chonma-Ho IV/Early - 8.7 (3BM-21)

Tier 6:
Chonma-Ho 98 - 9.3 (3BM-28)
Chonma-Ho 214 - 9.3 (3BM-28)
Pokpung-Ho I - 9.7 (3BM-36)
Pokpung-Ho II - 9.7 (125-I)
Pokpung-Ho IV - 10.0 (BTA4)

Tier 7:
Songun-Ho I - 10.3 (BTA4)
Songun-Ho II - 10.7 (BTA4)
M2020 early - 11.7 (DTC10E-125)
M2020 late - 11.7 (DTC10E-125)

Chonma-Ho 92 [IV/Late] - 8.7 (3BM-21)
Pokpung-Ho III - 10.7 (BTA-4)

South Korea:
Tier 4:
M4A3 76(w) HVSS - 5.7
M26 - 6.3

Tier 5:
M47 - 7.3 (M431)
M48A3K - 8.0 (K241)
M48A5K1 - 8.7 (K270)
M48A5K2 - 8.7 (K270)

Tier 6:
M48A5KW - 9.3 (K274)
PV-1 - 9.3 (K270)
K1 - 9.7 (K270)
K1E1 - 10.3 (K274)

Tier 7:
K1A1 - 10.7 (K276)
K1E2 - 10.7 (K274N)
K1A2 - 11.3 (K279)
K2 - 11.7 (K279)
K2 PIP - 11.7 (K279N)

PV-2 - 9.3 (K270)


I think OP must be insane for suggestion for the Songun-Ho to be only 9.3BR

The turret machine gun area gives us a little glimse into how insanely thick that turret is

The Songun-Ho also has hull which appears to be angled probably even more than 75 degrees and gets ERA on top of that. Its armour is definitly way better than T-72M1 whilst at the same time since its a tank from 2010’s, it would have access to Modern Chinese 125mm APFSDS that they buy from them. Then those 2 Bulsae-3 ATGM’s feature 152mm tandem warheads rated 1200mm of chemical penetration.

At 9.3BR, it would be utterly broken


I want to know IF Republic of Korea ground TT in japan TT, how will Korean players react?

Could be the same reaction like back in 2022 when somebody suggested South Korea to be fused with Japan, it however backfired badly and resulted in the removal of the suggestion. People’s opinion can change but Gaijin could however still receive some backlash like the Taiwan flag issues which reached their newspaper.

Korea however could be worse but will see when it’s officially confirmed.

EDIT : it was all fake - Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1) - #3910





Round Length: 973mm
Round Weight: 19.7kg
Projectile Length: 703.6mm
Projectile Weight (with sabot): 7.35kg
Projectile Weight (without sabot): ~4.4kg
Penetrator Length: 590mm
Penetrator Material: Heavy Tungsten Alloy
Penetrator Weight: ~4.2kg
Muzzle Velocity: 1700m/s (L/44)
Velocity at 2000m: 1580m/s (L/44)

556mm @ 0m (0) - 1700m/s
497mm @ 0m (30)
325mm @ 0m (60) - 650mm LOS

514mm @ 2000m (0) - 1580m/s
460mm @ 2000m (30)
300mm @ 2000m (60) - 600mm LOS

South Korean APFSDS

105mm K274N APFSDS
250mm @ 2000m (60) - 500mm LOS

120mm K276 APFSDS
300mm @ 2000m (60) - 600mm LOS

120mm K279 APFSDS
350mm @ 2000m (60) - 700mm LOS

Hello, person who originally made that suggestion here. The thread was taken down after they had to have two mods permanently on it because of erm… “inappropriate comments towards user’s life” being a constant, in which I asked them to take it down since the point was pretty clear.

Originally, I did not particularly care if SK was added as a subtree to Japan, and I say this as someone who is Korean. However, the OP @보지사냥꾼 makes a very good point in stating that any subtree would kneecap the further development of Korean vehicles in this game, and would otherwise dilute the Japanese tree. If you look at my activity history, I play Japan vehicles the most. I’m only interested in seeing Japanese vehicles/prototypes fill the gaps in the tree, not in Gaijin putting in any half measures to be lazy. I’m rather sick of copypastes being used to fill gaps, even if they come under the guise of a subtree addition.

