Remove the kill cam!

Why do we have a “Kill Cam” anyways? The only thing this feature does is allow the opponent you just killed to come back and kill you? What If I don’t see how I am killed I can protest it?? YA good luck with that!

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You can disable it in the settings.


If you camp same spot after enemy kills - you are the reason you die. Not kill cam.
All that kill cam needs is to show tank at the moment of killing you without showing what he does after.


Not at all, if you flank the enemy and catch them off guard, they now know your location because of the kill cam. Even showing the impact of the round instead of from the point of firing gives away your direction. If you have a good position, the kill cam will always compromise it.


I think they could at lesst remove the environment from kill csm. If you are behind a building, hill, tree, hull down or what ever the position is, the kill cam will give away your precise position

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By that logic you would have to remove hit indicator also since its a dead giveaway of relative position.

While we are there, remove the hit animation that tells you that you’ve destroyed their barrel or breech, or tracks, I mean it looks like an x-ray hacks already that you can tell which crews got hurt from the blow lol

The killcam shows the attacker’s location. The hit indicator shows the attacked’s hit position/damage. Not at all the same because if I see where I hit you with the hit indicator then I already know you are there because I fired at you. Regardless, remove them both from RB, it will only enrich the experience and make more of a separation between arcade and realistic modes. I am all about removing visual cues that aren’t required in realistic modes. I believe that realistic should not have such things like hit indicators that show damage to an enemy or similar things. That is an arcade feature in my eyes and doesn’t fit in the realistic mode.

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Imagine just driving your tank on map and get one shot. You dont know who shoot or where he is. You just explode. Sounds fun?

Anyway here are some stuff from gamedesign theory. Not that you care but for others…

Necessity. To ease frustration, make players understand why they died in games where time to kill was very close to 0. To alleviate camping.
Curiosity. “How’d he do that?”

The KillCam shows a player’s death from the perspective of the killer. It is displayed in the view of first or third person, whichever is the last that the viewer spectated in, the default point of view being first person. The KillCam is useful for identifying how the player was killed, identifying possible hackers, or to locate enemy positions.

Instant replays (or Killcams) can help the player understand how their character died during a game. They can be very useful in competitive scenarios to visualize the position of the instigator at the moment of your death, so they will play an important role in your game design if you decide to bring them in.


So you can see if someone’s cheating and where you got killed from. It gives an advantage.