Remove the map borders because it hinders gameplay

I think the reason Warthunder doesn’t allow the basic feature that 99% of games already have (choosing what map and gamemode you play) is due to the profit they get from premium, and the already sensitive playercounts. There’s not alot of wiggleroom in matchmaking, another division in the players would lead to even longer queue times.

I mean giving us the original maps before they ruined and edited them would not really affect the game negatively in any way, people are still going to play and que for the maps.
All it would do is add variations in the already limited map rotation and terrible map layout were now forced to play . They have plenty of wiggle room when it comes to maps as well as the design of the maps which they have made much much worse with their edits . The edits they made to them has made them stale and the game is worse off for it . They all seem to be turning into corridor shooter with small flat hills with no wiggle room to flank or use any other play-style aside from head on confrontations .
Top tier 8.3+ is in dire need of bigger maps yet they have made all the maps smaller by reducing the playing area as well as moving the spawns closer then they were before which is stupid especially once you start approaching 8.0+ BR where you want bigger maps.

Sorry them not having a lot of wiggle room is bullshi* the matchmaker in ab/RB at any tier is pretty much a instant que with no wait time, there would be no division among the playerbase if they added back the original maps into rotation. Or if they let us vote what maps we want because according to the roadmap changes they care about the players opinion right ? The original versions of all the maps were more balanced and better gameplay wise then the terrible edits they have done to them in my opinion . Having a plethora of map choices available would help and not hurt the game.
If people want instant action they have Arcade mode for that, they should stop bringing the Arcade playstyle into RB which used to benefit people taking time to learn the maps and their vehicles strengths/play-styles.

It’s not the more maps, it’s players choosing which maps. Also most BRs do have very low or instant queue times, but there’s still a few areas like 6.7 ARB on America that can have upwards of 5 minutes with 120 players in queue. It’s rare, but still happens and Gajin hates it.

I dont think that’s a map issue then again I have not really played that BR or anything lower then 8.0 in a long time.
Let me rephrase, fine they dont have to give us the choice to pick and chose but why not throw the original maps back in rotation? Why not ask the community to vote if they like the new map edits they made before implementing them or forcing them on everyone at every BR ?
Hell I already pretty much ALT/f4ing or leave the match anytime I get a version of a map or one of the new maps with the new changes they made that are terrible, im sure others do the same . Giving us more map options wont affect the que times.If a certain BR or map is actively being avoided by players there is a reason for it, I personally think the map edits they made were with good intentions but they went about it the completely wrong way. Seems like they had someone edit the maps without any actual in game experience on how the map dynamics work at different BRs and it shows .

Yeah I really don’t know why they don’t return old maps, or remove the crappy ones like Mozdok or Severesk

Why not use the existing division that already exists, by making premium account get (among other perks) unlimited map bans?

Such a feature would get me to re-subscribe to it, hands-down. There are too many bad maps, or bad versions of good maps, that I simply do not want to see, and am willing to wait for good matches instead of. I no longer hardcore grind anything, as that was bleeding out the fun far too much.

Mozdok is actually good, Seversk is frankly better than say Sweden, Iberian Castle, or a lot of other pure cities.

Gajin’s response to allowing more map bans is it would have less diversity in gameplay or smthn like that. it’s what one of the Steam discussions moderators said when som1 made a discusion about it.

Honestly I like Sweden. My only problem is the large open area in the center, and the cement bricks don’t provide enough cover. I prefer city maps over most sniper maps as flanking is far easier on them.

And the counterargument based on what I proposed - most MMO titles with optional “elite status” subscriptions typically see 5-20% of the playerbase actually using said subscription over significant time periods.

Thus allowing premium account users to have infinite map bans would hardly affect the general population all that much.

The problem with cities like this is that if someone else goes the same furthest west/east side of the map, it becomes a defensive standoff of who gets bored enough to move. Whoever is fastest to reach meme-worthy camping corner first and shuts off their engine wins.

yeah, but try telling that to Gajin. They will probably just ignore what you say like they do with 90% of suggestions. There’s many suggestions to add prototype American SPAA to fill in the massive 2.7-.9.0 gap, but none of them have been passed to the devs even months after being made.

Why can’t Gaijin just be more transparent and add the reasoning of why a change was made to a map.

They do it sometimes, but others for example:

Carpathians — position in the upper part of the border between the D3 and D4 grid squares in the rocks near the capture point on the hill has been blocked.

Why is this needed? It’s not on any side that overlooks the spawn, and now just creates one least way of accessing the hill.

WT doesn’t allow other game modes because they result in 1 pot.
Planeless Ground battle aka one way battles.

Most suggestions are simply not there or poorly summited for more gamemode variety. The last time they tried doing something cool it was poorly implemented(WWM), and built because it lacked vital components which was communication on the field to the commander of battles that were continuously occurring because of that disaster they just stopped bothering with it.