While I am sure others have done so already to an extent, I’d like to more substantially refute the claims made by some like @ChieftainWarrior , in a more civil manner. Claims that he is racist are rather ridiculous

  1. NK and SK only have geographical relations
    Obviously the OC admits that they have historical relations. However these relations go on for thousands of years; NK and SK are both descendants of a single nation that existed on the penninsula for several centuries: Joseon. Just because attempts at reunification have not materialized thus far, this should not negate the historical connections. NK and SK have infinitely more in common with each other than any neighboring countries. I don’t know why the fact that the countries not have reunified yet should be seen as countering their cultural relations. No one here is saying that East and West Germans are a completely different peoples after being split for several decades.
  2. He also goes on to list UK-South Africa, Sweden-Finland, and Italy-Hungary. He insists that there is a formula where subtrees “are given to nations with at least 1 of these traits”. I fail to see how NK and SK fail to satisfy the close, geographical and historical relations metric he uses for Sweden-Finland and UK-South Africa. I would argue that the relations of NK and SK are exponentially stronger than those two relations, let alone Italy-Hungary. For example, the Swedish language is an Indo-European language whereas Finnish is Uralic.
  3. Just because nations are not allies does not mean they should be precluded from a tree. This is a facetious argument. Why are Czech vehicles in the Italy tree, even thogh Italy was a member of the Axis which supported the invasion of Czechoslovakia? That argument makes no sense.
  4. There is already precedent. The Chinese tree exists as the sum of two constituents: PRC and ROC. Whether he likes it or not, this tree is already is the game, so it should not be surprising if there is a United Korea tree. And, PRC and ROC succeed in the formula he set forth; they share both historical and geographical ties.
  5. The US and USSR do not need any subtrees. This should not be up for debate. These are nations that have( or had) immense military-industrial complexes. The different variants and protoypes made by each nation means thousands of possibilities for each.

My problem is that OC claims to be a purist and is following a formula for which nation gets which subtree, yet refuses to follow that formula when it checks out for NK and SK


Thank you @Noveos_Republic for responding in a bit more of a civil manner.

I still think you’re wrong though, and you might have misinterpreted what I was saying.

Yes, my full quote was “NK and SK only have geographical relations, as well as (obviously) historical, but we all know both of them are not pushing significantly for reunification (actively threatening to go to war with each other) and neither have any shared technology.”

I was referring mostly to the modern day. North and South Korea once being united doesn’t mean much in game-terms, as they weren’t united at the time the tank was even invented.

I am not negating the fact that they have a long, deep history. Of course they do. But it is irrelevant in terms of technology in game.

No, and I am not saying North Koreans and South Koreans are a completely different peoples either. I just don’t think they fit well together for a tank (or plane) tech tree.

I don’t know if Gaijin has a formula but it’s how I perceive it. It seems to be the most logical set of 3 traits, at least to me.

Ah, but you’re conflating cultural similarities with technological ones. Yes, South and North Korea are culturally a lot more similar than, say, white British people and black South Africans. But, again, this is irrelevant for the game.

Sweden and Finland have had military cooperation and co-developments, and are part of the same geographical and political area, and are close allies. This makes sense.

Britain ruled over South Africa, but, in the late 70s-90s from which South African vehicles in game are from, Britain and South Africa cooperated in their development. For example, South Africa’s Olifants are from exported Centurions, and the Rooikat prototypes used the 17 pounder. Etc etc.

North and South Korea have not cooperated on anything militarily. They have no joint technology, nothing. Their vehicles are radically different from each other. They have genuinely zero similarities. This is my main point of contention.

I also only said this: “ either a) close technological relations or b) close international/geographical relations.”
I specified international (by which I also mean political)/geographical relations, a mix of both. They also don’t have this, as they’re de jure still at war.

Which Czech vehicles? The М53/59 is in the Soviet tree, the S-199 is in Israel, the Moderna is in the Soviet tree (granted it’s Slovakian, but they were united during the period you’re talking about), etc. I could be missing something but I was under the impression there aren’t any Czech vehicles in the Italian tree?

Yes. I agree. I don’t like this but it is how it is. I can’t argue with that.
They do share historical ties, and geographical, but they’re quite similar to Korea in that regard. They’re hostile to one another and don’t share technology. Like I said, if trees were expanded (to have more than 5 lines), I would prefer if someone like the US got Taiwan. But that likely won’t happen for a while (and ideally also requires lots of minor trees to also be expanded so it’s not so unfair).

To some extent yes but see my above answer. I’d like massive trees but that’s unlikely. Perhaps a new mechanic could be added for sub-trees outside of main trees, but that require main tree progression (i.e. to research Taiwanese vehicles in their own separate UI section, you need US rank IV or something). But that’s not part of this discussion really.

To my knowledge, I am following my formula pretty well.

I know you created the suggestion, however yes the suggestion went downhill as many players as you mentioned where against it (still remember the voting) but didn’t know you requested that.

i’m all for adding a south korean tree if you can get enough vehicles to actually make it a full tree (by the looks of it you have).

However it is done, as a standalone tree or a sub tree of japan, I don’t care, it’s a video game.

I just want the vehicles added with a large enough pool of supporting vehicles to make playing them worth a damn. i don’t want Israel 2.0 with nothing but MBT’s and no support vehicles.

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I agree with your assessment. Korea being a subtree of other nations will only limit what Korean vehicles will be added to WT. There is still a bunch of Japanese vehicles that WT refuses to add to Japan that may just be prototypes but we just all collectively somehow ignore the completely fictional Ho-Ri Series.