Remove the Weisel 1A4 from Simulator 6.7. That's stupid. Gen 3 Thermals is stupid at WW2 Sim

That is the issue with this game in GRB as well.People will say that War Thunder is not historical.If not then what exactly are Gaijin trying to simulate?

Forgot, but it still doesn’t change the fact that it has Thermals, which does not make fighting it in many vehicles fun.

It fights Jacksons. That’s not fair.

Simulator has BR sets which make it more reasonable and believable. A Wiesel 1A4 fighting a Jackson is just completely stupid. It can’t even happen normally.


Gen 3 Thermals fighting Jacksons and 5.0 aircraft.

Ammo box and very fast.

Does not matter when it hides behind bushes and shreds light 5.3 vehicles and every aircraft in existence in SIM.

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So to make one scout work, you need a competent teammate with whom you are actively communicating with? That’s not saying much lmao

Which can kill it with the .50 at any range and is frontally immune to the Wiesel despite being a rather fragile TD.

Same/close enough autocannon as the Ystervark, SUB I-II, AMX-10P, USH 204, TPK 6.41. Far as I know at least some of these also see those aircraft.

Then don’t be in a light vehicle or don’t be unaware. Any other 20mm rat tank can do what it does and there’s no shortage of them. It’s also obnoxiously loud so don’t hold W and you’ll hear it coming from a mile away.

Gen 2 Thermals make a massive difference in that equation.

Those AA don’t have Gen 2 Thermals, which basically act as a Radar. You literally cannot do anything against it. I’d know, I own it.

Oh right. Solve the issue of a 1980 tank being in 1942 matches by not playing an entire two classes of vehicles and all aircraft. Nice Solution.

Thermals in a WW2 SIM Match

They don’t have Thermals and are not nearly as fast as the Weasel.

It’s certainly not louder than a Jagdtiger. And what does it matter? It has a laser range finder AND thermals in WW2 SIM. Do you not see the problem here? Most Countries are stuck with Dusters and the Germans already have the Kugel Blitz. Why should a 7.3 vehicle see 5.0? That’s stupid.

Much of the time you are killed by things you cant see in this game though so the old no armour argument is moot much of the time.Its just time travel stupidity and one thing that really lets this game down.

The Germans already have the Kugelblitz. They do not need a Thermal Light/SPAA Super tank when the Allies are stuck with Dusters and Hellcats in those matches. It’s silly and, quiet frankly, not fair to anyone who isn’t using it.

Even worse? The PT-76-57, and 8.3 Overpowered Soviet Autocannon tank with the penetration of a Tiger 1 with a LRF can see King Tigers in SIM.

It’s stupid.

That is the game though sadly ,no era separation

Era isn’t the problem in General, it’s just SIM. SIM matches have a specific set of years they’re supposed to cover. That’s literally why the Israeli Sho’t at 7.7 can’t be used at the same SIM level as the identical British Centurion Mk.3.

Era is the problem because if a player is hi jacked by a Puma or M18 they have no issue. If they are smashed by a vehicles from the 80s while playing a WW2 tanks they moan like f**k .Plus not having certain things seriously puts you at a disadvantage in tank war fare.
The BR really is a game killer later on.

Not exactly. I can handle an M-51, M56, Bulldog, or M50 because it doesn’t break the immersion. A Wiesel 1A4 with Thermals, LRF, and an extremely potent 20mm gun zipping around or camping while slashing your teammates left and right does not make anyone happy in WW2 Sherman BR Sim. It’s insanely stupid.

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That is the same as what I said ,breaking immersion? Era separation? Same thing from different approaches. What you say about the Wiesel one could say about the Asu 57 or the numerous Italian fast light 70s vehicles that ruin 6-7 BR for those playing the Tiger 2 or Pershing.

OK so there is nothing sim about sim but there is very little left that is realistic in GRB.
If we are asked to respect Arcade for what it is then fine but how about the game makers respect the other level for what they are?

I would play a Sim with just one tank vs another if it was a good sim based game.I would play a hand full of tanks each side for a good immersive GRB.

You can keep the comedy meme tanks for Arcade.

Yup. Panzer 46 + NATO versus Soviets and China in Midwest America doesn’t make much sense

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You can only suspend disbelief. If you stop to think about what you are actually playing then it crumbles big time.It just seems to get so much that it loses me at 6-7 BR now. WW2 vs Modern rubbish ,and I say that because I am at least old enough to remember much of it being in service still.The maps have no bearing on the vehicles sadly.
Even a fantasy China vs US on a later ruined map would be fun but we have a map set up in Hollands holiday area instead. WW2 tanks running over VW Golfs FFS : )

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How are these not breaking immersion lmao.

May I remind you that M-51 has the same gun that AMX-30 uses.

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I guess the issue is what to expect you should face in a SIM game.With my outlook SIM is where I should be but I have no interest in getting banned because I killed a friendly Sherman while playing as Germany or got killed by a 1970s tank while using a WW2 legend. What is that simulating exactly?

I can do realism, I can do a bit of fun and I can do fantasy scenarios but can somebody tell me exactly what War Thunder is doing please?

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I don’t play ground battles higher than 3.0-4.0 because of fancy circus happening there.

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and? how is this related?

its called 6_1 by the way.

you almost made me feel like the thermals shoot you