Removed/Ahistorical vehicles

I know there’s been quite a few arguments over this, and I’ll probably get some hate for it, but I think War Thunder should consider reintroducing some hidden vehicles.

Almost 5 years ago, The Tiger II 10.5, Panther II, and Flakpanzer 341 were all “hidden” from the German tech tree for never being real. This left the German tech tree with a 6.7-7.3 gap, but after the BR changes from a bit ago, that has increased to a 6.7-7.7 break (except for 2 AA’s). There’s also not too many replacement vehicles that Germany had developed between 1945 and the 1960’s that would possibly fill the gap.

At this point, a vast majority of players don’t have these hidden vehicles, and those that do perform extremely well in them. On the other hand, the Soviet tech tree has a dozen or so one-off prototypes that are kina cracked, so I think it’s only fair that Germany gets a few of them for a short time (probably alongside the Maus).

Japan is also suffering a similar issue, with its tech tree having a few fake vehicles, and nothing to replace them with.

I have seen multiple CC’s and other players saying it should come back, so I have a couple of solutions:

  • Bring them back sparingly every few years, and only make it available to those who a) currently have the Maus, or b) have a vehicle in rank V researched.


  • Use convertible RP to “unlock” the selected vehicle, then show it in the tech tree off to the side. I’ve been consistently playing for about 4 years and have more than 15 million convertible RP, so a cost of 5-6 million each to unlock them, with research afterwards could also work. (Eligibility for this should probably be closer to being able to research a vehicle in rank VI or VII).

In general, though, it would be cool to see some other prototypes, especially late-war US ones or the abominations of tanks Syria has made.

With this in mind, what do y’all think? Would the requirements need to be stricter? Or should Ahistorical vehicles have never been considered?


There is no gap for Germany currently.
Delisting of Panther II and 105 didn’t cause one either as they were 6.7.

Soviets don’t have any fake vehicles currently and never had.

Japan’s will be delisted when replacements are added.

problem gaijin hates german prototypes and glazes russian objects so you wont see any german ones but youll definetly see more russian and american prototypes


here we go again, the Ho-Ri was under development with its gun being one of few remaining that was being tested and is not fake, the R2Y2 V2 and V3, are artistical designs however the R2Y2 V1 were based on documented information that they were considering making the R2Y1 a Jet engine aircraft.

This is never cause there are no solid replacements for the R2Y2’s V2 and V3. The V1 has evidence that cements its place.

lolwat? That’s an overt lie.
Zero German prototypes have been delisted. Maus comes back every year as the sole semi-delisted prototype.

There are replacements for R2Y2, and they will come.

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Oh really please by all means provide me those so called “Replacements”.

Kawasaki P-1, ~7.7 in air RB; bomber.

Kawasaki P.1 is 4 times the size of the R2Y2 and lacks any defensive means to provide any relatively needed support. Making it an incredibly rigid aircraft that would not be able to be flexible enough to provide any substantial support. Gaijin has also already in the past responded to this saying it would not be a good replacement. Multiple times.

Also, where are the 2 other replacements->Plural?

Thanks for confirming that it’s a replacement.
Also they didn’t comment on P-1.

they refuse to add actual german prototypes but add russian objects a dime a dozen


Once again, I did not, I argued that your claim consists of a nothing burger. So where are these so-called “Replacements” you only named one that was suggested.

Another lie; they add German prototypes constantly.

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please not as many as the russians and there no where as near as the russian ones object 292 268 279 for examples

They literally just added a German prototype in the Zerstorer 45 in Alpha Strike. Meanwhile all Russia has gotten for the last few updates are SPAA and premiums.


The last prototype they added was the Ostwind II, based on a Newspaper article, as well as the 2 cm Flakvierling 38 L/65 auf Flakpanzer IV Möbelwagen.

The last prototype they added was Zerstorer 45

Incorrect name. The Zerstorer 45 was this and that’s 4 3cm cannons.


they added 4 russian objects very recently and are adding more constantly and as i said early how in anyway does that compare to lets say object 268 and 6.7 is3 basically

gaijin likes mucking with german prototypes so they dont look historical