Remove R-27ER

You can find the source of this nonsense?


I just provided you with a source. Phazotron-NIIR will name the radars after their development teams. Its also a way to refer to specific radars without confusion.

Something you are really confused about. Soviet & Russian Radars.

Of course, You cannot answer with any shred of proof because 90% of what you pretend to know is entirely made up.

Take some advice for once:

Just because you can read & write in Cyrillic, does not make patriot nor does it make you an expert in anything Soviet or Russian.

I asked for a source preferably an official document

You cannot even show me a single unofficial source to any of the made-up variants you just ran your mouth about boy.

You demand an official document stating how development teams are split and named after the Radars they develop at OKB-339??

Who do preferably need it signed by to authenticate? Leonid Brezhnev too? Or the Ghost of Stalin?

Neither Brezhnev nor Stalin claim the name of a particular technique.The burden of proof is on you.Because you haven’t proven anything.

Right… So why are Russian radars made after 2012 able to utilize the Ukrainian R-27 sold in 2021+?

I guess Ukraine just happens to know whatever alleged alterations to the missile so it can be used right? No… Receiver is receiver. The computer tells the missile what frequency the radar will be using and how it is encoded… the missile is identical except the booster to the standard R. All radars that can fire the R-27R can use the R-27ER. This is the basic fundamental method from which this modular missile was built. Spewing three + comments full of nonsense and not answering my question will not prove anything nor will I allow you to steer the conversation away until you’ve provided some semblance of proof or justification for the absurd claims. Making more absurd claims doesn’t do anything for you.

What did they allegedly change in the R-27ER that precludes it’s use on the standard N019?

Can we just like…

Make this stop though
Like goddamn just move on and agree to disagree-


It’s a throwaway thread it can go on as long as it needs without perturbing other discussion threads.

Maybe wrong thread but whats the weight difference of the f4e radar and f18 radar?

You are an individual that cannot understand what he reads & tried to push Ukrainian propaganda on the War Thunder Forum. Please just stop replying to me. Use someone else to give you attention.
You will always refuse to acknowledge the exact technical explanations I posted numerous times of the Ukrainian Artem’s R-27ER as well as the R-27ER. Because you need it written in purple crayon.

They Ukrainians also claimed their version of the ER is better than the Russians… I love how you are trying to also push wild conspiracy theories that all of Russia’s allies are somehow lining up outside with money hand of over fist for a dead technology & missile Ukraine is trying to use as an argument why they need American Aim-120s…

Because a Ukrainian propaganda website told you? Right…

You still refuse to acknowledge that your Ukrainian propaganda website does not like the R-27ER anymore & is complaining by name about the R-27ER… Titling the article quote:

Dogfight Between Ethiopian Su-27s, Eritrean MiG-29s Shows Why Ukraine Needs F-16s

Instead of acknowledging their own military design failures & poor technological investments in producing their own a domestic missile the ARTEM’S R-27ER & “modernization” of a Mig29MU1 that has zero effect against Russian forces that use the R-77s & advanced Flankers…

This Ukrainian website rather point to the Ethiopian Eritrean war 1998 as a way to tell the world the R-27ER is trash, the Vympel & the Russians lies about the performance, therefore you should all give us the Aim-120 & F-16s…

Why can’t they just simply point to their own tactical defeats using an obsolete missile they spent the late decade developing the Artem’s R-27ER that was carried out by the "Luch State Design Bureau and the Artem State Joint-Stock Company???

Why can’t Ukraine just admit they failed in missile design & failed at modernizing an airforce that can ever stand a chance again the Russian Federation? They sure are happy to talk about exporting their missile. Just not too proud of using in combat, right?

The same website says the R-27ER & R-27 is trash…as well as the Su-27SK… Vympel the manufacture & Sukhoi are lying too?

Found the ruski propagandist, gentlemen

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That is trying to remove the R-27ER from all Russian aircraft besides the SMT & Su27?

Nice pull.

Excellent observation, would your name also happen to be Sherlock Holmes?

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I never saw the document that H019 is called Rubin

Herlock Sholmes, thank you very much.

Anyways its this I was pointing to. Exaggerating russian success and ‘techniclogical superiority’, despite them suffering extremely heavy losses.

APG-65 weights around 140-150kg without racks, as for the AN/APQ-120 i couldnt find any solid number but all documents i looked indicates it was lighter then previous radar that was installed on older Phantoms, thats how they got rid of good amount of weight, gained extra space and managed to install M61 cannon under the nose.

Also F4F ICE uses APG-65Y which is special modification for Phantom, might be heavier then regular APG-65.

New code designations for N/V developers were introduced in 1976/1977… RLPK in a simplified form was developed under the cipher Amber, in the full version Rubin… It used to be on the English version of the Fazotron site…

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So you’re going to continue avoiding the question and instead you’re gonna pretend like you’ve answered it? You haven’t. How does the R-27ER differ from the standard R-27R that would preclude it’s use on the N019?

They are literally identical with the exception of the motor. You have done nothing to show otherwise. Nothing. Try again.

Artem sells their missiles to export customers using Russian made radars. This wouldn’t be possible if Russia had made some weird modification to preclude the ER’s use on earlier radars such as forcing it to use specific encoding or frequencies only usable with the newer radars.

Everything you’ve been saying is nonsense and you won’t pull the conversation away from the absurd claims so you’ve really got two options. You can continue avoiding the question or you can admit you were wrong.

My personal opinion, I might want gaijin omitted R-27ER/R-27ET on MiG-29 from 3 countries (USSR, GDR & HuAF) for next major update except Su-27S, J-11 & Yak-141.

And give R-73/R-73E on 3 MiG-29 (MiG-29 9-12A, MiG-29 9-12B & MiG-29 9-13)

I predict R-77 replacement R-27R/R-27T for next major update. and R-27ER/R-27ET replace by R-77-1 on MiG-29SMT (9-19) in Q4 this year or Q2 2025

A website is not a document